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Graham 15-Apr-2009 [8584] | ahh.. I wonder if I can hook into that in rebgui |
TomBon 19-Apr-2009 [8585] | visualisation, does somebody knows how to create a map like this in rebol? a qubic map: some more examples and radial maps of this are here: A hint to a source, algo or raw concept etc. would be nice. especial the calculation how to find and place to the proper position within the workspace is what I am looking for. |
Geomol 19-Apr-2009 [8586] | Have you looked at this paper? It's with explanation, algorithm and everything. Port it to REBOL! :-) |
TomBon 19-Apr-2009 [8587] | great geomol! exactly I was looking for. |
amacleod 20-Apr-2009 [8588] | I'm have trouble keeping an inform window in front of the parent window. All otehr inform windows remain in front but this one will hide behind parent if I clcik on hte parent. All other modal characteristics remain - meaning I can not do anything in the parent until I close the inform window... |
Henrik 21-Apr-2009 [8589] | am I right that an INFORM window can't be used with INSERT-EVENT-FUNC or is there a way around that? |
Dockimbel 21-Apr-2009 [8590x2] | INSERT-EVENT-FUNC is inserting events in system/view/screen-face/feel while INFORM uses system/view/window-feel as window's feel object. |
You can try hacking system/view/window-feel to process events from system/view/screen-face/feel like that (quick hack, untested) : svwf: second get in system/view/window-feel 'detect insert svwf bind [system/view/screen-face/feel face event] first pick svwf 5 | |
Henrik 21-Apr-2009 [8592] | hmm... I don't think I want to do that. I'll do something with view instead. |
Henrik 22-Apr-2009 [8593x3] | there is no window list for ordinary windows, like there is for INFORMs with system/view/pop-list? |
system/view/screen-face/pane seems to be the solution. | |
Doc, it looks almost as if you are right, but I haven't gotten it to work yet, i.e. the feel for the INFORM does not respond like it should. | |
Graham 23-Apr-2009 [8596x5] | I've got this puzzling problem. I have a function that brings up a rebgui window with some elements in it. The elements are defined as local to that function. The function is invoked by clicking on a table element in another window. |
Now if I double click instead in the first window instead of single click to bring up that function, the named variables declared as local are now none! | |
If I don't make them local, but leave them as global, then there is no problem. | |
the double click action is an empty block | |
Hmm. Doesn't happen in VID so must be a rebgui issue. | |
TomBon 23-Apr-2009 [8601x3] | ; I need 100 rows like these both samples with unshared data access for each row. ; I have also tried with stylize/master (panel with) to construct/compose a master ; row like this but doesn't succeed. any change to make this work? list-func: func [] [ layout/tight [across x: text "x" y: text "y" z: progress 0.5 w: box 40x20 effect [ draw arrow blue rotate 60 ] ] ] view layout [ a: box 300x50 b: box 300x50 do [a/pane: list-func] do [b/pane: list-func] btn "set a" [a/data: [x/text: "1" y/text: "2" z/data: 0.8 w/effect: [ draw arrow red rotate 180 ] ] show a ] btn "set b" [b/data: [x/text: "1" y/text: "2" z/data: 0.8 w/effect: [ draw arrow red rotate 180 ] ] show b ] btn "set" [x/text: "1" y/text: "2" z/data: 0.8 w/effect: [ draw arrow red rotate 180 ] show b ] ] quit |
or how to supply data to a standard list containing progress and draw elements like this one above? | |
view layout [ below p-list: list 550x180 [ across origin 2x2 chk: check true a1: text wrap 100 a2: text wrap 100 pg1: progress 40x20 0.5 pg2: progress 40x20 0.2 a3: text wrap 20 arr-1: box 40x20 effect [ draw arrow red rotate 180 ] ] supply [ if count > length? t [face/show?: false exit] face/show?: true face/text: t/:count/:index ;; face/data: d/:count/:index ] btn "set" [ ] ] | |
Gregg 26-Apr-2009 [8604] | LIST doesn't iterate styles that need state (IIRC). I would generate the layout dynamically and put the whole thing into a scrolling pane, unless that ends up being too slow or memory intensive. |
