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[View] discuss view related issues

Simply put, what I say for few years - web browser is not browser 
anymore. It is a "container" for various technologies, and it will 
become central point of app development in the future.
Very, very, cool.
And already showing off a lot of stuff the rebol console *isn't* 
doing.  The browser is the platform, windows API + Xwindows API + 
Carbon/Cocoa are headed out... http://blog.pavlov.net/2008/03/11/firefox-3-memory-usage/
Anyway, just wanted to put forward these ideas.  I am looking at 
what Qtask has done and getting a grasp on their methods... was just 
wondering if there was any push to make those methods more mainstream 
as a replacement for REBOL/View in the standard download.
what isn't rebol console doing? You have to be kidding, no? Our console 
can be even used in full screen, navigating ...
Well, watching what you type and suggesting things you might try 
in pretty out-of-band places, being the most prominent aspect.  :)
If they wanted to, they could make that console take up the whole 
screen, and put a button there to let you do so.  The browser would 
allow it.
but that is surely not Ruby console, right? :-)
I'm just talking about leverage...
So you never probably tried rebol reflectivity and self inspection? 
leverage .... Bzzz ... loading vocabulary :-)
The language is not the point, really, just the point that if new 
users downloaded REBOL and got something like that instead of a REBOL/View 
window, they'd say "oh, snap!"  :)
btw - some old nice stuff for you - times when Jeff Kreiss etc. were 
part of RT ... http://rebolforces.com/
so what do you prefer? Getting rebol console not knowing what to 
do, or getting simple console with "Type desktop to start the Viewtop." 
and visiting visual world with plenty of examples and demos to run?
But I do agree that having that directly in browser is kinda cool.
Well, I understand your position well, I just try to defend REBOL's 
position. We are trying to get things right for R3, we are just not 
yet there ...
Well, point being, I don't have a whole lot of use for REBOL/View 
because I don't care for native apps.  And as far as I'm concerned, 
REBOL could drop windows and mac support for REBOL/View and just 
run in a virtual linux machine with a lightweight X-windows.  I'm 
a big believer in VMs.
(and letting those VMs do the work, rather than port: http://hostilefork.com/2007/11/03/virtualization-and-the-integrated-circuit/
(Nice thing about making your "one version" linux is that then people 
can download pre-configured VMs with the software installed and not 
worry about licensing of windows or os/x )
In any case, thanks for listening... again, I'm just trying to understand 
the direction.  It sounds like you're suggesting a distribution of 
REBOL could be made which did not include bind to the host's native 
GUI but targeted the browser/server/UI and had dialects for that.
Maybe REBOL/view's dialect or a subset could be used for that, even...
I do appreciate there are applications that don't belong in a browser 
at this point (e.g. World of Warcraft, some 3D modeling, etc.) it's 
just that REBOL seems more like a text processing / messaging language...
But AltME does seem like it's playing catch up to the likes of Meebo 
I'll look at cheyenne... TTYL
catch-up to Meebo? Only hardly. Are they secure? :-) Lot's of spam 
there, just basic toolkit awailable. Typical ajax rich-app wannabe.
Well, I just wanted to give a non-Qtask example.  I don't know how 
secure AltME fundamentally is compared to, say,  Gmail.
I guess time will tell, but my only point is that if the effort had 
gone into a web-interface-compatible view dialect instead of targeting 
native then REBOL might be quite popular today, it would also be 
easier to deal with things like UNICODE in the interface...
PHP is a nightmare and got popular because they made it easy to write 
web apps.  Er, at least easy to get started with a hello world web 
app, and people pushed forward from there.
Gmail is not https?
there will be some attempts into generating 1:1 html VID interface 
me thinks :-)
Is that secure enough to compete with AltME's security?
If I got some Finnish hackers and gave them a task to hack into my 
gmail account vs. my AltME account by watching my wireless network 
traffic, would you bet $10,000 that they'd hack Gmail first?  :)
I don't know whether it's right or wrong, I just know that people 
aren't investing in GUI dev anymore for conventional "forms based" 
apps unless the form engine is a browser. Speaking broadly, here.
I am no security expert, but how they can easily hack https? Or is 
that an irony? AltME should, in theory, be secure :-)
I'm no security expert either, that's why I was asking!  But I guess 
I am just saying that native programs don't seem to be to me in the 
long run a security benefit over a web-based one... thus I'd take 
security out of the argument for why REBOL/View would be better than 
REBOL/WebView.  It could be made to use https out of the box, I guess..
What I dislike on the web though, is the fact than once you try to 
do something more complicated, you involve some monstrose js libraries 
which are bigger than rebol itself. The whole concept does not sound 
well integrated to me. But never mind - web 2.0 will offer better 
support for offline apps - Google Gears, Mozilla's FF3 attempt, etc.
Well, such arguments could be applied to Windows or any other infrastructure 
that REBOL is running on.  You could always write straight to the 
video card, go past the drivers... hack the BIOS... :)
Windows installation, more or less bare minimum these days, for XP 
SP2 is over 4GB
Well, don't shoot the messenger... as I say, I do believe in good 
native apps, just don't think it's where REBOL can "win".  Of course, 
success is up to each person to define.  For some it means making 
the thing the way they wanted it, and I understand that notion well.
Programming is not all practical, some of it is art form, and people 
have different ideas of what makes "good art".  One person will like 
the forum chat that is 2KB of source because it is 2KB of source, 
even if they can't select text and then get a right click context 
menu to copy it to the clipboard :)
That doesn't matter to them because of other assessments of elegance. 
 I just feel that my own aesthetics of what is elegant or inelegant 
are being redefined by the likes of Gmail.  I sort of don't care 
how it works when I decide to like t, I use it and notice its nice 
properties.  That gets me to the next question when I assess a new 
development platform, I ask: "how can I make something as good as 
that using your tool?"
If the answer is "you can't make something that good without a lot 
of work, but you can make something else that's not as good rather 
easily!  here's how..."  then my interest wanes, because I am only 
interested in the case of matching the best of breed programs I've 
seen.  Right now those are increasingly web apps.  And I think they're 
winning because of what I referred to vaguely as "leverage".
Too much to read, so the answer to my question might be up there 
somewhere. If it is, just point me to the time of the answer, and 
I'll look it up, but here goes:

Fork, what is in your opinion the benefit of having the application 
inside the browser?
Many things taken care of automatically.  If you like AltME but do 
not like Gmail or say Freebase, you won't agree... http://freebase.com/view/en/carl_sassenrath
Pekr has an aesthetic argument against the idea that the platform 
of the future would have lots of bloated javascript powering its 
behavior.  I am just being more practical, and don't understand why 
I would care about how much javascript is implementing the UI any 
more than I'd care how big the windows GDI DLLs are.  What matters 
is the dialect... the rest is platform I'm willing to ignore how 
it's done.
I've also argued that if I've got a browser loaded anyway (I always 
do) then REBOL having its own layer over the native services for 
REBOL/view might be smaller but it is academic at that point, as 
both are running.
I guess we could talk to Reichart and see how much time went into 
developming AltMe. Then we could find out how much time has gone 
into gMail, along with how many technologies are used in each, for 
both the front and back ends. Obviously the scale of things skews 
direct comparison.
Well Reichart believes what I am saying, hence Qtask... I am looking 
at the source and just pondering why they are solving this instead 
of having it be the general emphasis of the REBOL interactive environment, 
in the basic download people get off the web.