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There is a flaw
use this
rule: [(wanted: copy [] ) some [ifrule | some  [

 s: " interface" (interf: copy []) | #" "   |  drule | iprule | norule 
 | pvcrule | pprule | !rule |   break ] thru newline  ]   
prevents collecting the not wanted interface attributes.
uh, was on slow connection, so my reply got lost. Mhinson - there 
is no symbolic way to represent beginning of the line. I don't know 
any in any system. The only thing I know is end-of-line (newline). 
I know what you probably mean - you want to identify beginning of 
your lines, but even for first line (so not a rule, matching newline 
first, then next char = beginning of line). But - there is still 
various ways of how to do it. First - I think that your config files 
are chaos. Do they have any rules for some sections at all? :-) I 
also like what sqlab mentioned - sometimes it is easier to break 
stuff into 2 pass strategy. Read/lines is your friend here. You can 
try it on text files and you'll see, that the result is going to 
be a block of lines. I usually do:

data: read/lines %my-data-file.txt

;--- remove empty lines from block of lines ...
remove-each line data [empty? trim copy line]

foreach line data [do something with data ....]

Simply put - if rules for parser are out of my scope of capabilities 
(which happens easily with me :-), I try to find my other way around 
sqlab, I like this as it also gives the extracted data some structure, 
which will be essential when using it.

Pekr the type of symbolic start & end of line is described as regular 
expression anchoring

matching a line using anchoring in the implimations I have seen does 
not preclude the following line from being matched even in this example.

^abcd$ will match both lines.

In some contexts this is concidered an extention to regular expressions, 
but it is very useful.
Also, this is a bit slower, but avoids using complicated parse rules:
>> lines: {junk Interface fa0
{    !
{    interface fa1}
== "junk Interface fa0^/!^/interface fa1"

>> SplitLines: parse/all lines {^/}		; {^/} is a string containing 
only the newline character, so this is a list of the separate lines
== ["junk Interface fa0" "!" "interface fa1"]
>> foreach line SplitLines [               
[    if all [                                

[        not none? find line {interface}		;Find returns none! (equivalent 
of NULL or NIL) on "!"

[        head? find line {interface}		;find goes to the first instance 
of what is being searched for, and head? checks if it's currently 
at the beginning of the line
[        ][print line]
[    ]
interface fa1	;The only match
(hah, bit late to the party... I see it's gone beyond the simple 
question now)
there is a lot to be said for straight forward finds & excludes, 
paticularly if it is done repeatedly on the previous output.

I am trying to understand how to use Rebol in a way that will be 
flexable to read maybe a few hundred Cisco config files & command 
outputs with perhaps 20 or 30 different types of rules for finding 
stuff then putting it into a structure that will be easy to search 
for patterns & extract summeries of  information. All the information 
you might have in a network diagram, but in a text or database format.
One huge parse may be technically neat. But it probably does not 
match the real world needs.

Petr's (and other's advice) to break the problem down into managable 
(and separately debuggable chunks) is a good approach.

And, remember, in the Real World, you may also need to track original 
line number (before removal of comments and blanks) to be able to 
give good error messages :  "Bad data encountered near line 12,652"
I have been studying the code from sqlab but I cant understand it 
enough to modify it. This is a deconstruction of part of it with 
my comments added. I would love a hand to understand this a bit more. 
 I cant find any documentation for this sort of thing that I can 

I have also been trying to retrieve an index number when reading 
lines so it can be used as suggested by Sunanda. drawn a blank so 

parse/all lines [                ;; parse the whole block called 
lines /all makes parsing only use values given below 

                                            ;; I am not sure if this is itteratied or the whole block parsed 
                                            as one. 
	(wanted: copy [])  ;; initalise wanted 

 | some [                 ;; one or more matches needed to return 

  ifa: "interface"  some [   ;; ifa is given a string value right in 
  the middle of the parsing code

                                            ;; I see why, but not how this is able to slip into the middle here

                                            ;; then some starts another block so perhaps the "interface" is used 
                                            by parse too??

   ife: "point-to-point"  break  ;; no idea how the syntax works here
			| ife: newline    break           ;; or here

   | skip                                      ;; this skips I think 
   till one of the OR conditions are met from below?

