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[Syllable] The free desktop and server operating system family

What error?
We've always thought we had this PPPoE implementation, and there 
were supposed to be configuration instructions floating around, but 
I can find nothing but confusion about them. I'm starting to wonder 
if we ever had PPPoE. It seems more likely this is just a PPP virtual 
network module, without source
Evgeniy Philippov
Kaj: A lot of errors. One of them is #error Unknown method to access 
raw Ethernet frames
Kaj Yes it seems so.
I think raw sockets aren't implemented yet in the network stack, 
but some work may have been done on it
Evgeniy Philippov
I am currently not a specialist in TCP IP/ethernet internals...
Me neither :-/
Someone was rewriting the network stack and implementing IPv6, but 
he never published what he had. It's very frustrating
Evgeniy Philippov
/me reading au techworld article
Very true: "[A] problem with it is that none of these competing [applications 
and non-integrated subsystems] choices have even matched the quality 
of the integrated systems that we admire."
This matches my large-scale expectations for a desktop environment 
of the future: deep integration at all aspects.
I have never touched Amiga OS though---never saw it.
But REBOL is outstanding.
I'll try to install Sy on a virtualbox...
Reported on a forum.
VirtualBox has always been very bad at running Syllable
VMware and QEmu work much better
Evgeniy Philippov
I checked Haiku OS site. It seems that they don't have pppoe (info 
from 2010).
Also, it seems that users frequently fall into Vesa mode at Haiku 
OS (info from their FAQ).
Yes, in my experience, video is more often supported on Syllable. 
Although Haiku sometimes has better support for newer video chips
They have always deveoped the system on emulators, so they run better 
on emulators such as VirtualBox, while Syllable runs better on real 
Evgeniy Philippov
...relocating my Syllable qemu image from Lubuntu into gNewSense. 
1) Lubuntu's LXDE often ignores mouse clicks, and 2) i feel more 
comfortable on a wholly free sotfware, as my home PC is a hobby PC.
want to hack on pppoe drivers... yes that's an overly long story. 
I am not sure I'll hack to anything usable.
It would be great. Syllable is most popular in Russia, so there still 
seems to be a real use case for PPPoE there
Judging by what Roaring Penguin says, it may be necessary to finish 
support for raw sockets in the network stack
It looks like we never got the PPPoE functionality from Arno on top 
of PPP, not even binary. It's possible that he had a port of the 
Linux kernel driver for PPPoE
Evgeniy Philippov
Every Internet provider I've met, including ADSL, Ethernet networks, 
and optical cable networks providers, use PPPoE. Except for the mobile 
Internet provider I had, who used CDMA 3G.
Here at Russia.
But I don't need CDMA anymore.
For a total of 3 (three) PPPoE Internet providers.
Do they give you a router that you can plug into without PPPoE?
Evgeniy Philippov
An ADSL provider gave a small D-Link box, I don't know its function. 
And Ethernet providers didn't give any routers, just gave an end 
of an Ethernet cable.
That situation is long gone here in the Netherlands, and surrounding 
countries I know of
You get a sort of family box, such as a D-Link, that handles the 
connection method and provides a standard ethernet hub for the whole 
Routers you can buy separately all have PPPoE capability for a number 
of years
Evgeniy Philippov
I was choosing the most cheap providers (but not the most cheap Internet 
connection badnwidth).
So when that changes in Russia, Syllable will boom there ;-)
Evgeniy Philippov
In the Russia, there is normally one computer per family, and in 
some cases a few computers per family.
Heh. qemu emulation of Syllable under gNewSense is 50 times faster 
than under latest LUBUNTU. Probably because kvm module fails to be 
active under  LUBUNTU.
This speed is visible by mouse cursor responsivity.
Another guess is that LUBUNTU was 64-bit OS emulating 32-bit Syllable. 
The gNewSense is 32-bit.
Yes, when I tested several years ago, the kernel module made emulation 
roughly twenty times faster
Does Syllable recognise your QEmu video emulation? It should on newer 
QEmu versions, probably as VMware graphics
Evgeniy Philippov
I don't have VMware, and I don't usually use pirated software (i.e. 
no way to run VMWare).
Now Syllable is in VESA mode at QEMU. QEMU is set to one of the two 
QEMU's possible graphics cards: "Cirrus Logic GD 5446 PCI VGA video 
card". The other (unselected) video card possible is "stdvga (stdbga/vesa)".
vmware server is free is it not?
free to use ..
Evgeniy Philippov
I don't know.
