r3wp [groups: 83 posts: 189283]
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World: r3wp

[I'm new] Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer.

nobody is perfect
I resemble that remark :)
Ladislav put nice additions to DLL interfacing ... this should make 
wrapping more flexible ...
it would be nice to be able to use the information they contain in 
the resource parts, basically auto-describing the dll themselves...
and use class members... in some way or another.
We should really be talking about this in !REBOL3.
isn't it annyoing to be told to stay on-topic  !!??!?!   ;-)
I only do it here. In R3 chat I move the messages.
I really need to get my R3 chat setup... I'm fearing loosing to much 
time if I start chatting there...
I thought you had an account.
it's incredible how many people we never saw there are registered 
in R3 chat

   1 admin      Administrator              17d             [admin rank

   2 Carl       Carl Sassenrath            4:04h           [rank 80]

   3 BrianH     Brian Hawley               0:14h           [rank 70]

   4 Henrik     Henrik Mikael Kristensen   0:05h           [rank 70]

   5 btiffin    Brian Tiffin               3d              [rank 40]

   6 pekr       Petr Krenzelok             0:23h           [rank 50]

   7 feeds      Remote feeds               0:43h           [rank 10]

   8 Giuseppe   Giuseppe Chillemi          29:04h          [rank 40]

   9 Oldes      David 'Oldes' Oliva        0:01h           [rank 50]

  10 richard    Richard Westlake           29:59h          [rank 50]

  11 Graham     Graham Chiu                76d             [rank 50]

  12 tester     Example Tester             73d             [rank 10]

  13 Jerry      Jerry Tsai                 83d             [rank 50]

  14 Sunanda    Sunanda                    11:34h          [rank 50]

  15 Kaj        Kaj de Vos                 41d             [rank 50]

  16 DideC      Didier Cadieu              36:48h          [rank 50]

  17 maarten    Maarten Koopmans           102d            [rank 50]

  18 rebolek    Boleslav Brezovsky         61:27h          [rank 50]

  19 Robert     Robert M. Münch            6:30h           [rank 50]

  20 DocKimbel  Nenad Rakocevic            111d            [rank 50]

  21 cyphre     Richard Smolak             16d             [rank 50]

  22 giesse     Gabriele Santilli          122d            [rank 50]

  23 Gregg      Gregg Irwin                3:35h           [rank 50]

  24 Brent      Brent Fessler              51:13h          [rank 50]

  25 Edgar      Edgar Tolentino            52d             [rank 50]

  26 acook      A. Cook                    122d            [rank 30]

  27 Allen      Allen Kamp                 58d             [rank 40]

  28 Steeve     Steeve Antoine             0:01h           [rank 40]

  29 warp       Will Arp                   99d             [rank 40]

  30 joshua     Joshua Shireman            109d            [rank 40]

  31 Paul       Paul Tretter               12d             [rank 40]

  32 mick       nicolas schmidt            92d             [rank 30]

  33 PeterWood  Peter W A Wood             4:54h           [rank 40]

  34 sean       Sean C. Johnson            5:32h           [rank 40]

  36 fergus     Alan Macleod               11d             [rank 30]

  37 sqlab      A.Reisacher                3:17h           [rank 40]

  38 qwerty     michal tarkowski           60:38h          [rank 40]

  42 ErosZ      Eros Zoltan                108d            [rank 5]

  44 RobertS    Robert Shiplett            26:44h          [rank 40]

  45 rchifflet  G. Robert Shiplett         108d            [rank 30]

  46 perekk     Perekk                     28d             [rank 30]

  47 whispa     Jon                        108d            [rank 30]

  48 manum      Manuel Moreno              22:10h          [rank 40]

  49 mchean     Michael Chean              18d             [rank 40]

  50 claude     ramier claude              108d            [rank 30]

  52 kib2       kibleur christophe         56d             [rank 40]

  53 adrians    Adrian Sampaleanu          40:37h          [rank 40]

  54 jocko      Joseph Colineau            37:56h          [rank 40]

  55 ken        Kenneth Collins            3d              [rank 40]

  56 kealist    Joshua Shireman            76d             [rank 40]

  57 abolka     Andreas Bolka              3d              [rank 40]