  (append/only  append wanted copy/part ifa ife   interf:  copy []) 
    ;;  I dont understand what block append/only is working on here

                                                                                                                                           ;;  append to block wanted using a part copy between ifa & ife but 

                                                                                                                                           ;;  dont understand the source for the copy 

  | some [                                                     ;; I 
  think perhaps all the below rules are end or search paterns?   
			s: " interface" (interf: copy [])
	        | drule
	        | iprule
	        | norule
	        | pvcrul
	        | pprule
	        | !rule
	        | break 
		] thru newline           ;; final catchall end search pattern. 

Sorry to ask so many questions, feel free to throw me out if this 
is just too much, but I have spent several hours on this fragment 
allready. Thanks.
I think we need to take them a few bits at a time
You can parse strings and blocks. The /all refinement is used when 
parsing strings, not blocks. From your first comments, it seems, 
you're parsing blocks, so you don't need /all. What is lines? A string 
or a block?
the ife: mentions you have there are not strings that are set in 
the middle of things. a set-word! will register the current index 
in the block being parsed.
lines is from something like
lines: read %file.txt

or lines: {line one
Ok, you're parsing a string then. Then using /all is ok.
Put the
wanted: copy []

up front before you parse. Then drop the first or, |, just before 
the difference between using a set-word and SET word!:

parse [a b c d] [
	w1: word! (probe w1)
	w2: word! (probe w1 probe w2)
	set w3 word! (probe w1 probe w2 probe w3)
	w4: word! (probew1 probe w2 probe w3 probe w4/1)
using a get-word! will allow you to change the position of parsing.
basically you must remember that a dialect doesn't uphold normal 
REBOL syntax.
It sounds as if I have missed the understanding of what a dialect 
[unknown: 5]
are you familiar with SQL?  SQL is a form of dialect.
I know SQL in very general terms, but could not write a query
[unknown: 5]
That isn't important but what is important to understand a dialect 
is that a dialect means of expression that is interpreted by the 
underlying language.  Consider the following:

buy two cups soda at five dollars
[unknown: 5]
Each of those words could be interpreted by an underlying function 
to create a sum of the total cost.
A dialect is just a block of data that is processed in a certain 
way by REBOL. You can't evaluate it directly, but need some kind 
of parser to process it. You can create all sorts of crazy languages 
that way. Both the first and the second arguments to PARSE are dialects. 
The first one is the dialect block you provide to PARSE, the second 
one is the dialect used to process the first dialect. :-)
Without this understanding, PARSE is very difficult to grasp the 
concept of.
so I see.. 

If i do a "source parse" it says it is a native function, so at which 
point does the user form a dialect?
but unlike other languages that have to use regexp as a crutch for 
parsing, REBOL can use other methods than PARSE to process dialects. 
PARSE is useful in some cases and in other cases, there are better/simpler 
approaches for processing your dialect.
You are in dialect territory immediately when you are defining a 
block of data and wanting to do something other than evaluating it 
with DO.
Want to create a dialect using only integers? Fine:

>> total: 0
== 0
>> parse [1 2 3 4] [4 [set num integer! (total: total + num)]]
== true
>> total
== 10
But in another place, [1 2 3 4] might mean something entirely different. 
It also happens to evaluate as normal REBOL code:

>> do [1 2 3 4]
== 4

But of course it doesn't do much. :-)

Code is data and data is code.
Perhaps I should go back to trying to form a program specification 
& see if the advice I get in that context is different. 
If I have
print "hello world"

that seems to follow syntax rules shown by "source print"   are you 
saying because I could have
>> hi: [print "hello world"]
== [print "hello world"]
>> do hi
hello world

I have started using a dialect?
No, when using DO, it will not be a dialect, just normal REBOL code.

