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in fact, we have two continuation chars, [, and {, and both make 
sense - the first one is the continuation of a program, or a block, 
the secong one is for a multiple line string
@Pekr  It might make sense to have 2 line continuation chars, but 
IMHO, it makes no sense to have those chars *the same* as symbols 
you'd find in REBOL code. It can become too confusing -especially 
for beginners. I suppose that is the reason why the console/prompt 
is set to >> and not {{ or ]] :)
This is a misunderstandin, Duke. #"[" is not a "line continuation" 
It is simply so, that you can continue, because the interpreter "knows" 
you did not enclose the block yet

    do read clipboard://

to input any number of lines


>> do read clipboard://
== 3
@Ladislav I don't understand what you mean? I might have used the 
wrong terminology - sure! MY corcern is that IF I had a choice, I 
would NOT want to see a { symbol at the beginning of a multi-line 
REBOL snippet, entered at the console. So how does what your advise 
above relate to MY concern?? :)
The REBOL console is trying to be helpful in indicating that at least 
one "]" or "}" needs to be supplied to complete an expression.

But I'm with Duke -- more helpful visual indicators would be nice; 
as would the ability to override the default ones.
@Sunanda  I see! So the "[" character is simply a hint. Wouldn't 
it have been more intuitive to have used the "]" char - to indicate 
that an open '"[" needs to be closed?? I'm glad that the LISP REPL 
doesn't do this - not the ones that i use anyway :)) But thanks! 
 You've cleared things up a bit....
The REBOL console is trying to be helpful in indicating that at least 

]" or "}" needs to be supplied to complete an expression." - yes, 
and that is where I wanted to point out, that there is no "line continuation 
symbol", since what is going on is not that the interpreter encountered 
a "line continuation symbol" (it did not), but that it expect you 
to close the open block
But, OTOH, if you really do want to write an expression like


in the interpreter console, you can use this trick:

do [
I would NOT want to see a { symbol at the beginning of a multi-line 
REBOL snippet, entered at the console.
 - that is easy
What exactly it is you *would want* to see?
@Ladislav Thanks for clearing that up!  At the moment, I'm simply 
reading http://www.rebol.com/docs/words/wswitch.htmland trying out 
the snippets to do 2 things:
1. Learn to use the REBOL console
2. Learn REBOL syntax etc

Entering those multiline snippets is what was a problem - until now. 
The console prints a "[" after each CR. For a noob, this chars looks 
and feel just like the ones IN the code. :))
I do understand, but that does not answer my question. As far as 
I am concerned, I use the

    do read clipboard://

approach when trying some code snippets
But, anyway, what it is you would want to see?
here's a cheap'n'cheerful console replacement that concatenates an 
expression until it reads a blank line. Then it executes it. (Two 
blank lines to exit).

Feel free to change the console prompt characters.

my-con: func [
forever [
    in-buff: copy ""
    in-line: copy ""
    forever [ 
      in-line: ask "In > "
      if in-line = "" [break]
      append in-buff join " " in-line
 if in-buff = "" [break]
 err: none
 if error? err: try [print ["Out > " do in-buff] true] [
    print ["Oops > " mold disarm err]
Duke - I think that in fact it is not much of an issue? How often 
do you use multiline expression in REBOL interactive console session? 
It does not allow you to go back anyway, so ...
@Sunanda Thanks! Can't wait to try it out! :)
@Ladislav  [quote]do read clipboard://[/quote]

I see! I'm on a Linux Xubuntu box - so I just highlight the text, 
and then right-click paste it into the REBOL console. I get to "see" 
the code, then the results, after a CR. Your method works OK, but 
all I get is the results -- don't seem like "a full meal deal" :)) 
Thanks ...
@Sunanda  Works like a HOT DAMN!!  Thanks! BTW, the command history 
still works after the result is printed - so a person can go back 
and re-do everything, and fix errors.
This code:

val: 123
switch type?/word [
    integer! [print "it's integer"]
    decimal! [print "it's decimal"]
    date! [print "it's a date"]

produces an error msg in v2.7.8 Is it R3 speciffic? It is from the 
R3 docs, but it seemed fairly generic to me.
Looks like you are missing:

-- val after type?/word -- so REBOL knows which word's type  you 
are switching on
-- a closing ]
No idea why R3 is happy with that. This works for R2:

val: 123
switch type?/word val [
    integer! [print "it's integer"]
    decimal! [print "it's decimal"]
    date! [print "it's a date"]
Thanks Sunanda! Then there is an error in the docs at http://www.rebol.com/r3/docs/functions/switch.html.
Who do I alert?
I just did a "Help type? at the console, and got:

TYPE? value /word

Does this output not seem counter-intuitive to you guys? Especially 
when the syntax is:

