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[Parse] Discussion of PARSE dialect

(bad English grammar day)
I need CHANGE too, and the full version with the value you're changing 
to be an expression in a paren

 - this changing during parsing is known to be O(n), i.e. highly inefficient. 
 For any serious code it is a disaster
Anyway, I am happy this does not influence my code
Regarding CASE and backtracking: it is not a problem when the effect 
of the keyword is limited to the nearest enclosing block.
(which is exactly the case of the #localize-on / -off directives 
as well)
O(n) isn't bad if n is small, especially compared to other parts 
of the process. Most of my apps are bound by database or filesystem 
Backtracking often happens within blocks too, but yes, that does 
limit the scope of the problems caused (it doesn't eliminate the 
problem, it just limits its scope). Mode operations also don't interact 
well with flow control operations like OPT, NOT and AND. What would 
NOT CASE mean if CASE has effect on subsequent code without being 
tied to it? As a comparison, NOT CASE "a" has a much clearer meaning.
I like the idea of a CASE option. There haven't been many times I've 
needed it, but a few. Other things are higher on my priority list 
for R3, but I wouldn't complain if this made its way in there.
Hmm, to not complicate matters and hoping that it is the simpler 
variant I modified the CASE/NO-CASE proposal to use the




syntax, since it really looks like simpler to implement than other 
possible alternatives.
I want to keep the digits and remove all the rest,

t: "abc56xyz" parse/all t [some [digit (prin "d") | x: (prin "." 
remove x)]] print head t

this do the work but never finish. If I add a "skip" to the second 
part the result is "b56y".
How do I do?
Alternative not using parse:

>> t: "abc56xyz"
== "abc56xyz"
>> non-digit: ""
== ""
>> for c #"a" #"z" 1 [append non-digit c]
== "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>> for c #"A" #"Z" 1 [append non-digit c]
== {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}
>> trim/with t non-digit
== "56"
Nice way, thank you. But still curios about how to do it with parse.
>> s: "abc56xyz"                                                 
                              == "abc56xyz"

>> digit: charset "1234567890"                                   
                              == make bitset! #{

>> non-digit: complement digit                                   
                              == make bitset! #{

>> parse/all s [(o: copy "") any [mk1: some digit mk2: (insert/part 
tail o mk1 mk2) | some non-digit]] o
== "56"
(mm, not sure why the copy/past was messed up. i hope you get the 
idea anyway.)
I just did the same thing:

t: "abc56xyz" parse/all t [some [x: non-digit (prin first x remove 
x x: back x) :x | skip]] head t
a bit more clear:

t: "abc56xyz" parse/all t [some [x: non-digit (x: back remove x) 
:x | skip]] head t
note that copying the whole thing is probably faster than removing 
multiple times. also, doing several chars at once instead of one 
at a time is faster.
It depends on the input, but if it's a long text with many multiple 
chars to insert/remove your way will be faster. Thanks
Oh I think no need to "back"

t: "abc56xyz" parse/all t [some [x: non-digit (remove x) :x | skip]] 
head t
Endo: in your first attempt, your second rule in SOME block is not 
making the input advance when the end of the string is reached because 
(remove "") == "", so it enters an infinite loop. A simple fix could 

t: "abc56xyz" parse/all t [any [digit (prin "d") | x: skip (prin 
"." remove x) :x]]

(remember to correctly reset the input cursor when modifying the 
parsed series) 

As others have suggested, they are more optimal ways to achieve this 
Strange but I tried to remove the whole part in one time, but its 
slower than the other:

aaa: [t: "abc56def7" parse/all t [some [x: some non-digit y: (remove/part 
x y) :x | skip]] head t]

bbb: [t: "abc56def7" parse/all t [some [x: non-digit (remove x) :x 
| skip]] head t]
>> benchmark2 aaa bbb ;(executes block 10'000'000 times.)
Execution time for the #1 job: 0:00:11.719
Execution time for the #2 job: 0:00:11.265
#1 is slower than #2 by factor ~ 1.04030181979583
Doc: Thank you. I tried to do that way (advancing the series position) 
but couldn't. I may add some more things so I wish to do it by parse 
instead of other ways. And want to learn parse more :)
Thanks for all!
Anyone written anything to parse csv into an import-friendly stream?

Something like:

a,      b ,"c","d1
d2",a ""quote"",",",

a|b|c|d1^/d2|a "quote"|,|

(I'm trying to load CSV files dumped from Excel into SQLite and SQL 
Server ... these changes will be in the next version of my SQLite 
Geomol: It would be nice if trim/with supports charsets.

