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half off the page
or monitor screen should I say
but at least the [Start] button now works kewl
I will just have a read of the subpanel info link you have provided 
Sunanda BRB
(they'd need to be adjusted according to screen resolution anyway) 
this is interesting so waht  could be ok on my screen setup could 
be completely different on someone elses Umm
Screen resolution is easy to get.....And it may be your first foray 
into the 'system object:
      print system/view/screen-face/size
(easy to get, hard to find :-))
True ....I looked at the code when I last used it, otherwise, it 
would have been a long trek through the system object to remember 
the location :-)
IC type the  print system/view/screen-face/size into the Rebol/view 
interpretor & spits back at you your screen res
David, you should take some time to explore the SYSTEM object. It 
is huge, but contains valuable information regarding the REBOL runtime 
K is that info in the begineers tutorial as I do not recollect seeing 
or remebering it
found this http://www.rebol.com/faq.html
You can explore it with a small application called ROAM in the Desktop
I am going to have to disapear for a while dogs need walking again 
& wife wants shopping from town groan domestic choars LOL! Henrik 
A good learning curve, David, might be to adapt the subpanels example.

Once you have sets of controls appearing in the subpanel to your 
satisfaction, you could then go on to do the set dressing:
-- styles and absolute positioning to mimic Win XP
-- default size depending on user's monitor
Then start adding the real functionality!
LO tis me back
The end game is to create a series of routines that will cut a full 
install of XP from Approx 1.5 gig installed to approx 212 mb's specifically 
geared for diagnostics and repair.
Another approach I have been thinking about but will need to be a 
future project when I get some mileage under my belt so to speak 
is to use rebol/view in a similair manner to Limnor (Limnor is basically 
codeless programming) I know was my mouth out with soap & water However 
for newbie's/Lamers like myself if a gui was presented that had most 
of the functionality of rebol/view like field boxes buttons to create 
standard buttons & other routines etc. on the right of the screen 
would be a editor that as the selections was made would build the 
code automatically thus giving the user an illustration as the code 
progressed. in the bottom below the editor could be a help menu that 
would instruct the user as the code was systematically built. something 
like if the mouse cursor hovered over a gui item it would flag up 
instruct info, a help as you go if you like. The program could be 
nearly full gui leaving the task bar available to the user to continue 
having access to windows items. The 1st item could be a field that 
the user inputted a title then work through the items to build a 
gui interface. It would be no good for the experienced rebol user 
 who needs full control of the coding but would give new users a 
kick start to build confidence. You could call it RoboRebol LOL! 
I'm getting ahead of myself but is a concept idea that I think may 
have merit. You guys would have to advise on the practicalities of 
such a venture. Use Rebol/View gui to semi auto write rebol programming
I think it would be a helpful aid for teaching but would also be 
attractive for the new user He or She would see how the code was 
compiled as they progressed
A number of REBOLs write code generators and tools for specific purposes 
along those lines. There have been a few forays into REBOL IDEs as 
well, but none have gone too far. The topic never goes away though. 
R3 has more features for Programming-in-the-large, so it will surely 
come up again.
Kewl others are on the case
EasyVID and EasyDraw are examples of "active documents" that show 
the kind of thing that can be done with REBOL very easily. The Word 
Browser is another. In addition to ROAM, Ammon Johnson and I did 
a prototype system browser based on the way Smalltalk does it. Experiments 
have also been done with popup syntax help and something like Intellisense. 

One of the basic problems is that we don't have a good way to build 
an editor that does syntax highlighting and such. James Marsden(?) 
got the farthest on that I think. Still, we should be able to build 
a really great tool if we feel the need. It seems the need has just 
never been strong enough.
Carl even did a layout editor...must be somewhere.
Necessity is the mother of invention?
It's good to look at some of these scripts they can be a source of 
what is the difference between main layout & view layout
Not sure what you mean. You can create a layout without viewing it, 
and use view/new to open more than one window. If you just do VIEW 
LAYOUT [...], that starts the event loop, and you'll want to use 
view/new to show other layouts.
LAYOUT produces a tree of objects. Each object is a face. VIEW displays 
that tree of objects.
Some times people call the main window 'main' but its not part of 
rebol syntax.
Yeah, you can call it whatever you want (avoiding other default rebol 
global words, of course).
I usually call the one window in my one-window apps WINDOW. eg.

	window: layout [...]
	view window

which, in simple cases, can be compressed to:

	view window: layout [...]
I split into separate lines because I often want to put stuff in 
between, eg. a window resize handler.
Hope I am not adding extra confusion by adding this attempted explanation...