  58 icarii     James Marsden              16d             [rank 40]

  59 Ammon      Ammon Johnson              19d             [rank 40]

  60 jimrichard Jim Richards               70d             [rank 30]

  61 garya      G A                        74d             [rank 30]

  62 pavel      Pavel Kebort               7:36h           [rank 40]

  63 franck     Franck Le Bihan            23d             [rank 30]

  64 claudebe   ramcla                     43d             [rank 30]

  65 Geomol     John Niclasen              22d             [rank 40]

  66 arthur     Arthur Chang               10:10h          [rank 40]

  67 zap        Ben Brannen                25:28h          [rank 40]

  68 gerard     gerard cote                61d             [rank 40]

  69 gagee      gagee                      73d             [rank 30]

  70 horscht    Reinhard Hochstein         72d             [rank 20]

  71 hasy       darek                      72d             [rank 20]

  72 nicka      Nick Antonaccio            72d             [rank 40]

  73 rebkodeur  Oehler                     72d             [rank 20]

  74 scottt     Scott Thode                31d             [rank 40]

  75 patrickp61 Patrick Potter             27:50h          [rank 40]

  76 iho        Ingo Hohmann               16d             [rank 40]

  77 bobik      Robert Paluch              69d             [rank 20]

  78 cipri      ciprian                    42d             [rank 30]

  79 shadwolf   Alphé Salas-schumann       16d             [rank 20]

  80 cwardell   Charles Wardell            67d             [rank 20]

  81 ernst      Ernst Niska                5d              [rank 40]

  82 rod        Rod Gaither                66d             [rank 40]

  83 digipal    digipal                    66d             [rank 20]

  84 awi        awi prayitno               8d              [rank 30]

  85 rich       Richard Blundell           60d             [rank 40]

  86 onetom     Herman Tamás               45d             [rank 20]

  87 anton      Anton Rolls                5d              [rank 40]

  88 jjmmes     jose                       59d             [rank 20]

  89 nicolas    longjacket                 58d             [rank 20]

  90 blazs      Blaz Segavac               7d              [rank 30]

  91 tw00167789 Liou ChinMing              7d              [rank 20]

  92 cindy      Cindy Sassenrath           52d             [rank 60]

  93 ssandrew   andrewng                   47d             [rank 20]

  94 mario      Mario Cassani              46d             [rank 20]

  95 th72       Tim Hendriks               46d             [rank 20]

  96 JohanAR    Johan Aires Rastén         4d              [rank 30]

  97 philippe   Philippe LE GOFF           44d             [rank 20]

  98 fatemanme  jonathan                   43d             [rank 20]

  99 wffsg2008  examele tester             43d             [rank 20]

 100 tk         neo                        37d             [rank 30]

 101 bardo      bardonnenche               42d             [rank 20]

 102 minkui     minkui cai                 40d             [rank 20]

 103 mikoden    Nicolas Schmidt            12d             [rank 30]

 104 fraya      Fernando Raya              23d             [rank 20]

 105 nicolasf   Nicolas Fournier           31d             [rank 30]

 106 goldevil   Karim El Founas            39d             [rank 20]

 107 louis      Louis A. Turk              38d             [rank 20]

 108 andyc16us  Andy Cragg                 37d             [rank 20]

 109 che        Christian Ensel            3:26h           [rank 30]

 110 jankom     Janko Metelko              36d             [rank 20]

 111 alanwall   Alan Crandall              35d             [rank 30]

 112 kensinglet Ken Singleton              34d             [rank 30]

 113 bga        Bruno Albuquerque          29d             [rank 10]

 114 aiwen      aiwen ming                 28d             [rank 10]

 115 james-nak  James Nakakihara           28d             [rank 40]

 116 gaagaaga   Y.C. Ling                  27d             [rank 10]

 117 morler     Morler                     27d             [rank 10]

 118 devl       Lennart Fridén             26d             [rank 10]

 119 brondoman  Greg Brondo                26d             [rank 10]

 120 ladislav   Ladislav Mecir             1:13h           [rank 50]

 121 scot       Scot M. Sutherland         15:21h          [rank 40]

 122 meijeru    Rudolf W. MEIJER           3d              [rank 30]

