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[View] discuss view related issues
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Anton 18-Aug-2008 [7984x2] | What version of View are you running ? |
I've tested it mainly on View and (in wine), on linux. | |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [7986x4] | ok i ll try with those ones |
i would like to take the last versions of sdk for windows and linux | |
maybe its better if i try with those ones | | | |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [7990] | It sounds like you're running a version of View without user prefs, or with --noinstall or something (check command line invocation). |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [7991] | its the version of view i use |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [7992] | Ok, I'll try that one. |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [7993x2] | -- noinstall ? |
the object exists | |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [7995] | See usage in the rebol console. |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [7996x3] | user-prefs |
but what i used is my old sdk so the version is probably far older | |
i try with this one | |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [7999] | |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [8000x4] | ok i m getting them |
i can use my key to windows and linux ? | |
** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value ** Where: do-facets ** Near: system/script/header/content >> >> refresh ** Script Error: window has no value ** Where: refresh ** Near: show window | |
here are the messages i have with the demo | |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [8004] | Hmm... |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [8005x2] | ok i drag and dropped the script on the view icon and it worked |
hurra | |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [8007x2] | Sorry, I've never used the sdk before... :) |
(except for reading source) | |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [8009] | you dont encapsulate your scripts ? |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [8010x2] | Nope. I'm not into that yet. |
Do you need it to work with the sdk ? | |
xavier 18-Aug-2008 [8012x3] | if you want to do commercial soft it can help :-) |
no finally its ok i think i ll study the widget to see how it work | |
thanks for all | |
Anton 18-Aug-2008 [8015x2] | np |
bedtime for me.. | |
amacleod 19-Aug-2008 [8017x2] | Anton, I notice in your demo-scroll-wheel-handler.r if I add some text to the scroll-panel itself (not in a scroll-area) teh scroll wheel continues to work but you loose page down.up and arrow key function. I guess it looses focus. If you click on hte panel you get it back. Is there a way to retain it without needing to manually resetting it? |
That is if you highlight that text... | |
amacleod 20-Aug-2008 [8019] | On anoher note... Anyone know of any good examples of colorizing (highlighting) sections of text within a face. The word browser mentions caret-to offset and offset-to-caret being used to map text and creating colored or hyperlinked text but the example does not seem to be what I'm looking for... |
Anton 20-Aug-2008 [8020] | amacleod, do you mean adding a TEXT like this: scroll-panel [ text "hello" ] and clicking on the text? The TEXT gains the focus (and can be selected and copied etc.), but since the scroll-panel no longer has the focus it doesn't get arrow keys etc. You could make the TEXT inactive by setting its FEEL to none: scroll-panel [ text "hello" feel none ] or you could modify its feel to route particular keys such as page-up/page-down and arrow keys to the scroll-panel it's in. text "hello" feel [ append last last second :engage bind [ if find [up down page-up page-down] event/key [ face/parent-face/parent-face/parent-face/feel/engage face/parent-face/parent-face/parent-face act event ] ] first find second :engage 'act ] Not particularly easy, but there you go. I have thought about this issue before, but didn't come up with a clear vision of how to handle it properly yet, I think. |
amacleod 20-Aug-2008 [8021] | Anton, yes that is the issue... If you add a "feel none" you can no longer highlight and save to clipboard which is what I need. Your more elaborate 'feel' provides the correct action but is there a way to make this global or would I need to attach this feel to each set of text in a panel? |
Anton 20-Aug-2008 [8022x2] | You could easily restylize text, in a single layout spec, like so: layout [ style text text feel [ ; (feel definition as above..) ] ] or for all subsequent layouts: stylize/master [ text: text feel [ ; (feel definition as above) ] ] |
Note that the feel I've provided above is hardly a general solution. It's likely to work only with my scroll-panel as it depends on knowledge of scroll-panel internals to do its work. It's a quick hack. | |
amacleod 20-Aug-2008 [8024] | That's what I seem to be all about...quick hacks. Thanks for the help. |
Janeks 23-Aug-2008 [8025x2] | I downloaded rebview276 for linux. |
I downloaded rebview (rebview-fedx86.tar.gz) for linux. Simply extracted it in desktop and launched with double click. It worked well some first times, but then it it simply does not launches - double click on executable - nothing happens. | |
Henrik 23-Aug-2008 [8027] | what happens if you try to launch it from console? |
Janeks 23-Aug-2008 [8028x2] | [[root-:-localhost] Desktop]# cd rebol-276 [[root-:-localhost] rebol-276]# dir rebview [[root-:-localhost] rebol-276]# rebview bash: rebview: command not found |
was it right way to launch an app in linux? | |
kcollins 23-Aug-2008 [8030] | You need to type "./rebview" (unless you have the current directory in your path) |
Janeks 23-Aug-2008 [8031x3] | I am trying accustom The Linux. Aha - works now |
But why it worked with double click before but not now? | |
After quiting linux console shows: | |
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