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I have heard that the driver from DocKimbel has the seem issue... 
But my point is that Rebol/Command should be updated to work with 
version 4.1 which is currently the recommended version for peoduction 
Most probably driver support for db will be drop in future versions. 
(I recommend working with DocKimbel of helping improve his code).
(Disclaimer: This is my opiong not RT official position)
If support for db is gone, what is the point for a professional version 
of rebol??
It is going to become platform. You get access to a plugin API where 
you can plug-in 3rd db modules. (At leass the was the plan from DevCon'04). 
Don't know how things will change in the future. You can still request 
RT to upgrade the drivers.
What exactly is Platform going to be about?
Imo we should aim for REAL kernel - where all unnecessary things 
should be removed - I talk about fastcgi, db drivers etc.
I am not sure about protocol handlers either ... I start to not understand, 
what is rebol - it is not language, nor it is stand-alon platform 
... I want clean design ... Base + SDK is the answer imo ...
Base == Platform imho
good then ...
so we should be able "to build" various variants upon our (developers) 
needs using SDK modules ...
Ok, but who will develop those modules? Would they be open source? 
Personally, the reason why I love rebol is because it allows me to 
focus on the business, not on the tehnical aspect of a database, 
fastcgi, etc... I am certainly not the one who will develop technical 
modules, simply by lack of knowledge and time. But I really need 
those db access, fastcgi, etc...
It could be RT, or they could come from 3rd parties.  I guess the 
answer is time will tell. You can certainly express your views and 
requests to RT, they may change direction based on customer input. 
However the directions is a bit blurry right now.
Is there any conclusion about DocKimbel's mySQL driver and 4.11 server 
release? Does it work or no? In terms of one project, where we exchange 
data, client agrees to our proposed way, only if we import data to 
their tables on their server. It is Debian linux, mySQL 4.11 or so, 
so before I produce some script and give it to them, I would like 
to ask if the problem of connection/authentication is resolved? Thanks 
a lot ....
Can I update particular fields (columns) in table?
Hmm, so noone uses mySQL here? :-)
I would have to try to download it, install and try it myself, uhm, 
another lost afternoon for testing simple thing :-)
the trouble is, I need to send rebol plus script to other site, so 
testing will be very tough .... hmm, maybe there is no other better 
way than to actually do so ....
btw - other site will use rebol plus mysql script in terms of Cron 
job - how should I launch it? I hope they know how to define Cron 
job, as I don't know ... should it be similar to CGI script? Or? 
Simply "cron script" calls something like \path\to\rebol\rebol \path\to\my-script\myscript.r? 
What arguments eventually? -s?
I think you can do that. cronjobs are normal scripts that are carried 
out. they reside in a table of cronjobs which basically is a shell 
script with some time and date information added
Hi Petr, 

Not sure if this is what you are asking about mySQL "Can I update 
particular fields (columns) in table?" but if you want to change 
a value you use SET.  e.g.  in mySQL protocol format

