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Graham 13-May-2008 [7734] | oh .. I'm sure i copied it off someone else :) |
amacleod 15-May-2008 [7735] | Where did you find grahamchat.r. Its not in the library. |
Rebolek 21-May-2008 [7736] | The difference between random and random/secure: img: make image! 512x512 repeat i 512 [ repeat j 512 [ either i < 256 [ if 2 = random 2 [ img/(as-pair i - 1 j - 1): 255.255.255 ] ][ if 2 = random/secure 2 [ img/(as-pair i - 1 j - 1): 255.255.255 ] ] ] ] view layout [image img across text "RANDOM" tab tab tab text "RANDOM/SECURE"] |
Gregg 21-May-2008 [7737] | Awesome Rebolek! You always come up with great visualizations. |
Rebolek 21-May-2008 [7738] | Thanks Gregg, actually it's not my idea, it's based on this article -, I was just curious if there's some pattern in REBOL 'random too. |
Gregg 21-May-2008 [7739] | randomize: func [ "Reseed the random number generator." /with seed "date, time, and integer values are used directly; others are converted." ][ random/seed either find [date! time! integer!] type?/word seed [seed] [ to-integer checksum/secure form any [seed now/precise] ] ] img: make image! 512x512 repeat i 512 [ randomize wait .001 repeat j 512 [ either i < 256 [ if 2 = random 2 [ img/(as-pair i - 1 j - 1): 255.255.255 ] ][ if 2 = random/secure 2 [ img/(as-pair i - 1 j - 1): 255.255.255 ] ] ] ] view layout [image img across text "RANDOM" tab tab tab text "RANDOM/SECURE"] |
Rebolek 21-May-2008 [7740] | great! |
Geomol 22-May-2008 [7741] | Nice view, Rebolek!!! :-) |
Anton 22-May-2008 [7742x2] | Nice! By the way, here's the fastest optimization I could come up with (about 30% faster): |
t0: now/precise img: make image! 512x512 i: 0 loop 512 [ loop 256 [i: i + 1 if 2 = random 2 [poke img i 255.255.255]] loop 256 [i: i + 1 if 2 = random/secure 2 [poke img i 255.255.255]] ] print difference now/precise t0 | |
Graham 22-May-2008 [7744] | amacleod - I don't know where grahamchat.r is either .. but they same should be in synapsechat in the contest entries on viewtop |
Graham 25-May-2008 [7745] | How does one determine how many lines there are of text in an area filled with text? |
Rebolek 25-May-2008 [7746] | height-of-area / height-of-font ? |
Graham 25-May-2008 [7747] | but if the text only partially fills the area? |
Henrik 25-May-2008 [7748x3] | hmm.. can't you do something with setting the caret to a large position and read the position that way? |
with offset-to-caret | |
unless it returns the index of the string and not a pair. | |
Graham 25-May-2008 [7751] | I'll try that ... wonder why the area just doesn't track the number of lines |
Henrik 25-May-2008 [7752] | can't remember if the way it formats text is native. it probably is. |
Graham 25-May-2008 [7753] | What I am trying to do as in the video i posted on the rebgui channel is to open the area just enough to show all the text .. no less, and no more. |
Henrik 25-May-2008 [7754x2] | if you have fixed width or height, you could make a face of that fixed with or height with the text in it with the same font as for the area. then you can with SIZE-TEXT get the size back of the required size of the area. BTN does this. |
the face you are using should be of quite large height or width, depending on what you want to size the area on. SIZE-TEXT bases the size of the text on the visible amount of text in the face, so if the face is too small, it will use the face size and not the text size. | |
Graham 25-May-2008 [7756] | I fetch the text asynchronously ie. I don't have the text at the time I construct the layout .. oh well... |
Chris 25-May-2008 [7757] | ; You could make the text face dynamically each time: make-textbox: func [width [integer!] text [string!] /local textbox][ textbox: make-face/size 'text (width * 1x0) textbox/text: :text textbox/size/y: second size-text textbox textbox ] |
Gregg 25-May-2008 [7758] | Does the line-list facet hold it? |
Gabriele 26-May-2008 [7759] | open the area just enough to show all the text - size-text ? |
james_nak 27-May-2008 [7760x2] | Amacleod and Graham, my apologies for the two week delay. I don't know where I got it either now though it was written by Didec with Notes: "Code abstracted from altme offline reader by Graham Chiu and used for this chat client". I just saw the Graham part when I first saw it so I thought he had written it. Of course the cool thing is the scrollable boxes work great. |
Nope, can't find where I got it from. : ( | |
amacleod 28-May-2008 [7762] | Can you post it again. I would like to have a look. |
Rebolek 11-Jun-2008 [7763x2] | I recently found this on my HD and as I'm not sure I've ever posted it somewhere, I'm posting it here. Do what you want with it. do |
Also check this small GUI experiment: do rearange the effects using drag'n'drop, duplicate effect whit green "o", remove them with red "x" (that's not good idea, as you cannot add removed effects back) and set their values with knobs, check box and color-picker. | |
Henrik 11-Jun-2008 [7765x4] | nice. could it be simplified? |
if we could get that color wheel in along with the sliders and a storage for colors, that would be nice. | |
(I'm considering that colorwheel for R3 VID | |
) | |
Rebolek 11-Jun-2008 [7769] | Thanks, it could be simplified, I've added the preset paletes so one can get consistent color shades, but it can be easily removed. |
Henrik 11-Jun-2008 [7770] | what's the license? BSD? |
Rebolek 11-Jun-2008 [7771x2] | I think it should be much faster under R3. At least I hope ;) |
Yes, BSD | |
Henrik 11-Jun-2008 [7773] | I will post this in the internal VID3 group. |
Rebolek 11-Jun-2008 [7774] | but I may change to MIT or even PD. It's been sleeping on my HD for 1.5 year without any usage :) |
Henrik 11-Jun-2008 [7775] | are there any known bugs in it? |
Rebolek 11-Jun-2008 [7776] | Just that the precision of picking color in the triangle is limited. You can test it if you try to move the picker to one of the edges and you will see that the sliders won't go to min/max values. There's some rounding involved, missing decimal pair! and of course, to be really precise, the color wheel should be at least 256pixels wide. But you can alwas finetune using sliders. |
Henrik 11-Jun-2008 [7777x2] | do you directly read the color in the triangle or calculate it based on the cursor position? |
(the latter might give increased precision, I think) | |
Rebolek 11-Jun-2008 [7779] | I was reading the color from the triangle but there's difference between calculated value and value from the gradient so now I'm calculating it from the cursor position. There's some comented code to show you the difference between both methods. |
Henrik 11-Jun-2008 [7780] | ok |
Anton 11-Jun-2008 [7781] | Very nice work, Rebolek! Nice GUI elements used; I like the rearrangement method used in the list of effects, and I see you've done some nice rotate knobs. |
Graham 14-Jun-2008 [7782] | Anyone got a simple busy animation I can use with draw? |
Henrik 15-Jun-2008 [7783] | Not sure it isn't broken though. Never used it. |
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