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[I'm new] Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer.

[unknown: 9]
Hey Brian, there is something else you can try, it is a theory I 
have.  Uninstall AltME. Reinstall, and sync back up.  When you think 
it is finished, close out, and start again, let it sync again.
If you are willing....

I never see this "." problem, but many do.  Most people in our office 
don't, and it just might have something to do with the way it was 
originally synced.
it sometimes help for me to logout and in a few times...
[unknown: 9]
That is useful to know.  So you are saying that one our of X times 
logging in, it will suddenly sync?
once = one
Sorry, let me restate............"one out of X times."
it's pretty random
sometimes I wonder why noone said anything for 2 days. then I logout 
and when I login it resyncs
there's also sometimes a thing with how altME detects a lost connection. 
this doesn't always happen, so that could be when sync is lost
[unknown: 9]
Random or not, it will sync if you log in multiple times in the same 
time frame (like say with in an hour or so)?
haven't done it that many times (4-5 times maybe), but it usually 
resyncs after the first relogin. I can't remember if there is a specific 
timeframe there was held up, between relogins
It's not going to be a good bug report :-) I don't have enough details. 
I only know that sometimes it helps to relogin again
[unknown: 9]
That helps.  since this one is such a pain we like to know everything 
about it.  Eveyr little bit helps.  But we are not convinced it is 
inside AltME.  it might be a little deeper.
is it possible to do some digging if there is an account that is 
currently out of sync?
[unknown: 9]
What do you mean by digging?
catching it in the act
[unknown: 9]
Not that I know of.  This is the very type of bug that hides from 
debuggers.  If we dump all the states, it all looks good.  We are 
pretty good at finding bugs (actually we are award winning).  It 
is not like we have not tried a bunch of things.  We will nail this. 
 The work we are doing with IOS + Rebol will probably reveal it.
well, ok, good luck then :-)
Resyncs sometimes happen in a group if you are connected at the moment 
someone posts a message to it.

That may explain some random resyncs. though not all.....So simply 
staying connected for a long while may be beneficial.
....typically, in that instance you'll get a private message from 
someone which uncovers their previous few messages to you that you've 
never seen; --  and they've perhaps assumed you've been ignoring 
[unknown: 9]
Good to know.
Hey I see these messages!  Smiley...And here I was trying to get 
into REBOL3 so I could lurk.   Reichart.  I've tried the Linux (on 
Debian 3.1 r0) and WinXP, and I get nothing in terms of old messages. 
 Until I just read you, Henrik and Graham talking I thought it may 
have been design intent.  I plan on looking into/trying things further 
Currently I see messages in !Channels.  Ryan was posting just as 
I logged in first time with XP/
And in I'm new, but I posted...saw nothing...logged out and came 
back 3 hours later
All other groups are 'empty' but I know there are posts going on 
from looking at http://www.rebol.net/altweb/rebol3/
I'm about to try the uninstall/resync trick on the WinXP side
[unknown: 9]
My other belief is that there is a very sublet interaction between 
the latency.
Reinstalled, allowed a resync, came back...no mesages.
btiffin, try adjusting the number of stored messages
[unknown: 9]
That is  agood point Henrik, I set mine to 100 by default.
I like things fast.
I was more thinking that adjusting it upward would force AltME to 
read back on X number of messages
reichart, how far back do you store on the server?
[unknown: 9]
It should ALL be there.
I do see the I'm New group now.  I did try a number adjust before 
the reinstall went from the default 100 to 1000 to 1 to 100 to 10000 
to 100.  Nothing.
So far all I get is I'm new
I'm about to try the . trick on the Make-doc group
And I now see Make-doc
Long ago there was a guest account.
From a security viewpoint, getting rid of it was a good thing.

But it was a way to force a resync: log on as guest then again as 
yourself and (in my experience) you always gor properly resynced.

Perhaps there is a case to have a resync account with password given 
out only to those who need it.

Alternatively. some people could have two accounts, and use the spare 
for syncing only.
[unknown: 9]
I vote we fix this damn bug : )
sync test
I'll vote for that too.  Still smilin'
Linux sync test
sync bug: I had a problem when I used a slow (and less reliable) 
connection. When the connection is fast and reliable, the problem 
is not showing itself in my opinion.
Can someone recall me what function to call or where should I indicate 
a new download default directory of the console.  By default, it 
seems set to C:/Documents and Settings/AdminHome/Application Data/Rebol/public. 
 I would like to change that.  Thanks.
That's the View cache directory (or sandbox if you prefer), which 
gets set by the installer. Although stuff is downloaded to it it 
is more like the Windows application data directory for REBOL, a 
place for (perhaps untrustworthy) scripts to put their stuff. It's 
not really a default download directory as such.

If you want to change it, the easiest way (for a newbie) is to uninstall 
REBOL, move the entire View directory (not the public subdirectory) 
where you want it to be, and reinstall REBOL, specifying the new 
location. If you are more ambitious, the View root directory is stored 
in the registry and can be changed from there. You can't move the 
public subdirectory seperately from the entire View directory though.

Keep in mind that the View root directory is under Application Data 
for good reasons, particularly to make it easier for multiple users 
on the same computer to use REBOL. It's the standard way to do this 
on Windows, and a good idea overall. 

I tend to leave the View root in appdata where it belongs and then 
set a junction point (sort of like a symbolic link for directories 
on NTFS) in some more friendly location so I can get to the data 
easier. I use the axwLink shell extension for this, which you can 
get here: http://arniworld.de/downloads.htm
you can also use --reinstall or +i to force view to reinstall. of 
course you still need to move the files manually as brian described.