Before you do anything with it, the block is just a chunk of data. 
A dialect involves some kind of processor that you write or exists 
in REBOL already, which you then apply to the chunk of data, but 
is not the base scanner (the main language parser).
An example where DO wouldn't work would be VID (the graphics user 
interface system, Visual Interface Dialect)

do [button "Hello world!"] ; gives an error

layout [button "Hello world!"] ; returns a meaningful result, because 
the block was parsed as a dialect.
Sorry, I am not getting it at all.
what you seem to be showing me look like what I would call functions 
or procedures.  I cant understand the destinction yet.
To make it short
It is like a new language in your programming language.

It can be just an add-on to your normal language with enhancement 
or a totally different language
So parse has it's own language, that sometimes resembles to rebol, 
sometimes is different.
And you can make your own languages or dialects too
it  sounds like a very flexiable concept, but likely to add complexity.

parse seems to be well documented in terms of how a string can be 
split apart in this manner
>> probe parse {Hello world} none
["Hello" "world"]

but much less documented when trying to do complex stuff...  I was 
in my ignorance expecting it to follow some sorts of syntax rules 
that I could read about.  Have I missed a basic concept?
I am only thinking about finding & extracting data here, not parsing 
for commas or html tags etc.
I know the following sounds basic, but it's _crucial_ to understanding 
how REBOL works, otherwise you will not "get" REBOL:

You must understand the concept that data is code and code is data. 
That means that anything you write, can be considered pure data. 
It's what you do with that data that becomes important.

It's like speaking a sentence, but only paying attention to the placement 
of letters. That makes the sentence pure data. If you then pay attention 
to the words objectively, they can form a sentence, so you can validate 
its syntax. If you use the sentence in a context, you can apply meaning 
to it, subjectively. If you switch the context, the sentence can 
mean something entirely different.

This is very important. Context and meaning.


[I have a cat]

This is a block with 4 words. It's pure data that can be stored in 
memory, but at that level it doesn't make any sense to REBOL.

If you then apply a function to that data, you can process it. DO 
processes that data as REBOL code. It will be evaluated as REBOL 
code. Here it will produce an error, because it's not valid REBOL 
code. If you produce your own dialect, for example with PARSE, you 
can make that block make sense.

When typing in the console, REBOL evaluates it as normal REBOL code 
by using DO internally. That means:

>> now
== 17-Apr-2009/18:13:14+2:00

is the same as:

do [now]

But this block:


is just pure innocent data with no meaning.
you are all very kind to spend so much time helping me with this.
7.4 Marking Input:

  in the link provided by sqlab explains the use of set-words in the 
  parse dialect.  I needed to use this technique to strip out large 
  comments from web logs that I was parsing and passing into a database. 
   I was able to remove the large comment and replace it with a default 
  string indicating "comments have been removed"
One of the methods I used to parse lines of data was as follows:
lines: read/lines %file.txt
foreach line lines[
	parse line [parse rule here]
This way you are only dealing with a small amount of data for each 
parse and might make it easier to visualize for you.
mhinson: now my explanations to some of your questions, as I think 
not everything was explained to you properly:

1) parse/all - /all refinement means, that string is parsed "as-is", 
because without the /all, white-space is skipped:

>> parse "this white dog" ["this" "white" "dog"]
== true
>> parse/all "this white dog" ["this" "white" "dog"]
== false
>> parse/all "this white dog" ["this" " " "white" " " "dog"]
== true

I prefer to always use /all refinement for string parsing ...

2) i don't understand why there is | before "some", that code will 
not work imo ...

3) "ifa:" is a marker. Think about parse in following terms ... you 
have your data, here a string. Parse is the matching engine, which 
tries to match your input string according to given rules. In parse 
context (dialect) you have no means of how to manipulate the input 
string, except the copy. So markers are usually used, when you want 
to mark some position, then do something in parens, and then get 
back the position, or simply mark start: .... then somewhere later 
end: and in the paren (copy/part start end) to copy the text between 
the two marked positions ...

4) "skips till one of the OR conditions are met" - very well understood 

5) Here's slight modification for append/only stuff. Type "help append" 
in the console. /only appends block value as a block. You will understand 
that, once you will need such behaviour, so far it can look kind 
of academic to you :-) I put parens there, to make more obvious, 
what parameters are consumed by what function ....