Anton 26-Apr-2009 [8605] | I agree. It's very difficult to make a lot of styles behave properly when iterated by a LIST. (And I've tried, believe me.) It's better to make a window full of real faces and scroll your data through them yourself. |
TomBon 26-Apr-2009 [8606] | thx for direction gregg and anton, will create a custom face for this. |
Maxim 1-May-2009 [8607x3] | anyone had issues with view popups when inserting a custom event-handler? I'm doing something in view, nothing patched, wake event left as-is... I have an inserted an event-handler, and the moment I click on a choice, all the events stop... even time events. I don't even receive events at my handler, so its not a "returning none from event-handler" type bug... any ideas, fixes, similar unsolvable observations? |
this is mighty strange... doesn't seem related to the event handler finally... I commented-out that part of my code and the choice still hangs my app! | |
found it... related to some hierarchichal library loading... which inadvertently ended up loading glayout which replaces the popup handling by its own. so all is good... sorry for jumping the gun. | |
jocko 2-May-2009 [8610] | Is 'image-filter implemented in R2 ? Or is there another interpolation means to improve the display of an image when changing it's size? Of course, I do not want to use external means like ImageMagick. |
Henrik 2-May-2009 [8611] | jocko, only for upwards scaling unfortunately. No, you can't make good looking thumbnails in R2. :-/ |
jocko 2-May-2009 [8612] | I am not looking for thumbnail generation, but for image display with rescaling with fractional zoom factor (let's say between 0.5 and 2.0). When using effect resizing in a layout, the interpolation mode is nearest. Is it possible to set it differently (i.e. bilinear) ? |
Henrik 2-May-2009 [8613] | I'm not sure the View engine supports filtering at all. The DRAW engine does for upward scaling, but not downward scaling < 1. I only mentioned thumbs, because it's a common scenario. :-) |
jocko 2-May-2009 [8614] | ok, anyway, to my opinion, it'a a must for the R3 engine. |
Henrik 2-May-2009 [8615] | R3 does this elegantly already: It's based only on DRAW and all options for filtering from AGG are exposed. It fully supports high quality down and upscaling. :-) |
jocko 2-May-2009 [8616] | Nice ! Another reason to expect a close beta release ! |
Steeve 2-May-2009 [8617] | Hey what are you saying, you can do the scaling you want with Draw... |
jocko 2-May-2009 [8618] | yes for the scaling, but it seems that there is no interpolation (apart from nearest) |
Maxim 3-May-2009 [8619] | is there a definite documentation on the systray support in windows? I have some working code (from Izkata) but I am wondering if there is more to the interface than what I am using. an exhaustive code example could also suffice |
[unknown: 5] 3-May-2009 [8620x2] | I don't even think I used systray in REBOL since going to Vista. So dunno if it works on Vista. |
I would give you what I got but it is in archives as part of my easyserv project long ago. | |
Maxim 3-May-2009 [8622x4] | anyone know how to change the system tray icon dynamically? by this I mean... the winapi calls which play around with that? |
can anyone explain to me why offset on para and font do nothing every I try to use them? | |
I could use the scroll, but since its a field, the moment I enter text, the scroll goes back its default, which is badly aligned with the fields I am trying to get clean \ :-( | |
ahhh I forgot that the para's offset is called origin... its been a while since I've tinkered with VID :-) | |
Steeve 4-May-2009 [8626x2] | Jocko, in R2 if you use effect dialect to resize images, yes it uses nearest interpolation. But draw uses blinear by default. see: img: logo.gif siz: img/size * 4 view layout [ below image img image img siz effect [aspect] box siz effect [draw [image img 0x0 siz]] ] In R3 it's annouced that image-filter supports NEAREST,BILINEAR,BICUBIC and GAUSSIAN interpolation |
We can do a other missing interpolations in R2 wit maths, but it will be slow... | |
