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[Syllable] The free desktop and server operating system family

Evgeniy Philippov
My OS of choice is however BlueBottle (bluebottle.ethz.ch) so I'd 
prefer to devote time to it. So that's a matter of time investments. 
E.g. I would not try hacking sources of Syllable...
That's the only way to debug
Evgeniy Philippov
Or maybe I will try to hack. I will decide later, now I must leave.
Having a pppoe seems to raise my spirit for Syllable!
Evgeniy Philippov
BTW I think I will touch the instructions on a devel site. Is it 
clear how to do all of that, is there a clear link on a main site?
How to Start Developing
Evgeniy Philippov
OK. I left. Turning off the screen :)
The Syllable source code is in the section Source Code
Does REBOL/View run on Syllable desktop?
No, only R3/Core
And Boron, ORCA and Red-produced executables
I produced Syllable Server to run R2 (and World)
Topaz could also run on both
Evgeniy Philippov
Kaj: BTW Congratulations on achieving a fast GUI at the OS! Even 
Oberon/A2 GUI is slower---though A2 uses bigger screen resolution.
I had like 800x600 mode at Syllable vesa.
A2 Aka Native Bluebottle
Fetching all the development stuff and the desktop 0.6.6 source code... 
Was unable to copy kernel log to external filesystem mounted in rw 
It detects a PS2 AUX (mouse) port but fails to do smthings with a 
PS2 mouse a number of times.
Thanks. :-) It would be a lot faster still if your video card were 
How is your external file system formatted? Did you get an error 
Evgeniy Philippov
ntfs "Permission denied" (cp command gave this msg)
I did a "cp -v file file"
I mean file1 file2
And I was under root
It would be interesting to have more elaborate -vv mode at some variant 
of a cp command...
Installable on demand or by will.
I will unpack mc with a hope it gives a more elaborate message.
Though that message is probably reported by a file system driver, 
it could have a variant with more elavorated messages (i.e. more 
bloated driver).
I.e. explaingin why it was denied.
BTW where's the best place to report those bugs: on http://forum.syllable.org/viewforum.php?f=4
or here?
To mount ntfs, I used "mount /dev/disk/ata/hda/1 ~/media/m1/ -w" 
and the fs became readable and dirs were searchable
I could move all these bug reports into a topic.
Into several topics at that 4 forum.
Also, bug: "cd ~/ntfs_partition_mounted/<TAB><TAB>" displays Cyrillic 
letters of file names OK (as a list), but "ls <the same folder>" 
gives ????????? instead of cyrillic letters.
Seems to be bug in ls.
mc reports Permission denied (13). /var/log/kernel reports assertion 
failure in ntfs_clear_inode under ntfs_write_inode : kfree of memory 
that was not kmalloc-ed. And subsequent failures in a form of stack 
These subsequent failures also related to ntfs_clear_inode called 
from ntfs_write_inode.
Also got a Permission denied (13) while attempt to copy a kernel 
log file to ext3 partttion. Under root.
no stack traces this time, and no relevant messages found.
It may seem that I've found a sources glitch with my mouse. A kernel 
log reports "IMPS2 mouse found" which means that appserver/appserver/ps2mouse/ps2mouse.cpp 
detected an Intellimouse PS/2 mouse. Maybe developers had no Intellimouse 
to test stuff, therefore there's no code setting up the mouse for 
that clause. I.e. it gets detected, but there's no special init (which 
must be there), only the message is printed and the mouse protocol 
is not switched (it must be switched, I guess).
Searching for instructions to build sources tree.
Ahh very simple... build install Syllable. But that will fetch Syllable 
from a remote cvs, no?
I need to build my own hacked source tree
Ah found a doc.