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There is no "CONTINUE" in any loop in REBOL, right? We have BREAK 
but no CONTINUE as in other languages. Rarely I need it :x
R2 does AFAIK not have it, but R3 does.
R3 does? I didn't know that. Thanks
You can fake 'continue in R2 using 'loop 1 ... as this (incorrect!) 
implemention of BuzzFizz shows:

    for n 1 100 1 [
       loop 1 [
            if n // 3 = 0 [print [n "buzz"] break]
            if n // 5 = 0 [print [n "fizz"] break]
; use following to have the functionality. I have a very long script 
and I don't want to put it inside a IF block
do-block: [ long long script ]

foreach a b [ if any [a = 3 a = 5 ...] do-block] ;continue on other 
values of a.
Magnusso: I faced a problem parsing exported LDAP users using above 
CSVDE command-line tool.

Because it fails if you don't use -u argument and if your ldap data 
has some unicode data.

And if you use -u the exported file will be unicode and cannot be 
read/parse in R2.
then I found a very simple way to convert a unicode file to ascii 
in DOS,
TYPE my-unicode-file > my-ascii-file

This line converts the file to ascii, just non-convertable characters 
looks wierd but rest is ok.
You can also use read/binary on the data, then EXTRACT with a value 
of 2 to just remove all the nulls (assuming wide chars). Unicode 
chars will be munged that way too though.
Hi, I'm tring to use "Excel Interface" of Gregg Irwin, with documentation 
dated 18-Dec-2004. I'm wondering if there is any way to select a 
worksheet's all used content, that's all cells having values? From 
the documentation, I don't see how.
Also to make the Excel Interface to work, I'm wondering, where I 
should put the DLL file?
I guess that this is of some documenation, how can I open it, reb-excel-docs.rdml?
The DLL should go in the dir with your script or encapped app. RDML 
is plain text, but I can send you the html generated from it if you 
want. I don't remember doing anything for finding cells with contents.
I don't have Excel on this machine, so can't test.
Gregg, thanks!. Please the pointer on  how to generate the html file 
from *.RDML, is through make-doc?
Actually, I guess the generated html may already be available to 
me: reb-excel-docs
Yes it is in there. You can find that document online in Robert's 
Robert extended makedoc, but I'm not sure if this doc might build 
under RT's makedoc. Robert might say, but it sounds like it's on 
the web anyway.
Evgeniy Philippov
I think REBOL is a much better name since it includes "O" (holistic 
approach). All names without "O" are faulty. OBERON has two O's and 
MACHINE CODE has a single O :)

 makes mind think it all holistically and perfectly. GOD has O, too. 
 Names without O don't force human recognition apparatum to loop at 
 quality assurance of a code that is being produced. REBOL has O, 