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amacleod 1-Sep-2008 [8084] | I guess it would have required some kind of sign in feature and add too much complexity... |
Graham 1-Sep-2008 [8085] | Rebol is an unfinished work ... |
amacleod 1-Sep-2008 [8086x2] | and many of the tools associated with it... |
On choose functio...never mind I got it to do what I needed... | |
amacleod 2-Sep-2008 [8088] | Is there a way to hold user data in a face. I see a data attribute but is htat only for information about the face or can it be used to store variables that can be retrieved? |
ICarii 2-Sep-2008 [8089] | you can use data: to hold any user data. |
amacleod 2-Sep-2008 [8090] | given data dat how do I store it in button_a and retrieve it? dat: "Bob" button_a: btn "hello" |
ICarii 2-Sep-2008 [8091x2] | button_a: btn "hello" with [data: dat] |
so button_a/data will be for the post build access | |
amacleod 2-Sep-2008 [8093x2] | ok... Got it...Thanks I'm building a panel dynamicaly and need to assign data to the face as its being built. I was not sure of the format: of the with refinement. |
back to choose function... can't get the styl attribute to work. If I want my choose menu to be a certain width what syntax do I use? choose/offset/styl ["One" "Two" "Three"] func [face] [print sec] 'offset' size = 200] ???? | |
Oldes 2-Sep-2008 [8095] | view layout [choice 200x20 "one" "two" "three" [probe face/data]] ;?? |
amacleod 2-Sep-2008 [8096] | sorry oldes... Not vid's Choice button style but the choose function from which its derived. |
Anton 2-Sep-2008 [8097x3] | (The CHOOSE function uses the CHOICE style, yes.) |
view window: layout [ style choice choice 200x50 size 300x200 button "choose" [ choose/window/offset/style ["one" "two"] func [face value][ probe face/text ] window (face/size * 0x1 + win-offset? face) window/styles/choice ] ] | | | |
shadwolf 2-Sep-2008 [8100x2] | soany of you have ideas for the new nale of view ? |
nale = name | |
amacleod 2-Sep-2008 [8102] | new name for vid3.4... |
Henrik 2-Sep-2008 [8103] | no new name has been decided yet |
Pekr 2-Sep-2008 [8104] | the first name was GIDI .... |
amacleod 2-Sep-2008 [8105] | Anton, That works great..Thanks again. I was looking for syntax where you describe the layout in hte function but I guess that's not how its done. Funny how I only saw one example of using choice as a drop down menu system. It works perfect for what I need witout hte any bloat. (unless you need sub-menus this is fine. You can even leave out hte window refinement and the menu will drop outside the main window. Perfect for when you have a need for a menu at the bottom of a window. |
Anton 2-Sep-2008 [8106x5] | and in that case, you would use SCREEN-OFFSET? instead of WIN-OFFSET? to help calculate the offset of the popup window. |
But note, currently in linux, on KDE at least, the popup window has a title bar and borders... A limitation of rebol at the moment. | |
Fresh meat | | | |
do-thru do-thru | |
amacleod 2-Sep-2008 [8111] | screen-offset? I actually figured that one out myself...for once. how about OSX? Does it display properly? |
Louis 5-Sep-2008 [8112] | Does ToSystemTray work on a Linux box? |
Izkata 12-Sep-2008 [8113] | Doesn't look like rebview supports any trays on linux |
Alan 14-Sep-2008 [8114] | . |
Anton 27-Sep-2008 [8115x5] | I've revised (and am still working on) my arrow360 style: |
load-thru/update do-thru/update | |
And here's why I wanted it - I wanted to explore the abilities of TEXT facet rendering, changing parameters in FONT and PARA objects. | |
do-thru | |
(still in development, but you can click and drag the pair-edit fields to see the arrows appear.) | |
Henrik 27-Sep-2008 [8120x3] | neat. I'm looking at it through a 256 color remote desktop. Is there supposed to be a darker box around the arrow? Maybe it's just an artifact of my remote desktop. | | |
Your text-facet-rendering.r gives an error back about 'push has no value. | |
Anton 27-Sep-2008 [8123x3] | darker box: Yes. I'm making the face visible to help develop the face/offset and size calculations, and also to help demonstrate how the arrow360 is implemented. |
Henrik, try this to update some dependencies of text-facet-rendering.r (1-level deep only), then try it again. | |
site: foreach [file words] select load-thru site/doc/text-facet-rendering.r [include][ print file load-thru/update (do file) ] | |
Brock 27-Sep-2008 [8126] | Anton, that's a great style. |
Anton 27-Sep-2008 [8127] | Thanks, Brock. I agree ! :-) It's very useful right now, though to make it perfect I need to do the vector calculations using decimal! instead of pair! to avoid visible loss of precision (when using not-too-extreme parameters). |
Brock 27-Sep-2008 [8128x2] | Graham, forgive me if I am wrong but I recall you made a simple draw program with annotations and undo feature. Did you ever publish it? |
I see Paint.r in the Demo folder from the Rebol Desktop, had you done more work than that? I'm also considering trying something with the vector graphics to allow for drawing of arcs etc. | |
Anton 27-Sep-2008 [8130x4] | Henrik, I can't figure out the reason for the "'push has no value" error you got above. I had an issue with 'push in some other code of mine (dir-utils.r, I think), but there's apparently no push in any of the dependencies of text-facet-rendering.r. The only thing I can think of is that some files are out-of-date, or perhaps you didn't start with a fresh rebol ? What version did you try running ? I've tested on View and on linux. |
I think I got it... hang on.. | |
My .... memory is getting worse. This was a dependency bug I caught and fixed just 7 days ago. :) Please try: | |
load-thru/update do-thru | |
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