And also I would love if I have "trace/parse" just like trace/net, 
which gives info about parse steps instead of all trace output.
Hmm I should add this to wish list I think :)
Ashley, not sure exactly what you're after. I use simple LOAD-CSV 
and BUILD-DLM-STR funcs to convert each direction.
I use a TO-CSV function that does type-specific value formatting. 
The dates in particular, to be Excel-compatible. Was about to make 
a LOAD-CSV function - haven't needed it yet.
Here's the R2 version of TO-CSV and TO-ISO-DATE (Excel compatible):

to-iso-date: funct/with [
	"Convert a date to ISO format (Excel-compatible subset)"
	date [date!] /utc "Convert zoned time to UTC time"
] [

 if utc [date: date + date/zone date/zone: none] ; Excel doesn't support 
 the Z suffix
	either date/time [ajoin [

  p0 date/year 4 "-" p0 date/month 2 "-" p0 date/day 2 " "  ; or T

  p0 date/hour 2 ":" p0 date/minute 2 ":" p0 date/second 2  ; or offsets
	]] [ajoin [
		p0 date/year 4 "-" p0 date/month 2 "-" p0 date/day 2
] [
	p0: func [what len] [ ; Function to left-pad a value with 0
		head insert/dup what: form :what "0" len - length? what

to-csv: funct/with [
	"Convert a block of values to a CSV-formatted line in a string."
	data [block!] "Block of values"
] [
	output: make block! 2 * length? data
	unless empty? data [append output format-field first+ data]

 foreach x data [append append output "," format-field get/any 'x]
	to-string output
] [
	format-field: func [x [any-type!]] [case [
		none? get/any 'x [""]

  any-string? get/any 'x [ajoin [{"} replace/all copy x {"} {""} {"}]]
		get/any 'x = #"^"" [{""""}]
		char? get/any 'x [ajoin [{"} x {"}]]
		scalar? get/any 'x [form x]
		date? get/any 'x [to-iso-date x]

  any [any-word? get/any 'x any-path? get/any 'x binary? get/any 'x] 
			ajoin [{"} replace/all to-string :x {"} {""} {"}]
		'else [throw-error 'script 'invalid-arg get/any 'x]

There is likely a faster way to do these. I have R3 variants of these 
Especially since I forgot that APPEND isn't native in R2 :(
Gregg, could you post your LOAD-CSV ?
Here's a version that works in R3, tested against your example code:
>> a: deline read clipboard://
== {a,      b ,"c","d1
d2",a ""quote"",",",}

>> use [x] [collect [parse/all a [some [[{"} copy x [to {"} any [{""} 
to {"}]] {"} (keep replace/all x {""} {"}) | copy x [to "," | to 
end] (keep x)] ["," | end]]]]]
== ["a" "      b " "c" "d1^/d2" {a ""quote""} "," ""]

But it didn't work in R2, leading to an endless loop. So here's the 
version refactored for R2 that also works in R3

>> use [value x] [collect [value: [{"} copy x [to {"} any [{""} to 
{"}]] {"} (keep replace/all any [x ""] {""} {"}) | copy x [to "," 
| to end] (keep any [x ""])] parse/all a [value any ["," value]]]]
== ["a" "      b " "c" "d1^/d2" {a ""quote""} "," ""]

Note that if you get the b like "b" then it isn't CSV compatible, 
nor is it if you escape the {""} in values that aren't themselves 
escaped by quotes. However, you aren't supposed to allow newlines 
in values that aren't surrounded by quotes, so you can't do READ/lines 
and parse line by line, you have to parse the whole file.
I'm sure that the proposed PARSE for Topaz would allow the rule to 
be even smaller than the R3 version, because it includes COLLECT 
[KEEP] as PARSE operations.
That operation would be a great thing to add to the R3 Parse Proposals 
I copied Ashley's example data into a file and checked against several 
commercial CSV loaders, including Excel and Access. Same results 
as the parsers above.
Brian - it may be here - http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/1281
BrianH: I tested parsing csv (R2 version) there is just a little 
problem with space between coma and quote:

parse-csv: func [a][ use [value x] [collect [value: [{"} copy x [to 
{"} any [{""} to {"}]] {"} (keep replace/all any [x ""] {""} {"}) 
| copy x [to "," | to end] (keep any [x ""])] parse/all a [value 
any ["," value]]]]]

parse-csv {"a,b", "c,d"}  ;there is space after coma
== ["a,b" { "c} {d"}]   ;wrong result.

