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[Make-doc] moving forward

you edit in work-folder and when done publish to the public folder. 
with some reblet which shows you which files you changed, and maybe 
checks links.
how about a simple general purpose version tracking system for makedoc2/mdp? 
if done right, it could be used alone or with IOS. Carl talked a 
while back about some simple diff commands for future rebol versions...
[unknown: 5]
I'm getting ready to make some changes to the make-doc spec for my 
own use to include some extra formatting for bible verses.  I want 
to be able to put in some specs that allow for wrapping of verses 
and a horizontally wrapped contents spec to go to a specific verse 
in the Book title.  I haven't looked at the code yet so I thought 
I would jump here and post this and hope for some quick pointers 
on how I should approach the code before I begin.  Specifically what 
parts of the code will need to be altered or what I should look out 
for and maybe what kinds html tags should I implement for the wrapping 
of verses etc..
Paul, you might try posting a specific example of what you want the 
output to look like.
you can actually put some html tags in the text para depending if 
that achieves what you want.
(without modifying make-doc, I mean)
Paul, MDP has a horizontal TOC option. Not quite how you want it, 
but you can take a look at how it's done.
Paul, One thing to keep in mind is that you should want to leverage 
html stylesheets. 

In your make-doc version add the reference to the class then let 
a .css determine most of the presentation parameters.

For example, I wanted to be able to add a question and have it presented 
with a heading very similar to a note box

but to have a different label i.e. "Question" and a distinct look.
This change was required to parse it 

 ["=q" | "q:" | "question:"] text-line (emit-text 'question) |

from the input stream. This emitted the html 

 question [emit [{<p><div class="question"> Question: &nbsp;&nbsp; 
  } doc/2 {</div>}]]

Change the make-doc script you are using to emit a reference to your 
stylesheet instead of inlining it.

I put this in my css to present a question in box that stands out 
(for me)
  div.question {
     	padding: 10px;
        background-color: linen;
      	font-size: 14px;       
     	font-family: Helvetica;
        border: 6px groove gold;
		width: 90%;

The reason for .css is that now you can change the stylesheet and 
don't have to change the html or 

re-generate it. If you want your question box to tan instead of linen 
then you just change your .css

If you have something you feel strongly about you can create a soapbox 
For more on this see http://www.csszengarden.com/

p.s. when you change make-doc, clearly identify the lines that you 
change with comments so that when 

you get a new version you can retrofit it and get the benefit of 
the upgrades.
[unknown: 5]
Thanks guys I will give it a shot and let you know how it goes.
I'm close to have ended the MDP-Browser software. Lots of improvements 
have been done and makes it a tool a step forward MDP-GUI.
what is MDP-Browser ? MDP-Browser is a software designed to work 
with IOS server  in a wiki like way. MDP-browser is a merge betwin 
MD-Viewer and  MDP-GUI some kind of nutural son of those two programs. 
It's similar to his parents but entends truelly the capabilities 
of both program.  First of all VID rendering have been improved (bullet 
points  are drawn using effect/Draw and not any more ascii chars), 
Viewed text resizing exist
it handle the window resize too, Toc area is inserted into the same 
window and the entry clicking now scroll allways on the top the viewing 
area, MDP-Browser can produce HTML docs by just clicking one button 
the HTML  is stored localy and can be published back to the IOS server 
using the IOS REBOL/link client plublishing system. Editing of a 
document is possible existing on the IOS server or new we can store 
locally or publish it back (if the fileset yet exist on the IOS server).
you have builting doc history that allows you to browse several files 
and get back to them...
those are the main functionnalities but there are many more things 
in it ;)

For what you have described, you may want to use navigation like 
that provided 

by a java script outline tree. One example is http://www.treemenu.net/

My plan is to soon make a make-doc revision that takes as input the 
NoteREB data from the
script by Alain Goye.   http://alain.goye.free.fr/rebol/NoteReb.r

Then generate an html site using the same tree structure as the NoteREB 
source file. 

Each page from the NoteREB data file is to be make-doc'ed into a 
separate HTML page.

NoteREB uses a very simple REBOL block structure to hold the content 
and sub-blocks.

If you want to change a page, change the source page, save the file, 
and click the new

reGEN button.  Alain's tree makes the management of the source much 
easier than methods
I had been using before.

I have used this approach for taking easy vid format and making an 
easy vid presentation 

format.  That means that it makes VID faces for each page and allows 
the execution of sample

code by clicking on it. Seems to work well and I plan to put it on 
the script library 
after View 1.3 is released and I can verify it works OK there.
Mike, I have a special script make-site, that uses the mdp-engine 
to generate web-sites. Take a look at my homepage, it's all done 
with this concept. Maybe it's something you want to check out.
Hi Robert, That is a VERY nice site.  I am continuing this look at 
NoteREB because it manages the source and the tree structure for 
me. For what I want, a tree structure is important.  This approach 
can use makedoc2 or any other variation to make-doc the page.  The 
recursive tree approach combined with any already written make-doc 
function makes it work well so I'll  be done soon  then will have 
a longer look at your site and approach. Thanks.
The make-site approach is based on a directory tree on your disk. 
All path's you see are actually directories, and each dir has only 
one file, an index.html That's why you don't have to hack in any 
document name.
[unknown: 5]
Mike, that Treemenu looks like the same one a site that I now frequent 
uses at http://www.peshitta.org/Which is good but I need something 
that might be a building block to a full blown viewer at some point 
in the future.  For example there are other bible viewers such as 
e-sword but I want something that can support additional book names 
and might make the makedoc extended to support a format as that and 
maybe make a conversion tool that will take some of the popular bible 
formats and output them to text and rthen back in through a tool 
and output the makedoc format so that the output is still compatible 
with makedoc.
I have been inspired by the make-doc line.  Robert's rendition is 
fantastic.  Love the whole site in one file thing.  Keeping the CSS 
out of the rendered html is good, using classes.