Henrik 4-May-2009 [8628] | do A small test I did to compare methods for generating thumbnails in R2. |
Steeve 4-May-2009 [8629] | uh ? they are not done with Rebol are they Henrik ? |
Henrik 4-May-2009 [8630] | The 3rd party ones (the last two) are pre-done. The rest are done with R2. |
Gregg 4-May-2009 [8631x2] | Max, I found some old systray experimental code. No guarantees. |
REBOL [] ; r/3 = 'activate = left-click ; r/3 = 'activate = rt-click+menu-item-sel hex: func [ {Returns the base-10 value of a hexadecimal number.} value [integer! string! issue!] "A hexadecimal number" ][ ; Convert to an issue first, so integers can also be translated. to integer! to issue! value ] make-elements: func [name count type /local result][ if not word? type [type: type?/word type] result: copy "^/" repeat i count [ append result join name [i " [" type "]" newline] ] to block! result ] NOTIFYICONDATA: make struct! compose [ cbSize [integer!] hwnd [integer!] uId [integer!] uFlags [integer!] uCallBackMessage [integer!] hIcon [integer!] (make-elements 'szTip 64 #"@") ; CHAR ] none NOTIFYICONDATA/cbSize: length? third NOTIFYICONDATA ;change at third NOTIFYICONDATA 25 "New ToolTip!" ;probe NOTIFYICONDATA ;halt ;constants required by Shell_NotifyIcon API call: NIM_ADD: hex 0 NIM_MODIFY: hex 1 NIM_DELETE: hex 2 NIF_MESSAGE: hex 1 NIF_ICON: hex 2 NIF_TIP: hex 4 WM_MOUSEMOVE: hex 200 WM_LBUTTONDOWN: hex 201 ; 'Button down WM_LBUTTONUP: hex 202 ; 'Button up WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: hex 203 ; 'Double-click WM_RBUTTONDOWN: hex 204 ; 'Button down WM_RBUTTONUP: hex 205 ; 'Button up WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: hex 206 ; 'Double-click ;Public Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long lib: load/library %shell32.dll Shell_NotifyIcon: make routine! compose/deep [ dwMessage [integer!] pnid [struct! [(NOTIFYICONDATA)]] return: [integer!] ] lib "Shell_NotifyIconA" my-hwnd?: does [second get-modes system/ports/system [window]] set-tray-tooltip: func [struct string] [ change at third struct 25 string struct ] system-awake: func [port /local evt][ if all [evt: pick port 1 (evt/1 = 'tray)] [ status/text: mold evt show status ; if any [ ; (evt/3 = 'activate) ; all [(evt/3 = 'menu) (evt/4 = 'desktop)] ; ] [ ; if not desktop-loaded [ ; link-exec-start-desktop/force ; ] ; ] ; if all [(evt/3 = 'menu) (evt/4 = 'quit)] [quit] ] false ] system/ports/system/awake: :system-awake append system/ports/wait-list system/ports/system view layout [ style button button 200 button "Add Tray Menus" [ set-modes system/ports/system compose/deep [ tray: [ add main [ help: (rejoin ["REBOL/Link" any [""]]) ; tooltip menu: [test: "Test" desktop: "Start Desktop" bar quit: "Quit"] ] add other [ ;help: (rejoin ["REBOL/Link" any [""]]) menu: [test-2: "Test-2" bar quit-2: "Quit-2"] ] ] ] ] button "Remove Tray Main Menu" [ set-modes system/ports/system [ tray: [remove main] ] ] button "Remove Tray Other Menu" [ set-modes system/ports/system [ tray: [remove other] ] ] ;button "Change Tray Other Menu" [ ; set-modes system/ports/system [ ; tray: [ ; change other [ ; help: "New Help!" ; menu: [test-3: "Test-3" bar quit-3: "Quit-3"] ; ] ; ] ; ] ;] button "Modify Tooltip" [ nid: make struct! NOTIFYICONDATA none nid/hwnd: my-hwnd? nid/uid: 1 nid/cbSize: length? third nid nid/uFlags: NIF_TIP ; NIF_ICON ;nid/hIcon: ;nid/szTip: "New ToolTip!^@" set-tray-tooltip nid "New ToolTip A!" ;print mold third nid res: Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_MODIFY nid print [res to logic! res] ] button "Modify Other Tooltip" [ nid: make struct! NOTIFYICONDATA none nid/hwnd: my-hwnd? nid/uid: 2 nid/cbSize: length? third nid nid/uFlags: NIF_TIP ; NIF_ICON ;nid/hIcon: ;nid/szTip: "New ToolTip!^@" set-tray-tooltip nid "New ToolTip B!" ;print mold third nid res: Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_MODIFY nid print [res to logic! res] ] button "Unview" [unview] status: text 200 ] free lib | |
Maxim 7-May-2009 [8633] | thanks!! I'll look into this :-) |
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