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[View] discuss view related issues
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Henrik 15-Jun-2008 [7784x2] | I see certain things I would have done differently today. :-) |
do view layout [a: wait-image tog "Wait for it" [either value [a/start][a/stop]]] | |
Graham 15-Jun-2008 [7786] | nice |
Henrik 15-Jun-2008 [7787x2] | I remember not using it, because it didn't work with networking somehow. When View doesn't receive events, it can't work. |
If you're using BEER, maybe you don't have that problem. | |
Graham 15-Jun-2008 [7789x3] | I |
I'll try it out after dinner | |
Actually the images in wait-images can be used for the anim widget in Rebgui :) | |
Chris 15-Jun-2008 [7792] | ; Similar idea -- copied the Apple busy style: do view layout [bsy: busy black do [set-face bsy true]] |
Henrik 15-Jun-2008 [7793] | very cool |
Chris 15-Jun-2008 [7794] | Trying to figure out how it works again : ) Same problems with events though... |
james_nak 18-Jun-2008 [7795] | I picked up an Asus Eee PC with XP on my latest vacation in Japan. Rebol runs quite nicely. The relatively small resolution has caused me to redo an app. Is there an "easy" way to do screen resizing? Is this something best left up to 3.0? I could in a pinch enclose the screen I have in a scrollable pane set to limits of the Eee PC, I suppose. Thanks as always in advance. |
Gregg 18-Jun-2008 [7796] | Romano and others have done resizing systems for R2. They can work very well, without tooooo much more effort than normal |
Chris 18-Jun-2008 [7797] | I did one interface once where all sizes (components and text) were set relative to the layout size, though it was intended to run full-screen. Not sure that's applicable... |
james_nak 19-Jun-2008 [7798] | Thanks. I will look those up. |
BrianH 19-Jun-2008 [7799x2] | I have done a resixing system for R2 that is intended to be incorporated directly in future versions. It can be used as is now though. |
resizing | |
james_nak 19-Jun-2008 [7801] | BrianH, is it something that is available? |
Jaymer 19-Jun-2008 [7802] | hi. I run View in Win XP. My script is very simple... blk: load %/c/input.txt foreach url blk [if not find attempt [read append url "cvap"] "Nothing found" [browse url]] and a line in the input file is something like this: So, I want to search for "cvap", and it appends that to the URL and I search the result string and if it DOES NOT say "Nothing Found", then I open that URL so I can visually examine it. It works 95% of the time, but sometimes I get the following error: ** Script Error: find expected series argument of type: series port bitset ** Near: if not find attempt [read append url "cvap"] Any ideas how I can fix this? thx |
Chris 19-Jun-2008 [7803x3] | If 'attempt fails, it returns none. |
Which breaks 'find. | |
You could do -- attempt [find read append url "cvap" "Nothing found"] | |
BrianH 20-Jun-2008 [7806x2] | James, I'm clearing the licensing to post it on It's already in DevBase. |
A variant of this resize code will probably be incorporated in future versions of R2. I am just waiting for the R3 VID to settle down so I can retrofit its resize model into the code. | |
james_nak 24-Jun-2008 [7808] | Brian, You da man. While I was waiting I decided to throw it into a panel but only use that capability when I run the app on my EEE PC. BTW, I tried some of the other resize code that was posted and it works well but not with my app and it's not that big of a deal to warrant hunting down why. Thanks. |
Janeks 25-Jun-2008 [7809] | Hi! How to upgrade rebcmdview with newer version of Rebol? I would like to make an app with tray icon and menu, but the original rebcmdview shows: ** Script Error: Invalid argument: tray ** Where: set-tray ** Near: set-modes system/ports/system compose/deep/only [ tray: [ add main [ help: getTextByLang "Truck messaging" menu: (menu) ] ] ] While the newer rebview works good with tray, but lacks ODBC support. |
Henrik 25-Jun-2008 [7810] | Janeks, have you checked the download directory for win32 here: |
Graham 25-Jun-2008 [7811] | |
Janeks 25-Jun-2008 [7812x2] | Thanks! Now with version cmdview2706.exe it works. Looks like I had an too old version before (rebcmdview13131.exe) |
Is it possible to unview console window in rebol-view? F.ex. if I want to show some output and then close it so that program still continues. But it looks like better is to use some custom window face, so that there will be no risk, that user will close/quit accidentaly program by closing console win. | |
Henrik 25-Jun-2008 [7814] | no, you can't. |
Janeks 27-Jun-2008 [7815x3] | I have one slow connection to nySql database by using ODBC. Why operations on that pauses also my face events? If I have many sql queries to be done than interface of my application stays unresponsive ( no reactions on any clicks on buttons, tray menus etc.) |
Ah - it's clear - it is waiting on when they will be finished. | |
Hm... but is it possibe to do so that interfaces is keeping to be responsive while another function/task is running? | |
Dockimbel 27-Jun-2008 [7818x2] | Not easily. You have to launch another REBOL process, send it the request, let it do the blocking calls to ODBC then send back the results. |
Btw, why are you using ODBC to connect to a MySQL server ? | |
Janeks 27-Jun-2008 [7820x2] | Yes - know that you will answer that! ;-) |
Quite old story, I had command version and not yet knowledge about Softinov mySql driver, and I used it to access also MsSql | |
Dockimbel 27-Jun-2008 [7822] | And you had some issues with the /Command version, I guess ? |
Janeks 27-Jun-2008 [7823] | What issues you mean? |
Dockimbel 27-Jun-2008 [7824] | /Command has a MySQL driver built-in, as you're using ODBC, I'm just guessing that the MySQL built-in driver didn't fit your needs. |
Janeks 27-Jun-2008 [7825] | I needed it for very simple tasks, so it does what I need. But I did not yet tested f.ex. speed. |
Dockimbel 27-Jun-2008 [7826] | ODBC adds some overhead compared to a direct driver. |
Janeks 27-Jun-2008 [7827] | But I used Softinov in other apps. The new version is very nice. Very easy to code extraction of values from field names. |
Dockimbel 27-Jun-2008 [7828] | Glad to hear that it serves you well. |
james_nak 27-Jun-2008 [7829] | While you're there Dockimbel, I've always wanted to know how one checks for the mysql port being open. Occasionally my apps meet with a closed port and die. |
Janeks 27-Jun-2008 [7830x2] | good question - the same interest me too |
try? | |
Dockimbel 27-Jun-2008 [7832] | answer in MySQL channel |
Gabriele 28-Jun-2008 [7833] | Janeks, you may have missed it, but /Command also has a native MySQL driver (so you don't need ODBC for MySQL). (That's what Doc was trying to say :) |
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