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[View] discuss view related issues

Cyphre is working on a pie chart library for Qtask. Ask him.
;Robert, should be easy enough to do a script based around these 
examples from the draw docs
view layout [
	box 400x400 black effect [
		draw [
			fill-pen red    arc 200x200 90x90 0   90 closed
			fill-pen green  arc 200x200 90x90 90  90 closed
			fill-pen blue   arc 200x200 90x90 180 90 closed
			fill-pen yellow arc 200x200 90x90 270 90 closed

view layout [
	box 400x400 black effect [
		draw [
			pen white line-width 2
			fill-pen red    arc 204x204 150x150   0  90 closed
			fill-pen green  arc 196x204 150x150  90  30 closed
			fill-pen blue   arc 180x190 150x150 120 150 closed
			fill-pen yellow arc 204x196 150x150 270  90 closed
Allen, yes I got it working already. Thanks. I even mastered the 
label positioning.
Be aware of linebreaks:

data: [
    18 cyan
    22 blue
    15 green
    20 yellow
    10 purple
    54 magenta

sum: 0
foreach [val color] data [sum: sum + val]

plot: copy [
    pen black

total: 0 ; we start at 0 degree
foreach [val color] data [
    angle: 360 * val / sum
    repend plot [
    	'fill-pen color
    	'arc 125x125 90x90 total angle 'closed

   'text 'anti-aliased to-string val 125x125 + to-pair reduce [110 * 
   (cosine (total + (angle / 2))) - 5 	110 * (sine (total + (angle / 
   2))) - 5]
    total: total + angle

view layout [
    box snow 250x250 effect reduce ['draw plot]
Nice Robert. maybe Gregg can update this into the docs?
[unknown: 10]
Does anyone have a clue when rebol 'draw will support fonts in Linux?
I recall there was a script to upload pics to website. I think it 
was used for the Devcon images. Anyone know if that is available?
[unknown: 10]
I lost a little the track regarding 'ASYNC.. I understand that 1.3.x 
will not have kernel 'async support in /view but Carl is talking 
in his Blog about /async handler..Is that a special /core beta? or 
is it from Gabriele's async handler? who can help me out here..
I fnid that only 1 /core binary from Jan 2005 uses async .no further 
involvement in other /core binary's ?
Which Carl's blog entry are you talking about ?
As far as I know, the new async core was tested and then removed 
before View 1.3 and hasn't come back yet.

(We still have async modes available in the old core.) Check this 
document I made when the issue was hot:

As far as I know, the async model was only present in one single 
alpha version of Core that came out in late 2004. Due to design flaws 
in this model, the async kernel was not used in 1.3.
[unknown: 10]
aaa oke a flaw... Right thanks for the info
aa thanks anton..
I found thisone... pritty intresting although only for that specific 
/core... (http://www.rebol.net/docs/async-ports.html)
It was not so much that there was flaw. But that it introduced a 
new set of issues on how to create programs that behave correctly. 
Because the async mode could interrupt any excuting sequence.
And because there were so many other bugs in the core. The decision 
was to fix to bugs, and have a stable version that have nail as many 
as possible before introducing the async event model.
[unknown: 10]
I got some good info from Antons page, great summary anton thanks... 
I think I know what to do now ;-)
On antons page was an issue regarding 'TRAY ..man o man..have I seached 
long for that info ;-) finaly found it too!!! great !!!
Rebolinth, glad you found it useful. I don't understand what the 
'TRAY issue was, though.
What is 'tray?
[unknown: 10]
systray.. ;-) putting rebol in the systray...
has anynoe an example on how to alpha-blend the main rebol/view window 
using MS-windows ? Is that possible at all ?
ah ok.. but didn't find "tray" on my page... ?
Possible on WinXP (and 2000 I think), yes.
can't find an example right now... but better to ask in the "Windows" 
[unknown: 10]
no..no... I found it on your page ;-) its in your system-modes document..
Ok, cool. :)
What could cause font script(encoding) change from f.ex. baltics 
to western  when downloading and running scripts on other computer.

In this case I am getting language specific symbols displayed like 
the font encoding scipt is Western while I need Baltics.

At the same time I had no problem, when I called the same layout 
script in office.
Problem appears when I am at home connected to office via VPN.
Rebol view console font encoding script is set to Baltics.
missing font?
Is there anything I can do about the "no 'wait in view handlers" 

I try to use an sqlite call in a button, but sqlite uses wait internally 
a few nested waits are usually no problem. maybe
sqliting?: false
button [

 either sqliting?[alert "sqliting already"][sqliting?: true sqlite 
 sqliting?: false]
;if your user clicks very fast.
hmm, the alert adds another wait, view/new?
My script looks like this

view layout [
   title "Address"
   name-list: list 300x400 [
      text bold 400 [

         person-info: first sql rejoin [{select * from person where guid like 
         "%} face/user-data {%";} ]

         ;person-info: ["1" "ingo" "hohmann" "static test" "" "" ""]
         vals: get person-disp

         repeat i length? person-info [insert clear vals/:i person-info/:i]
         show w
   supply [
      count: count + cnt
      face/color: ivory
      face/text: none
      if even? count [face/color: ivory - 50.50.50]
      if none? v: pick list-data count [exit]
      face/text: reform [pick v 4 "-" pick v 2 pick v 3]
      face/user-data: pick v 1
   sld: slider 16x400 [
      c: max 0 to-integer (length? list-data) * value
      if c <> cnt [cnt: c show name-list]
   w: box 400x400 with [pane: layout address/make-person-lay]

If I click on a list entry, it's like all other entries are removed 
from the list. Wherever I click I always get the same entry, if I 
move the mouse over the list, all other lines are emptied when the 
mouse moves over them.
Using the static test-data everything warks fine
I don't think this is an sql problem, but a list problem.
(and also not a problem of WAIT)
I suspect your INSERT CLEAR may be causing a problem.
What's person-disp ?
person-disp is an object, which contains the strings to be displayed 
in my layout.
I get data from the database, copy it into person-disp.
with doing clear insert  the string keeps bound to the layout
I now don't think that's where the problem is occurring. Will make 
a stripped down list.
I just tried adding a wait in there, and it still works. So you are 
right, it's not the wait ...
It's a string copying issue somewhere.
What happens when you copy/deep person-info ? eg.  person-info: copy/deep 
first sql ....
I couldn't reproduce the problem with this:
list-data: [
	["" "hello"]
	["" "there"]
	["" "Ingo"]
	["" "Hohmann"]
cnt: 0
view layout [
   title "Address"
   name-list: list 300x400 [
      text bold 400 [

         ;person-info: first sql rejoin [{select * from person where guid 
         like "%} face/user-data {%";} ]

         ;person-info: ["1" "ingo" "hohmann" "static test" "" "" ""]
         ;vals: get person-disp

         ;repeat i length? person-info [insert clear vals/:i person-info/:i]
         ;show w
   supply [
      count: count + cnt
      face/color: ivory
      face/text: none
      if even? count [face/color: ivory - 50.50.50]
      if none? v: pick list-data count [exit]
      face/text: reform [pick v 4 "-" pick v 2 pick v 3]
      face/user-data: pick v 1
   sld: slider 16x400 [
      c: max 0 to-integer (length? list-data) * value
      if c <> cnt [cnt: c show name-list]
   ;w: box 400x400 with [pane: layout address/make-person-lay]
So the problem must occur in the commented sections somewhere.