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I've just noticed a new global word PATH existing since View 1.2.10, 
an undocumented function.
--> rambo
About custom types: thats objects. they work like dynamic OO, no 
static typing and inferencing like ML
Thanks for all those suggestions.   I was out for quite a while and 
am very happy of all those remarks. It will help orient my trials&errs. 
 About  objects, dynamic versus static, If I understand it, in Rebol 
it is static?  I never had to use them except to encapsulate the 
whole of an app.  Is there a trick to mimick something dynamic to 
hold changing values?  Maybee a copied block is enough?  I wonder 
because I regularly try to add code to a bibliographic database, 
a kind of a variation on bibtex (never ended, allways in progress), 
And I am not too far from aiming the storage mechanism and wonder 
what I should use to hold something like from 5 to 10 thousand references 
(my actual need is 3.5K)  I used endnotes in the past, but dreamed 
about my own.  It is a lot of work (more than I expected as it is 
my first app).   Up to now I think I will use simply name-value pairs, 
like Carl's cardex.  This kind of data is more like a ragged array, 
the fields and their numbers allways vary, and I may amend their 
list with time.  The idea of using an object would be nice but need 
something where I may add or retract variable names and change their 
values.  By the way, I thank Volker for his edit-tools, that may 
help to add a writing pad.  And his double slider is refreshingly 
new for such and old paradigm as an editor.
The structure of an object is static (which fields in which order), 
but the values assigned to those fields are as dynamic as you want. 
Also, if you want to add or delete fields it is quite easy to create 
a new object with your changes at runtime. If you are just using 
an object as what other languages call a dictionary or hash map, 
you might as well use a block or hash type for your data.
Adding or deleting fields in objects can be tricky if you have multiple 
references to the object:
  obj: make object! [a: 1 b: 2]
  block: copy []
  append block obj
  obj/a: 9

  probe block     ; shows the object in the block is the same as obj
  obj: [a: 7]     ; attempt to update obj to remove b

  probe block     ; the object in the block still has a 'b -- it's 
  still the original

Otherwise, the technique is fine.
Or in other words, you can't add/remove fields in objects, but you 
can clone objects, and add/remove during cloning 

>> a: make object! [b: 1 c: 2]
>> b: make a [d: 3]
>> probe b

make object! [
    b: 1
    c: 2
    d: 3

>> c: make object! head remove/part find third b to set-word! 'c 
>> probe c

make object! [
    b: 1
    d: 3

Just as a little helper ...

>> third b
== [b: 1 c: 2 d: 3]
Thanks a lot.  It the kind of thing I normally learn the hard way, 
like the first time I was confronted to [ ] instead of copy [ ]. 
 Judging when it is better to use a block or object or structure, 
hash or else is not evident from a new eye.  The small Ladislav tutorial 
on blocks (series) is the kind of thing that helps a lot,, it help 
a newcommer realise how the language is articulated.
blocks are arrays. many items of the same kind. partners of loops. 
objects are records. items are addressed by names.

blocks are also good for records if you have only a few fields (2-3). 
like [key value]. then its sometimes easier to deal with offsets 
instead of names. block/1 -> key, block/2 -> value. less to declare.
blocks are also great for composing in, e.g creating a dynamic layout 
block to pass to the layout function or draw
Normand, probably blocks will be better for you than objects, because 
they are more flexible.
I am new in encription. What is alternative in Rebol for php MD5 
checksum/method "somestring" 'md5
I showed some rebol code to some people and they all screamed "eww, 
non standard math functions! why is it sine, cosine instead of sin, 
cos, etc. like every one else use" My best answer was consistency 
to other functions, which are described in their whole word instead 
of an abbreviation. Is that correct?
Why not show them SIN: :SINE , COS: :COSINE or ALIAS 'COSINE "COS" 
etc.? They'd sure be baffeled again, but probably would dislike REBOL's 
strict left-to-right evaluation of formulas instead of having a bunch 
of operator preceedence rules to remember, too :)
But, yeah, they probably aren't *that* wrong. Has anyone ever used 
REMAINDER instead of // ? I do think that for the math function names 
this "be explicit" style is really a bit over-the-top.
Yes, Henrik, that's correct (par Carl). For complainers, use Christian's 
example to show them how easy it is to "fix" and maybe explain a 
little more about how REBOL works.
I've used REMAINDER here and there. Sometimes I use functions, rather 
than ops, for precedence control and clarity. A normal human should 
be able to understand what "remainder" means, but may not have a 
clue about the distinction between / and //.
It is, Gregg, understandable, of course, and a nicety to have for 
people not used to thinking in math terms. That's supposed to be 
the reason why both approaches are build in: Let people decide what 
fits their needs. Admittedly, me too apparently use REMAINDER, especially 
in cases where operators otherwise would catch a functions argument 
to it's left without parens.
I like the spelled-out math terms. Aside from the basic four, there 
is a lot of inconsistency between programming languages on operators. 
Spelling things out makes your code clearer. Besides, there will 
always be people who look at the word sin and think you are doing 
bad things.
Now if REBOL had unicode support, we could do a Fortress dialect 
for the people that actually know what the operators are supposed 
to be.
Help, help!

