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[unknown: 10]
the complete website has a new layout too ;-)
ill have a closer look
[unknown: 10]
Mmm still no luck on making 1 face transparent when it moves over 
another face..
I tried different thinks but no result on transparentcy with color.. 
Or its 100% transparent or not ;-)
Anyone any hint ?
The idea is to have 1 face to be transparent in its own color so 
the face below it get visable..
you need MERGE in the effects block
older versions (i.e. 1.2.1) didn't need it
[unknown: 10]
merge ? Mmmmm lets investigate that ;-)
Well im not quiet sure what you mean Gabriele..
Its not as simple as it seems after all..
it must be possible to have 1 face turn into transparentcy when it 
moves over the other face. Not 100% transparent but lets say 60%...
odd ;-)
Playing with alpha channels requires some skill and experience. ;~>
Can you give us a quick snippet that demonstrates how you attempting 
to create the transparency and how the faces are being moved over 
each other?
What Gabriele mean :
View layout [box 300x300 help.gif at 40x50 box 200x150 effect [merge 
colorize 128.128.255]]
AFAIK It's not possible to set the transparency amount (alpha) between 

Maybe, you can approximate transparency with 'gradmul and 'gradcol 
View layout [box 300x300 help.gif at 40x50 box 200x150 effect [merge 
gradmul 1x1 100.100.100 100.100.100]]
'gradcol = I mean 'colorize. But may be 'gradcol can help too. Depand 
what you want to do.
View layout [box 300x300 help.gif at 40x50 box 200x150 effect [merge 
gradcol 1x1 100.100.100 100.100.100 ]]
i do not know if this is what you need, but exists also an alphamul 
[unknown: 10]
DideC... thanks for the Tip.. But thats a 100% undocumented feature!..I 
cant find it anywhere ..hehe..
I think i need to explain it again...Its very simple actualy...
I do a a: make face [ ....... color: something text: '"OK" ] and 
a  b: make face [ .... ]
Face B moves over Face A.. and Face A has the Word '"OK" ... I like 
to see the word "OK" Through Face B while im dragging Face B over 
Face A... Therefor Face B can be transparent in its own color not 
100% transparent...
With an IMAGE it NO problem... but with 2 faces i simple dont get 
it working...
I thought Its impossible too! .. But thats strange because its that 
difficult  feature...
I read something in Carls Blogging that from the AGG project there 
was a Vote over 4 tupple RGB colors... with the last tupple as alpha 
bending/ transparentcy option? Or did i not understand it quite well..
I just think its not possible..as DideC mentioned...
;Try this:
view layout [
    text "Testing..." black white
    box "drag box" 50x50 effect [merge colorize green] feel [
                engage: func [face action event] [
                        if action = 'down [start: event/offset]
                        if find [over away] action [

                                face/offset: face/offset + event/offset - start
                                show face
[unknown: 10]
In the positive way ;-)
So whats up with the 'Merge , where is it documented ?
Lets see if i can rebuild your exmaple into mine...
Aaaaaaaaaa works fantastic !!!!
1000 times thanks!
although i still need to find the description of 'merge
Notice that it is actually COLORIZE that is handling the transparency, 
Merge enables it.  Colorize is ADDING color so any dark colors behind 
the face are not going to be very colorized...
[unknown: 10]
yes you told me yesterday but then i could not get it working... 
so its the merge...
aaa im helped very well thanks !
Yesterday I had forgotten about the need to MERGE...  You're welcome!
I were trapped by 'merge needs 2 years ago. So I can't forget it 
No doc that I know off, except some messages in ML may be.
ie: http://www.escribe.com/internet/rebol/m27679.html
[unknown: 10]
Thanks for seeking ;-)
AH..that note for Holger is one for the FAQ!
Updated http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/facets.html(section 5.9) 
with above information / references.
[unknown: 10]
Another issue ;-) perhpas someone hace a quick hint how to handle 
it ?
Saw this entry in the cookbook... http://www.rebol.net/cookbook/recipes/0056.html
[unknown: 10]
I have 3 faces...all 3 of them i like to drag & drop.. But the face 
that currently is dragged need to move OVER the other faces..not 
under! So how do i make the current face float over the others ?