>> wanted: copy []
== []

>> append  (append wanted (copy/part "12345" 3))  interf:  copy ["abc"]
== ["123" "abc"]
>> wanted: copy []
== []

>> append/only  (append wanted (copy/part "12345" 3))  interf:  copy 
== ["123" ["abc"]]
Thanks very much again for so much help, I am very gratefull for 
the time you have spent helping me with this.

A bit of a light is beginning to come on.. so outside of the parse 
dialect we have this syntax
result: copy "hello"
but inside parse we have a different syntax for copy 

Once I realised that I felt much less confused & set about experimenting 
with to & thru in the context of copy within parse.

Perhaps these results will be of interest to other noobs, although 
I mustt say actualy typing them in helped me appreciate what was 

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result "a" "o"]   ;; returns "a"
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result to "a" "o"]   ;; returns none
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result "a" to "o"]   ;; returns "a"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result to "a" to "o"]   ;; returns none
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result thru "a" "o"]   ;; returns "a"
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result "a" thru "o"]   ;; returns "a"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result thru "a" thru "o"]   ;; returns 

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result "h" "o"]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result to "h" "o"]   ;; returns "ab "
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result "h" to "o"]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result to "h" to "o"]   ;; returns "ab 

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result thru "h" "o"]   ;; returns "ab h"
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result "h" thru "o"]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result thru "h" thru "o"]   ;; returns 
  "ab h"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result ["a" "o"]]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [to "a" "o"]]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result ["a" to "o"]]   ;; returns "ab hell"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [to "a" to "o"]]   ;; returns "ab 

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [thru "a" "o"]]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result ["a" thru "o"]]   ;; returns "ab 

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [thru "a" thru "o"]]   ;; returns 
  "ab hello"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result ["h" "o"]]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [to "h" "o"]]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result ["h" to "o"]]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [to "h" to "o"]]   ;; returns "ab 

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [thru "h" "o"]]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result ["h" thru "o"]]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [thru "h" thru "o"]]   ;; returns 
  "ab hello"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [thru "a" to "o"]]   ;; returns 
  "ab hell"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [thru "h" to "o"]]   ;; returns 
  "ab hell"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result thru "a" to "o"]   ;; returns "a"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result thru "h" to "o"]   ;; returns "ab 

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [to "a" thru "o"]]   ;; returns 
  "ab hello"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result [to "h" thru "o"]]   ;; returns 
  "ab hello"

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result to "a" thru "o"]   ;; returns none

  parse {ab hello cd} [copy result to "h" thru "o"]   ;; returns "ab 

  parse {ab hello cd} ["h" copy result "o"]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} [to "h" copy result "o"]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} ["h" copy result to "o"]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [to "h" copy result to "o"]   ;; returns "hell"
  parse {ab hello cd} [thru "h" copy result "o"]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} ["h" thru copy result "o"]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} [thru "h" copy result thru "o"]   ;; returns 

  parse {ab hello cd} ["a" copy result "o"]   ;; returns []
  parse {ab hello cd} [to "a" copy result "o"]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} ["a" copy result to "o"]   ;; returns "b hell"

  parse {ab hello cd} [to "a" copy result to "o"]   ;; returns "ab 
  parse {ab hello cd} [thru "a" copy result "o"]   ;; returns []

  parse {ab hello cd} ["a" copy result thru "o"]   ;; returns "b hello"

  parse {ab hello cd} [thru "a" copy result thru "o"]   ;; returns 
  "b hello"

  parse {ab hello cd} [thru "a" copy result to "o"]   ;; returns "b 

  parse {ab hello cd} [thru "h" copy result to "o"]   ;; returns "ell"

  parse {ab hello cd} [to "a" copy result thru "o"]   ;; returns "ab 

  parse {ab hello cd} [to "h" copy result thru "o"]   ;; returns "hello"
parse/all {ab hello cd} [3 skip copy result 5 skip to end]     ;; 
returns "hello"

parse/all {ab hello cd} [thru #" " copy result to #" " to end]  ;; 
returns "hello"
(you don't have to use the [to end] in my versions if you don't care 
that parse returns false instead of true