I know it is a problem on CSV input, but I think you can easily fix 
it and then parse-csv function will be perfect.
Also this case:

	{"a,b" ,"c,d"} ; space *before* comma

This case

	"a, b"

can be dealt with by replacing "keep any" with "keep trim any" ... 
but Brian's func handles 95% of the real-life test cases I've thrown 
at it so far, so a big thanks from me.
These are also a bit strange:
>> parse-csv {"a", "b"}
== ["a" { "b"}]
>> parse-csv { "a" ,"b"}
== [{ "a" } "b"]
>> parse-csv {"a" ,"b"}
== ["a"]
If there is a space after the comma and before the ", the " is part 
of the value. The " character is only used as a delimiter if it is 
directly next to the comma.
My func handles 100% of the CSV standard - http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
- at least for a single line. To really parse CSV you need a full-file 
parser, because you have to consider that newlines in values surrounded 
by quotes are counted as part of the value, but if the value is not 
surrounded completely by quotes (including leading and trailing spaces) 
then newlines are treated as record separators.
CSV is not supposed to be forgiving of spaces around commas. Even 
the "" escaping to get a " character in the middle of a " surrounded 
value is supposed to be turned off when the comma, beginning of line, 
or end of line have spaces next to them.
For the purposes of discussion I'll put the CSV data inside {}, so 
you can see the ends, and the results in a block of line blocks.

This: { "a" }
should result in this: [[{ "a" }]]

This: { "a
b" }
should result in this: [[{ "a}] [{b" }]]

This: {"a
should result in this: [[{a

This: {"a ""b"" c"}
should result in this: [[{a "b" c}]]

This: {a ""b"" c}
should result in this: [[{a ""b"" c}]]

This: {"a", "b"}
should result in this: [["a" { "b"}]]
load-csv: func [
        "Parse newline delimited CSV records"
        input [file! string!]
        /local p1 p2 lines
    ] [
        lines: collect line [
            parse input [

                some [p1: [to newline | to end] p2: (line: copy/part p1 p2) skip]
        collect/only rec [
            foreach line lines [
                if not empty? line [rec: parse/all line ","]
Argh. Shouldn't just post the first one I find. Ignore that. It doesn't 
handle file!.
load-csv: func [
    "Load and parse a delimited text file."
    source [file! string!]
    /local lines
    if not with [delimiter: ","]

    lines: either file? source [read/lines source] [parse/all source 
    remove-each line lines [empty? line]
    if empty? lines [return copy []]
    head forall lines [
        change/only lines parse/all first lines delimiter
I did head down the path of trying to handle all the things REBOL 
does wrong with quoted fields and such, but I have always found a 
way to avoid dealing with it.
load-csv fails to deal with these 3 simple (and for me, common) cases:


>> load-csv %test.csv
== [["1" "a"] [{b"}] ["2" "a" "b"] ["3"]]

I've reverted to an in situ brute force approach:

c: make function! [data /local s] [
		all [find data "|" exit]
		s: false
		repeat i length? trim data [
			switch pick data i [
				#"^""	[s: complement s]
				#","	[all [not s poke data i #"|"]]
				#"^/"	[all [s poke data i #" "]]
		remove-each char data [char = #"^""]

  all [#"|" = last data insert tail data #"|"]	; only required if we're 
  going to parse the data
		parse/all data "|^/"

which has 4 minor limitations:

1) the data can't contain the delimter you're going to use ("|" in 
my case)

2) it replaces quoted returns with another character (" " in my code)

3) it removes all quote (") characters (to allow SQLite .import and 
parse/all to function correctly)
4) Individual values are not trimmed (e.g.c "a ,b" -> ["a " "b"])

If you can live with these limitations then the big benefit is that 
you can omit the last two lines and have a string that is import 
friendly for SQLite (or SQL Server) ... this is especially important 
when dealing with large (100MB+) CSV files! ;)
Individual values should not be trimmed if you want the loader to 
be CSV compatible. However, since TRIM is modifying you can post-process 
the values pretty quickly if you like.
I'm working on a fully standards-compliant full-file LOAD-CSV - actually 
two, one for R2 and one for R3. Need them both for work. For now 
I'm reading the entire file into memory before parsing it, but I 
hope to eventually make the reading incremental so there's more room 
in memory for the results.
Actually, 4) above is easily solved by adding an additional switch 

	#" "	[all [not s poke data i #"^""]]

This will ensure "a , b" -> ["a" "b"]
But it doesn't assure that "a , b" -> ["a " " b"]. It doesn't work 
if it trims the values.