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[View] discuss view related issues

Now the question is about progress face. I dumped my progress face 
and see there also text atribute. But 
		mapDwnlProgr/text: "Test"
		show mapDwnlProgr
does nothing.
So for what is used text atribute in progress face?
You cannot see the text attribute, unfortunately, because it is covered 
by a subface, the blue progress amount.
If we set the font color to white and move the subface a little bit 
we can see the text.
view layout [progress 200x50 "hello there" font-color white with 
[data: 0.6 append init [pane/offset: size / 5]]]
Mmm, you could do it like this:
view layout [progress 200x50 "hello there" font-color white with 
[data: 0.6 append init [pane/offset: size / 6 pane/effect: [merge 
alphamul 128]]]]
But the text is still partly obscured by the blue progress.
I wrote my own progress style to overcome some of the default's limitations.
I used one face and used the draw dialect to draw the blue progress 
amount. It should be more efficient because it only uses one face.
(and face/text is rendered over the top of draw dialect graphics).
do http://www.lexicon.net/antonr/rebol/gui/demo-percent-progress.r
There was some work on a progress in "RebGUI" group arround 24-nov-2005.

For those who don't like setting Altme message limit too high (sync 
bug) there is :
Save it to your %Altme\ folder for easier use.
Thanks, Anton and DideC!

It seems, that there could be make very interesting progress indicators 
by the Rebol.

In this case I made it in simplest way - just put over progress one 
of text styles.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rebol\View\Home = d:\anton\dev\rebol\view

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rebol\View\Sandbox =d:\anton\dev\rebol\view
Sandbox goes into view-root, if I recall correctly.
I set them to the same path to get the "traditional" rebol behaviour, 
public cache under the same program directory.
where is user.r being looked for by default?
In view-root, I believe. But you can just try experimenting with 
the two paths to see what happens.
Also check system/options/home and system/options/boot
well, exactly ... that is a mess however ...
now print this, send this to novice user, he will be disgusted. We 
forgot things should be simple ....
Not as bad as you think. It's quite simple, really. I just can't 
remember exactly, so I'm not being precise right now.
not as simple, as what happens if you have user.r in your .exe placement 
dir - will it be used instead of the one placed in the cache?
user.r is not used in the cache. Public cache is determined from 
view-root but that does not mean it *is* view-root.
public cache is at view-root/public/
PATH-THRU defines where the public cache is:
>> ?? path-thru
path-thru: func [
    "Return a path relative to the disk cache."
    url /local purl
    if file? url [return url]
    if not all [purl: decode-url url purl/host] [return none]

    rejoin [view-root/public slash purl/host slash any [purl/path ""] 
    any [purl/target ""]]
I also don't believe RT fixed installation process, if it can ever 
be fixed. You install for one user, then for another, that is ok. 
Now one of them tries to uninstall. The icon in "control panel/uninstall 
sw" will be removed, so you can't clean the system from the cache 
of the secondary user ...
There you see "view-root/public". This is the basis for all the public 
cache functions, LOAD-THRU, READ-THRU, EXISTS-THRU? etc.
Why is cleanliness of uninstallation so important to you right now 
? I don't see thousands of requests from new users of rebol saying 
"how do I cleanly uninstall rebol ?" Uninstalling by hand is pretty 
easy too.
Loooong before this issue is solved, I hope many other things are 
because I hate soft which leaves trash on my hd ...
... because of one reason - I am an admin - I try millions of softwares 
... really my machine is full soon enough with unneded files here 
or there, you would not believe it. And I thought that rebol can 
get it right. It does not. It may mean one thing -maybe MS has it 
implemented incorrectly and they are to blame, but we support this 
model ...
This means that the OS should provide standard ways of installing 
and uninstalling. But a good installer/uninstaller hasn't worked 
its way to be the standard yet.
Because of one stupid registry item in IOS, it dowgraded the quality 
of the product for me for 20% at least, because of headaches which 
it caused ...
How did it do that ?
easily ... IOS refers to the dir it is installed into ...
it practicall does NOT allow 2 or more IOS clients to coexist on 
your hd ...
Just trick it by updating the registry key before launching it.
once you install new client into different dir, or you even move 
your current set-up to USB pen (which would be VERY cool feature), 
it screams that you try to start it from different location ... and 
once you ignore it, it syncs to original directory, not the one you 
copied to USB
we asked RT for years for the slight change, but it was not heard, 
or just - ignored ... when I saw guys experimenting with .bat (cmd) 
idea of removing the registry entry with some small util before you 
start IOS, I said enough, unplugged IOS, period ...
now I understand Jaime's frustration .... IOS, as a top commercial 
product, was left completly unsupported ... I will neither use nor 
sell dead-end product ...
Well, it must be doing it somehow. :)
But why give up, but then continue to complain about it ?
Just don' t use it, if it doesn't do what you want.
well, it sits somewher on feedback, somewhere in rambo, - how many 
times I should submit it to not sound as a broken machine? (which 
I am, repeating my complaints anyway :-)
I decided that it wasn't open enough, and here I am, not using it 
very much, and quite happy with my decision.
well, to not sound so anti-IOS - main obstacle is the lack of source 
codes for me to translate into czech, or even more languages. Simply 
put - wrong model. I suggested RT to do IOS-SDK, for the price of 
IOS, so ppl could do some changes ...
RT wants IOS more to make money. That's obvious. If you can't come 
up with the goodies, you just have to accept that as part of life. 
Not all problems are solvable.
but well, then we heard, IOS 2.0, somehow joined in effort with Coop, 
Altme2.0, whatever they are, will address some things, but so far 
there is no single pointer into what actually will or will not exist 
as a product. AltmMe moved to Qtask imo, Coop I don't know what it 
was supposed to be about, IOS 2.0? :-) Who knows ...
after all, imo with either Uniserve or Beer, you could develop kind 
of rmp protocol in month or two, maybe with not so strong security, 
but .... at least with fixed red-icons problem ;-)
Why worry about it ? You will always be frustrated if you are waiting 
for software that has only been spoken about.