Well, I'm not exactly new... but I never before had noticed thisone:

A hidden field is showed when get focus...

I mean:
view layout	[
    lbl "field 1" f1: field return
    lbl "field 2" f2: field return
    btn "hide f2" [hide f2]
hide the second field by pressing the button, then go to the first 
and press enter, and the second field is showed again with focus.

I hope there is a simple way to void hidden objects get focus.

someone can help me?
It's a known issue: http://www.rebol.net/cgi-bin/rambo.r?id=3477&
I don't know if someone has a fix out there or not. You might try:

	deflag-face f2 'tabbed
Thanks for the quick answer Gregg!
I see the problem is also for XP not only for linux... 

I tried with 1.2.8 and newers all XP included yesterday betas. All 
the same.
Man, your code works!, thanks a lot!!
Glad it helped!
me too :-)
A simple patch would be to had the test of 'show? in ctx-text/next-field 
and ctx-text-backfield.
had = add
ctx-text/next-field: func [face /local item][
    all [
        item: find face/parent-face/pane face 
        while [
            if tail? item: next item [item: head item] 
            face <> first item
        ] [

            if all [object? item/1 flag-face? item/1 tabbed item/1/show?] [return 
            item/1]    ;<==== I  ADDED IT HERE
RAMBO masters: if one can add this correction to the Rambo entry.
Now that's Cool
We did not get it in time. :(  -- But let's make sure not to miss 
it on the 1.3.1 release.
I don't particularly understand, what does it mean, Carl. Who does 
set your timeframes? So you do prefer releasing non-fully-fixed 1.3 
"in time", instead of fixing known issues first, and releasing e.g. 
few days later? That simply does not make sense ..
If Carl delays the release until the last bug is reported and fixed, 
it'll *never* be released. ;)
Agree, get it out there now.
Real Artists Ship
 - Steve Jobs
There is no such thing as "fully fixed" software. :-) 

There are many many many things on the list that didn't get in, and 
even a little change like this--which may seem safe and easy--means 
more testing and inspection, often a lot more than you expect. 

In this case, let's look at how many people are screaming that this 
particular issue is killing their apps; not many; it's been around 
a while. Let's also look at whether we can work around it even if 
1.3 doesn't fix it; yes we can, and without too much trouble it seems. 
So, as one person hammering on RT to ship 1.3, I'd vote to ship without 
Gregg - I am not talking about one particular issue mentioned above, 
more about installer etc. issues. You should distinguish between 
a bug fix importances, as if Installer is not solved in a good way, 
it can annoy many ppl!
Yes, I think we all agree Petr; it's a balancing act. Carl is *very* 
aware of the importance of these things, but also knows that "shipping 
is a feature".
Consider: The installer is run once per version, and the only problems 
left in its function are the location of registry entries that aren't 
visible from View anyway. The problems that affect day-to-day View 
operation have been fixed with the use of a seperate sandbox directory. 
The rest can be fixed in later versions with automagic migration 
code and no REBOL scripts would know the difference. Once installed, 
View can be used in a multiuser environment now (as of 1.2.117); 
we can make the installer multiuser-safe later.
The installer works properly for single-user installations right 
now (as of 1.2.117).
I mean in terms of leaving View in a workable state - internal installer 
functionality has been fixed somewhat since then.
Installer aproach is imo incorrect and I will post my findings