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here is a cheap console version:


it does not work entirely the same as yours, but you can use it for 
inspiration. just ask, if there is something that you don't understand.
it will crash at the end, so I leave it as an exercise on how to 
fix that :-)
@Henrik, thanks. How does using MOVE update the original list?
going back to my question about using SWAP.
I see you moving it within the list but the file doesn't dynamically 
get changed using MOVE...
I get the following error and haven't a clue what is wrong. What 
normally causes this? Thanks.
** Access Error: Cannot open file.txt
** Where: forever
** Near: were: read/lines %were-file.txt
MOVE modifies the list like SWAP does, but does not require any adjustments 
to index.
** Access Error: Cannot open file.txt
** Where: forever
** Near: were: read/lines %were-file.txt

That is possibly because file.txt does not exist and you are trying 
to read it somewhere near that line of code.
@Henrik, I see. I will try to better trace the path the file takes 
to open. thanks.
I'm trying to trouble shoot this error I get, but not sure what it 
** Script Error: button-press? has no value
** Near: do view button-press?
It means, that you use the button-press? variable in the above expression. 
But, you forgot to define that variable.
@Ladislav, I'm trying to use the VID dialect. This is how I start 
my definition of button-press?....
button-press: layout [ .....]
@Ladislav, I figured out my problem.  My typo.
@Henrik, thanks for your help. I think I've figured out most of the 
code and how to apply it to my situation aka HW. My previous approach 
was totally confusing me.
@Henrik, do you have any advice as to the sort of things I can be 
learning if  I want to understand REBOL better? Like specific problem 
sets for instance.. The tutorials are good, but they don't seem to 
be getting across to me.
Is there a standard list of  what goes into the block following the 
REBOL flag? I'm thinking javadocs here. Thanks.
@Ladislav, thank you.
todun, I would work on learning about the design of REBOL, since 
this is one of the primary features; It's generally well designed, 
very deep and ignores conventions of other languages in that it was 
not designed to be a "satellite language" for java or some such. 
It was developed on its own merits by a person who is very difficult 
to outsmart. I've used it for a decade and there are still concepts 
in it that are beyond my intellectual reach. Once you get the basic 
design, the rest comes on its own.
todun, also, the structure of the program that you wrote hopefully 
shows that it requires a bit of discipline in organizing REBOL code, 
as it can be extremely free form, and it can be a little frustrating 
around generating VID code, because there is a lot going on in that 
type of code. So learning what the LAYOUT function does, (it simply 
generates a tree of objects, that's all), helps you to handle layout 
data with more confidence.

I didn't write the console version through some kind of convention 
(other than basic formatting), but by knowing how to organize data 
sensibly in REBOL for the needs of the program and how simple it 
is to store and retrieve that from disk. There are dozens of ways 
that program could have been written, each equally as valid as the 
@Henrik, thanks for hte advice. How do I go about learning about 
the design of REBOL without going through specification manuals? 
Did you have a resource in mind?
@Henrik, looking at your example code again, I'm not quite sure what 
the refinement qa/1/2 does. I thought it meant that "get list item 
2 at 1 place away" but I'm not sureanymore..
@Henrik, I ask because I get my results being one off.
todun: qa/1/2, it means "get block at first position and get second 
item in that block"

it's similar to:

second first qa
Nick Antonaccio's tutorial is an excellent place to start:
@Henrik, for seem reason I always get the second item in the next 
block. Using the same notation is there a way of getting the second 
item in the current block(head)?
@Sunanda, thanks. I'm looking at it now.
@Henrik, I figured out the problem. I make call next on the input 
at  the end of  the button press. This causes the list to change.
@Henrik, I do need to do a next in the button so that whenever the 
button is pressed, the next question comes up. Is there a way of 
 "holding" the list so it doesn't move around while I try to modify 
@Sunanda,  the tutorial helped me figure out a solution. I made a 
temporary variable to hold the current series then used "back". Then 
simply read the new series.
@Sunanda, thanks.
Is there a way of making the name of a file the header of the view?
For instance, in the REBOL block, the Title will be displayed as 
the title of the layout view. Is there a way to make this title be 
the name of the file read in the program?
view/title layout [button] form %my-file.r
the FORM converts the file! to a string!.
@Henrik, I have the layout grouping all the buttons before I call 
the view on it like so: 
button-press: layout [ ...}
view button-press
trying the scheme you suggest gives me an error, and I suspect it 
is because of my layout
what error do you get?
@Henrik, the error had to do with the view. I am putting that on 
hold for now.
Is it possible to update a series outside of the button that triggers 
it? I run into the problem whereby my series is being prematurely 
it sounds like there might be an organizational problem with the 
action code.
@Henrik, I'm clueless as to why it is behaving like this.
With VID, each action should not be run, unless you are passing some 
kind of event to a face. you are probably describing your actions 
in blocks in VID, like this:

button "hello" [do stuff here]

it should not do anything outside it, unless you have set up a timer 
(which I doubt) or a FEEL (which I'm not sure you have learned yet), 
so there is probably something wrong in the action code that is run 
as you click your button.
you could also be running into a copy trap, which makes it look like 
your blocks are changed by some unknown source.
@Henrik, all these look likely. I just noticed all these new errors 
today when I revisited the code. I actually thought it was working.