TYPE?/word/ value   ; I used the / char to indicate an option

This tells me that the type? word is followed by an optional refinement, 
but always needs a "value" - in that order. The console help output 
seems to have it reversed. What do you think?
All the refinements are optional, it's a bit confusing for a beginner 
but otherwise it will be more confusing. Try:  help find

There are lots of refinement. HELP shows the normal usage and then 
the optional refinements and their arguments.
Hmm, looks that I forgot (once again) how to log in to the R3 docs.
Duke, refinements can have arguments as well, so the order as shown 
in the help is exactly the same as when you define a function header.
@Henrik So in the case of the word TYPE?, is "value" an argument 
of the refinement, or of the word itself? Because it seems to be 
used as if it was an argument of the /word refinement.
The format is name, followed by arguments to that name. So VALUE 
is an argument to TYPE and the /WORD refinement has no arguments.
Refinements are options, sometimes used in twos or threes, and the 
disadvantage here is that the argument list then can become hard 
to read. It's a good skill to create functions without too many refinements. 
I personally consider refinements to be one of the less stellar parts 
If you type:

source type?

you will see the function header as it is stated for the function. 
It comes in the same order as in the help documentation.
So, why isn't it just the other way around, like in the help? You 
could in principle do that. It just gives you many more arguments 
that you would be forced to type.

TYPE? could look like this:

type? 5 word

So, if you didn't want the refinement, you would have to type:

type? 5 none

For functions with many arguments, you would have to type something 

my-function 1 none none none none none none

which is no fun to type directly.
@Henrik But Sunanda responded above to my original question by indicating 
that the syntax was:

switch type?/word val [

So val is an argument to TYPE?, but it's written after the refinement?? 
That is NOT intuitive to me!!
A refinement is latched onto a function, so that you know that the 
refinement is part of that function. Hence, you must type out the 
function name, followed directly by the refinement without spacing. 
Then you type the function arguments and after that, the refinement 
The arguments has the same order with refinements after the non-optional 

with a function that requires 2 arguments and have 2 refinements 
should be used as:

myfunc/ref1/ref2 arg1-to-func arg2-to-func arg-to-ref1 arg-to-ref2
@Henrik  Thanks for the examples ..

@Endo     That's what I needed - a definitive HOWTO.  IMHO, the Help 
system should be worded that way as well, in order to sync with actual 
If you study some unloaded data:

a: [now/precise now /precise]

a/1 is of type path!, which can be reduced to calling NOW with the 
/PRECISE refinement.

a/2 is of type word!, which can be reduced to calling NOW without 
any refinements.

a/3 is of type refinement!, which doesn't reduce. In principle, that 
refinement could be an argument to the function. What types you can 
pass to a function is almost entirely free-form.

>> reduce a

== [25-Oct-2011/17:39:39.218+2:00 25-Oct-2011/17:39:39+2:00 /precise]
The problem with wording the help differently is that arguments and 
their orders passed, might be different, depending on which refinements 
you use. Therefore help is formatted the same as function headers. 
A way to understand it, is that anything that comes directly after 
the function name is obligatory. When the first refinement appears 
in the help string, anything after that is optional.

my-func/boo 6

Does the 6 argument belong to the function or the refinement?
I'm getting TOTALLY confused here! I'm going to have to stop here 
and go study this - including all of you guys' advise - a bit more 
ok :-)
Yeah, that can be confusing! :)

>> f: func [arg /ref1 ref-arg] [print [arg /ref1 ref-arg]]     
>> f/ref1 /ref2 /ref3
ref2 ref1 ref3
>> f/ref1 'arg 'ref-arg
arg ref1 ref-arg
Duke: Don't be confused.

my-func/boo 6

If my-func requires an argument and /boo refinement does not require 
and additional argument, then 6 is for my-func.

if my-func and /boo both require args then you will get an error. 
my-func expects more arg.

if my-func doesn't require an arg but /boo does then it belongs to 
I personally consider refinements to be one of the less stellar parts 

Henrik, do you prefer one additional function for each new way of 
calling a function, instead of refinements?
I should have made my example more like this:

>> f: func [arg /ref1 ref-arg] [print [arg ref1 ref-arg]] 
>> f/ref1 /ref2 /ref3
ref2 true ref3
I faced a problem when I use a refinements, my function had an ref. 

Then I forgot it and use ANY native. It gives error about using none, 
because the function wasn't called /any, so the word ANY was defined 
and its value was NONE. It was difficult to find the problem.
Maybe refinements for functions are more clear with examples like 
this: Let's say, we want a sine function, which default operate with 
radians, but you can give degrees refinement, if you like, exactly 
opposite of the normal SINE function:

>> sin: func [value /deg] [either deg [sine value] [sine/radians 
>> sin pi / 6
== 0.5
>> sin/deg 30
== 0.5
Another example with additional argument, when refinement is used. 
The normal COPY function:

>> copy "abc"
== "abc"
>> copy/part "abc" 2
== "ab"