** Many applications will have a single VIEW LAYOUT [...] to display 

** They can then use SHOW and HIDE to selectively make displayed 
faces visible or not.

** If you have several sets of controls that need to replace each 
other (like when you click a tab) then subpanels within the one VIEW 
is the way to go:

** You have a separate LAYOUT for each subpanel. (You probably got 
the idea that the main view is called MAIN from Carl's subpanel examples. 
It can be called anything).

** To SHOW a subpanel, you set the panel contents to the appropriate 

** Finally, as Gregg says, you can have multiple, independent windows 
using VIEW/NEW. Best to work up to that slowly :-)
Sunanda,  that was pretty usefull, is this written up this clearly 
in a wiki somewhere on the web?
Thanks.....Not as far as I know. I think all I was doing is putine 
some context on Car's subpanels how-to:
Yes, this is why I want all docs in Wikis.

Each person learns differently, which is why it is nice to have different 
approaches to the same issue.

Your simple list of declarative facts is the way I like to learn 
(followed up with some simple examples, and then some complex examples 
afterwards, hopefully with some comments that explains why it is 
Thanks everyone for your explanations have tried a couple of scenarios 
using the subpanels method have not been successful yet but will 
need to persevere!
Yes amacleod I could not find any rebol reference to main yet it 
was there in some programming code
I'm afraid I do not understand how sub-panels work can someone give 
me a  commented simple illustration (the simpler the better please) 
of how they work, sorry to be so thick but its not working in my 
I keep getting this error also cannot get rid of it?
** Script Error: panel1 has no value
** Where: func [face value][show panel1]
** Near: show panel1
break your code down to the simplest possible and post it
Thanks james_nak have already looked at that but I still don't get 
it i'm missing something in the structure or mechanics
Graham simplist form will try
afraid I will have to post it all as there is probably lots of mistakes
rebol [Title: "SOS-XP"]
  view layout [
  image center %DT.jpg 768x576 ibevel pewter 6x6
  button gray 50x30 "START" [show panel1]
  at 75x605 button gray 3x30

  at 750x610 text "00:00" rate 1 black ;effect [gradient 0x1 0.0.150 
  feel [engage: func [face act] [face/text: now/time  show face]]

panel1: view layout [
  image center %DT.jpg 768x576 ibevel pewter 6x6
  at 75x605 button gray 3x30

  at 750x610 text "00:00" rate 1 black ;effect [gradient 0x1 0.0.150 
  feel [engage: func [face act] [face/text: now/time  show face]]
  at 200x300

  area wrap font-color white {You use this program & batch files entirely 
  at your own risk,
  due to the myriad of hardware/software configurations I cannot

  without any certainty claim that you will not damage your system!

  Always Always Always make a full system backup of your partition
  before attempting to use SOS-XP & that you have tested the back

  up so your are positive in your own mind you can make a recovery!} 
  red bold 
  at 240x410 button "Agree" [show panel2]
  at 450x410 button "Disagree" [QUIT]]

panel2: view layout [
image center %DT.jpg 768x576 ibevel pewter 6x6
  button gray 50x30 "START" [show panel3]
  at 75x605 button gray 3x30

  at 750x610 text "00:00" rate 1 black ;effect [gradient 0x1 0.0.150 
  feel [engage: func [face act] [face/text: now/time  show face]]

it works up to the second window but when the "agree" button is depressed 
it stalls & this error message repeats through the interpretor  ** 
Script Error: panel1 has no value
** Where: func [face value][show panel1]
** Near: show panel1
That's not stripped down ... we don't have your images etc.
panel2 is not defined when you evaluate panel1 and panel1 is not 
defined when REBOL is evaluating the main face?  No?