MDP-Browser sounds really cool.   a makedoc/spec browser for makedoc 
formatted scripts.

I have been playing with a document format that I call nulldoc, which 
is mostly a set of generaly rules about how plain text documents 
have been formatted traditionally, or how plain text copied from 
a web browser can look, and I started developing a set of broad regular 
expressions to markup plaintext.

based more on what I wanted than what I actually had, the rules I 
came up with go something like:

two blank lines begin a new nulldoc document (segment)
spaces/numbers/letters/symbols represent lists.

tabs/spaces at the beginning of the line denotes code/hierarchy. 

tabs that are trapped by non-space on both sides means tabular data.

I differentiate between code and hierarchy indentation by short-circuiting 
code switch with #:

	code section

#	numbered section

I wrote a web page that reads the KJV aloud using an MS Agent character. 
  Used a control from MS for a menu   I had it voice-activated, but 
that was a drag so I used "web navigator control"  stupid name for 
a menu.  I think it's still up at http://members.cox.net/rovingcowboy/kjv/
 probably won't speak unless you have sapi 4 voice installed, though.
[unknown: 5]
What part of the code of makedoc lets me change the individual lines 
being written to 'out?
I'm using a new emit-verse function I created but want to for example 
change the line to display multiple colors and formatted text on 
one line
For example if I post a verse such as John 1:1 "In the beginning 
was the Word......"  - I want to be able to format the book and verse 
separately from the verse text but still group it together in a \verse 
/verse type output
I'll keep looking over the code until I find where to put some parsing 
This is a modified version of the outputter (embedded -- no template, 
no toc).  It does a full parse of each line: http://www.ross-gill.com/w/xhtml/xhtml.html

If you want to stay with some minor changes to makedoc2, then just 
copy what is provided for NOTE.
Add your verse to the data

\verse author verse
content text

This is assuming author and verse will be text strings (no spaces). 
Unlike NOTE you need to parse the text after \verse to get the two 
parts so that you can plug them into the output where you like.

Note uses text-line:  [any space copy text thru newline]

which puts everything on the line from the identifier tag \NOTE into 
the variable 'text

One direct way to get the values author & verse from the line is 
by reparsing what text gives you 
that is you let the \verse processing work the same as \NOTE

  | "note" text-line (emit note-in text)   ; this is an existing line

  | "verse" text-line (emit verse-in text) ; this will be added to 
  support verse
		note-in     [emit-note doc/2]    ; this is an existing line

  verse-in   [emit-verse doc/2]    ; this will be added to support 

emit-note then has an emit-verse parallel

emit-verse: func [text] [

 words: parse text none   ; Because text-line was in the rule for 
 verse it contains author and verse

 emit [<div class=verse-box><p class=author> words/1 </p> "&nbsp; 
 " <p class=verse> words/2 </p>]

and because you should handle the /verse tag similar to /NOTE which 
should close the html table and the div.

In the above that author and verse are defined as classes so you 
can leverage stylesheet independently of makedoc.
[unknown: 5]
Does \note wrap text?
Mike - I have already kinda did like you said as I somewhat copied 
note but made a new verse type.  The thing that looks like would 
make madedoc better (might have it already) if if each item could 
be parse with styles also.  For example - come up with a way to parse 
one single line item into 3 parts but format each part different 
with different color for this and different font for that but have 
it still be able to be in the template.
Paul, I don't see how makedoc can do that because one of the goals 
was to having simple tagging where the input source is very readable. 
For these the line prefix (===, ---, ... etc) is that simple tagging. 
To be able to differentiate any value you would have to tag it independently 
and a general template can't know what you want to do.  

If you change the base makedoc to use an external stylesheet instead 
of the embedded styles in the template, you are a long way to getting 
what you want. Combine that with the few special tags you need and 
you can accomplish a lot within the design goals noted.
[unknown: 5]
Thanks Mike
Surrounding text with "\verse" and "/verse" looks just like XML.
<verse> author verse
content text
hello, is make-doc code still accessible from Desktop in the 1.3.x 
It's on REBOL.org, so it's available from the Viewtop in the public/library 
A quick one for the makedoc pros: How do you tell makedoc2 to not 
make a table of contents. I think it has something to do with no-toc 
=option no-toc I think
Henrik, =options no-toc   And thanks.
henrik exactly  :)
no-toc disable the toc creation in the HTML output
Just a suggestion for Make-doc.. using some form of markup that would 
co-exist with CSS  check out http://www.csszengarden.com/
Done -- http://www.ross-gill.com/make-doc/
how am I supposed to write URL's in MAKEDOC2?
=url http://www.rebol.com?Dunno, let me look ...
that doesn't seem to work
Isn't is supposed to be

=url http://www.rebol.comThe Main REBOL Site
doesn't seem to work in Makedoc2
hmm, using Chris' formatter, I really do use: =url http://www.rebol.com
the sdk has this ..

If you need to contact us regarding problems with this distribution,

please use <A HREF="http://www.rebol.com/feedback.html">http://www.rebol.com/feedback.html</A>.
no, looks like it doesn't work.