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[View] discuss view related issues

Thanks Gabriele, didn't even know that draw is a function which can 
be used stand-alone. (thanks to Geomol of course as well :-)
[unknown: 10]
Im getting all the time the same errors from /view anyone 
kows if thats a known problem?
** Script Error: Invalid path value: dirty?
** Where: evt-func
** Near: if all [
    event/type = 'down
    not within? event/offset win-offset? system/view/focal-...
>> unview
>> system/version
It always happens during events with the mouse.. like drag and drop 
up/down while dragging out of the window etc..
Maybe you use custom faces not based on 'VID-face but on 'face object, 
so there is some "properties" missing in your faces.

This code is from the global event handler and handle field/area 
loose of focus :

	 probe system/view/screen-face/feel/event-funcs
View set system/view/focal-face to editable face only (field, area).

So if you use it for other type of face that did not have 'dirty? 
property ==> Error!
[unknown: 10]
The exmaples are from the new /view doc ;-)
But ill fixed it by baking my own... But now i have system crashed 
useing 'merge as effect...
What example?
[unknown: 10]
Well strangly enough it doesnt always happen.. i was testing from 
this document -> http://www.rebol.com/docs/view-system.htmland example 
10.4 Iteration Example

 does crash.. probably an minor error somewhere... did not check it..
But it have to be said once agani once every year ;-) "Rebol Rules" 
Seems to work OK here.

Are you sure you don't have any special things in your %user.r file?
It's usually a things to check.
[unknown: 10]
Well now you mentioned it.. I had a look and its stuffed with 'Steel 
configurations.. Let me remove those ;-)
Who created the Images in the document http://www.rebol.com/docs/view-system.html
 ??? I mean the Data-flow images...can the person in question please 
contact me ;-)
Because I wonder if they where made with the draw dialect? If so 
then i would like to know how.. Im unable to immitate that effect...
I think they were from Carl or his son. Just a guess. Non-rebol.
dideC:  thanks!
steel !!!  wow that's a long time ago!  ;-)
[unknown: 10]
When does this happen -->
** Script Error: Not enough memory
** Where: wake-event
** Near: show main
Im using Layout where im appending panes into layouts.. But i dont 
think thats the problem... The problem is resizing an 'effect to 
negative numbers... like a box from 0x0 500x500 to ->  -50x0 -100x100 
...and only using it in the Engage event... Odd?? anyone an explanation 
perhaps ? This is Linux /rebview from SDk262
>> ? system/stats
SYSTEM/STATS is an integer of value: 6544927

x     3667  6.1  1.2  15192 11684 pts/1    S+   20:48   0:04 rebview 

x     3668  0.0  0.0   4404   868 pts/1    S+   20:48   0:00 rebview 

x     3669  0.0  0.0   4404   876 pts/1    S+   20:48   0:00 rebview 
Sorry !!.. i dont use layouts in this exmaple...onyl 'faces
Sounds like a bug. What is the effect block which shows the error 
[unknown: 10]
By the way... Is there any news on the Right Text Formatting inside 
Rebol? Will it be in? or is there a special project for RTF ?
AFAIK RTF is ready, but I'm afraid we have to wait for R3 :/
[unknown: 10]
owww oke.. well yes I have read the concept from Carl in his Blog.. 
So thats probably then also the release that will be inside R3.. 
..oke lets wait..
not only concept, but Cyphre has also code ready, only it's not integrated 
in View :/
I would really like to see that roadmap .... and discuss it here 
- what waits for the new branch, and what goes into 2.x .... VID 
is still incomplete and misses some show-stopper styles like grouping, 
tabs, drop-down is ugly like hell
[unknown: 10]
Yes "roadmap"... We are all very currious regarding a roapmap and 
status indicator of all the running projects.. I have asked Carl 
if it would be possible to publish sush an indicator for the public.. 
It seemed a good idea to him...so lets wait and see if that can bring 
us more insight ;-)
don't be so inpatient. as Carl said on 3rd March and Gabriele on 
14th March, roadmap is just couple of days away.
[unknown: 10]
Im not waiting for anything Im still trying to understand all of 
rebols concepts.. so i enjoy the time being ;-) New releases are 
always a surprice to me..Its like a small gift in a box when that 
happens.. ;-)
[unknown: 10]
Question regarding 'draw and 'face..

What is adviced .. Im currently creating faces what will later be 
stored as pictures i.e. PNG.. 

No should I start already using an IMAGE and draw on that or create 
faces and draw on that?

Im not sure what is more efficient in relation to flexibilty of creating 
images regarding delete and create of faces inside faces or creating 
/ deleting images from/inside images..
What is the application to do ?
(by the way, RTF = *Rich* Text Format)
[unknown: 10]
yes thanks.. Im a blind Horse on my new keyboard..sorry..
coming back to the question.. In both cases of my program the output 
will always be an image.. so should I start drawing already on an 
image of should i use faces and convert those to an image?
so ... what is the application to do ?
[unknown: 10]
oke a small extraction of it... You draw something.. I.e. you draw 
a circle.. (I know do that with a face and a 'draw effect) but when 
i look at the Paint-Program from the Old Draw manual its done directly 
on an image.. That Circle can grow in size and shrink in size or 
even be deleted..can change color... can have overlaps.. anctualy 
think of it as a drawing too with interactive drawings.. (Though 
the output is always an image because the result is saved as an image...No 
framework is saved in rebol code..)
Well, if you want to keep a long DRAW block, you can modify the parameters 
and change/delete commands. Every time the face is refreshed, however, 
that draw block will be executed. This will become slow eventually. 
So once in a while you will want to render the result into an image 
and clear the draw block. This is as simple as  face/image: to-image 
face .
[unknown: 10]
thanks anton..I now have to think ;-)
yes and keep a block to the draw which created it so you can play 
with it later, if you want  (undo, history, etc).
Yes, do you want full history like Photoshop ? (Not that hard to 
do, really, except the styles which need to be created for the user 
interface will be time consuming).
[unknown: 10]
Mmm well depends..currently I do some delete of the faces ... but 
not xxx steps back..
Ill try the image way... Like the idea ;-)
[unknown: 10]
Im lost in tuples...
Rooky: how do i get this thing to become a tuple ? -> rejoin [ random 
white "." 64 ]
whatever i try it stays a string..
what are you trying to do? can't you randomize a tuple directly?