query: rejoin[{update logons set rs='}keyOrder{' where userName = 
insert db reduce query
thanks, that shoudl do the job. I simply mean - your record structure 
has following fields for e.g. - Name, LastName, Age, Address1, Address2 
and I want to update only e.g. LastName and Address2 fields ....
I have the new MySQL Version 5 Beta installed on my development Notebook 
(WinXP). I was devoloping a Script acessing a current Version 4.1 
of MySQL without any problems and i thought about continuing dev 
work at home. There i ran into an error saying that the autthetification 
protocol of the client is not supported and i should update my client, 
which is the mysql-protocol from DocKimble, when acessing the local 
version 5 Beta of MySQL. Is this a known problem and does anybody 
knows to work around this?? Does anybody know what changed to authenfication 
that is not supported by the protocol??
this problem has been discussed before.
Guess someone will have to investigate this since dockimbel is busy 
on a contract ...
Sorry,I tried to search for this topic but could not find a result. 
Perhaps i did not get back far enough. I'll see if i can find out 
something about it. Thanks for the Info.
Re: MySQL Auth.   IIRC  http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/old-client.html
I think we used this option "Tell the server to use the older password 
hashing algorithm" and continued without a house call.  If that does 
not work, let me know and on Monday I will ask the programmer who 
did it what did work.
I thought of that before and set the ol_password variable to on. 
But i think i forgot to change the passwords itself. I will try that 
out and let you know if it works. Thanks Mike
I would like to know the result guys, as I am about to create scripts 
for the partner site, and if I fail, bye bye rebol - the trouble 
simply is - they told us - if you want to sync data to us, prepare 
import utilities for us. So - I would still have to do the job, just 
using php or simply something else - which would be a big time loss, 
as I never used it before ....
I configured my database, then I run into above mentioned problems 
with non ability to use new authentication method. I choosed to use 
old one, but suddenly I can' connect even as a root ;-)
I use mySQL admin utility, which sets old-passwords item in my.ini 
file, yet Doc's mySQL driver does not work ... now I am at the end 
the trouble also is, remote site may not be willing to use old-fashioned 
passwords ... what then? No guru to adapt mySQL driver? Any pointers 
to new authentication methods?
some possible solutions here - http://forums.oscommerce.com/lofiversion/index.php/t148268.html
I better contacted our partner site to ask them, if we could use 
old method, or I am screwed with rebol then ...
Seems one can enable passwords on a per-user-base? search on the 
-> ['some_user'-:-'some_host'] = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd');
yes, afaik it's per-user. the setting is what to use by default.
I have enabled old-passwords for all databases, yet Doc's driver 
returns still the same message ..
huh, ok. Finally can test ... while I have set old-passwords in my.ini, 
restarted service, it is not enough - so I installed mysql administrator 
app and changed user password, server probably needs to regenerate 
them to behave correctly ..
hopefully the same problem exists even for php folks, so I hope our 
partner site will not send me to hell with rebol ;-)
Here is something more: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/password-hashing.html
You do not need "old-passwords" globally, only your accounts needs 
an old-style-password.
what is your common rebol syntax you use mySQL driver with? I find 
it a bit difficult to use Doc's block mode, as I have to provide 
it with exactly the same amount of question marks, as there is amount 
of columns in the table (talking of insert here)
does anyone use non-rebolish, but string mode (eg. using 'compose), 
with direct mySQL syntax? (which allows constructs as for e.g. insert 
into mytable (col1, col8, col9) values ("A", "B", "C") ... so you 
don't need to care about the rest of arguments for e.g.?
Is there any "block syntax" equivalent to insert, to be used for 
hmm,  maybe I am already decided, thanks for any input, but it seems 
to me easier to directly compose valid mySQL syntax, than to think 
how to overcome rebol block conversion syntax, as I can't know what 
cases Doc's driver is able to parse ...
Hi Mike, sorry for the late reply. Changing passwords to the old 
algorhitm and setting the variable ol_password to "on" did the job. 
has anyone experience with character sets and collations? I can see 
there are variables like character_set_connection() and collation_connection(), 
etc. - can those be set from within the Rebol?
This is related, I think, to my notes about VID and MySQL in the 
View section. In a test that we ran in 2004 we were able to load 
1,000,000 rows in under 30 minutes.  We did not investigate further 
but we thought we could improve this by running parallel loads and 
putting it on a real server instead of a laptop.  This volume was 
equal to the annual volume of  the transactions we were interested 
in so would represent a journal of everything that happened to this 
app as a keyed transaction in one year.   

From that 1,000,000 row database, we were able to create an HTML 
report based on some selected criteria in 2.5 seconds.  

All tests done with REBOL View using Doc's mySQL protocol.
volker  thanks for figureing out the SET PASSWORD ...OLD_PASSWORD(''xyz'); 
before I needed it ;)
I am reopening the issue of mySQL protocol not being able to connect 
to newer >= 4.11 mySQL version database. I decided to consider this 
task as being a proof if the community is, or is not able to effectively 
resort some issues, which clearly show as a show stopper for some 
rebollers (as can be seen on ml). If we are not able to effectively 
resolve this issue, then I have to ask - what actually are we able 
to sort?