 123 czoller    chris zoller               11d             [rank 30]

 124 rfenske    Robert Fenske              11d             [rank 30]

 125 cofyc      Cofyc Jackson              7d              [rank 10]

 126 jackseay   Jack Seay                  4d              [rank 10]

 127 kuler      Keith Robertson            4d              [rank 10]

 128 kpeters    Kai Peters                 3d              [rank 10]

 129 acasado    alberto casado             3d              [rank 10]

 130 giancarlo  Giancarlo Valente          8:52h           [rank 10]
geez it's a public group here, i forgot sorry...
the list is public anyway by curtesy of R3 chat webversion.
Altme is still the place to learn about Rebol and undocumented functions!
It would be nice if we ask users to present examples etc in a structured 
format so that we can data mine the information here and publish 
automatically to a knowledgebase.
There's a REBOL 2 section in DocBase for just that kind of thing 
So, I take it you have updated the information on array ?
Just trying to avoid duplication of effort ... if we structure the 
post here, it could be automatically be used to update somewhere 
Nope, but it's on my list. I think a new R2 manual built on the same 
foundation as the R3 manual would be nice too.
Of course from history we know this will never happen.
can't we parse the archives we some clever algorithm to have it done 
*not we, with
graham, don't you see some changes in the REBOL spectrum in the last 
Years ago I released a program that collected all the mailing list 
into a personal database .. and I allowed users to execute programs 
in the emails if they were enclosed in blocks .. an old Rebol trick.
Ah Maxim, i'm sure you can do that with your liquid
I mean, come on... pekr hasn't been negative, for like... months... 
that has to mean something   ;-D
No one ever posted their short scripts enclosed by blocks :(
(your program, not your body fluid)
< present examples etc in a structured format >
There is the underused checklists /code snippets
so, such a simple thing as [ my script ] was not possible.  No wonder 
people go off topic :)
Or off the list altogether.
Human nature ...
We can create rules to try and rein in the anarchists
How about putting a Rebol [] header in front of examples?  then a 
parser would at least know to start from there .. until it hit some 
syntax error and would then know the example had terminated.
It also makes it easier to copy-run the examples. If you have a rebol 
[] header in front of your code, you can copy it and do clipboard://
Clipboard is bugged in Altme.
yes it is !
but once it starts working, it doesn't bug anymore... which is what 
I find strange about it.
not for me .. once it stops .. it maintains this state.
I have been teasing my script into action and not asked any questions 
for hours... now I am off to bed.
It would be simple to add the ability to execute a script embedded 
in the REBOL.org archive of this world, eg:
do http://www.rebol.org/aga-execute-post.r?post=r3wp174x26

Provided the post (like the one in the example) consists solely of 
script. Headers can be added if needed.

Is this a common need?
As a noob I am more likely to want to copy the script into my editor, 
then modify it a bit to see if I have understood the example.

Just running an example would be handy to check it had no errors 
in it, but not very educational as far as I can see.

As the web public version of the chats is not right up to date I 
would find improving the AltME client the most usefull thing to help 
me learn. Paticularly fixing the cut & paste functions & adding mouseless 
navigation & perhaps the ability to use fixed width font to view 
code in messages.  Thanks,
And the ability to edit previous messages to correct errors.
I get a 404 on that link at rebol.org
I think it was potential idea.
because the clipboard is problematic .. I think it's a good idea.
Something I have learnt today...

I have been looking again at some of the examples I have been given 
here & now I have a bit more understanding of Rebol I am able to 
reformat the examples into multiple lines and indent them appropiatly 
which makes them more understandable for a noob like me. I needed 
enough understanding to see where one complete statement part ended 
& the next one began before I could do this. What I have learnt is 
that I should have tried harder, sooner to do this & it would have 
speeded up my learning...

I am looking at graphics today & giving parse a break for the rest 
of the weekend.
Is there a document that describes each feature in view and all the 
options etch please?  e.g. for slider

So far I can find tutorials that mention some aspects of slider, 
but nothing complete.
First, there needs to be a distinction between VID and View. View 
is the basic display engine, faces, feel. (lower level). VID is the 
layout dialect, styles, etc. (higher level)
With that in mind:
