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[Linux] group for linux REBOL users

After a month of Evolution, I can say I'm not totally satisfied. 
It has some shortcomings both in the UI and in functionality.
I use fetchmail to retrieve the mail and postfix to deliver it, so 
I can experiment at my heart content.
Looks like Claws is the contender after all
I happen to run a server, so I might set up an IMAP server to store 
all my mail, it is the ultimate geek solution.
Read this page from Eric Raymond's Art of Unix Programming.  The 
part about Unix is Fun to Hack.

I think it may explain why I feel an affinity to drag people to Linux 
(kicking and screaming until the aaahh, thanks).  His whole book 
is a wonderous read, but for now...


Same applies to REBOL.  Serious suits don't want engineers having 
fun.  But fun work is good work and yet 40 years later that lesson 
still hasn't sunk in for mainstream development.  Sad clowns.  :)
Guys, I need your advice. I want to setup a new version of my dedicated 
server,because I'm currently running RH7.2 and it's really dated...
But I want to do it a bit different these days. I want use a totally 
stripped down Debian with XEN support. Any further server applications 
like web-server, mail-server, xpeers etc. will go into one or more 
virtual machines.
With this setup upgrading hardware should be easy.
Where do I get a minimal Debian ISO with XEN installed from? Any 
links? I did a search already but was not so successful with it.
Dunno, but I'm offering another minimal Linux server distro set up 
for virtualisation ;-)
I think the Debian people would say that any Debian ISO is a minimal 
one. If you do a custom server install, you can easily start with 
the minimum and just add Xen
Alternatively, you could run your server tasks on Amazon EC2, which 
is also Xen
easy to create template driven new guest's, easy to admin and very 
the guest template is based on ->  http://www.eisfair.org/
no overhead, very lean and fast - another fine construct is ubuntu-xen 
with jeos guest and webmin for admin tasks
Tom, thanks for the link. I took a short look and this looks very 
promising. Will take a deeper look.
Kaj, any link to the distro?
EC2: Yes, the problem is that you can't save a state. So EC2 is more 
for serve-only stuff but not for interaction and state storing. At 
least that's how I understand it.
There are Syllable Server announcements on our front page:
The instructions for the latest version is here:
Regarding EC2: yes, you have to do persistent storage outside of 
EC2. The logical choice for that is Amazon S3. You can install an 
S3 driver for the FUSE filesystem on Linux and use it transparently, 
if you keep the performance characteristics in mind
Yes, I know. But what I didn't got yet, is how do I make the whole 
FS using S3? IMO a special version of Linux is required that uses 
S3 only, nothing else. Otherwise I can't use EC2 as I would use a 
normal machine.
Syllable: Well, for me a server distro doesn't need to have graphics, 
sound etc. Just plain minimum server, virtualization enabled, SSH 
for remote access and a simple way to add more packages.
Most distros are just to big, or contain that many things I don't 
need. Maybe Debian is the best choice. Starting with a total bare 
Syllable Server doesn't have graphics, sound, etc. beyond just the 
standard audio system that comes with the Linux kernel and the lightweight 
DirectFB and SDL libraries. You need SDL to run QEmu, which we include 
to do virtualisation. You can still run QEmu as a daemon and control 
it remotely, via VNC for example
There's no way to boot a Linux from S3 except the way it already 
works: you store your virtual machine image on S3 and EC2 starts 
it from there
The only thing that's required is Amazon's Linux kernel: you can 
define all the rest of the Linux system yourself. You could boot 
the very minimum off the EC2 image to mount S3 as a filesystem and 
then continue booting the base system from S3, but it would make 
no sense. Once the image is loaded by EC2 it has much higher performance 
than accessing S3 over the network
S3's role in this mix is to persist your data, and mounting it as 
a filesystem is as transparent as you can get
If you mean that you don't want to use EC2, then that's fine, too. 
If you install the S3 filesystem on a local Linux system, you can 
use it from there
Cool stuff…

I don't find either QuickTime or Flash to be quite as pervasive as 
everyone would like to think.  We have found bugs amongst about 50% 
of the Mac users trying to display Flash media, and about 20% of 
PCs have some sort of trouble with QuickTime (not the least being 
they have not downloaded it yet).

The fact that Apple only supports Flash 4 is a pain.  I wish they 
could simple confirm their was no security holes, and that installation 
from all browns (like all four) was truly just a confirmation box. 
 Some times I will go to upgrade someone, and I will even be forced 
to reboot.  Deep shame.
I was trying to run rebface on server but got error that cannot find 
 libX11.so.6 which should be available. In which locations is Rebol 
looking for libraries?
You mean Syllable Server? It doesn't have X11
no, debian
apt-get install libx11-6  returns:
libx11-6 is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
REBOL is not looking in any particular place. Are you sure X11 is 
installed on that system?
is it possible that I don't have permissions to link these libraries?
Usually in this case, an older X11 library needs to be installed 
as well. But you can do:
ldd rebface
I was trying that.. it returns that cannot find the library
Unlikely. Loading libraries is just read-only
libx11-6 may not be the package that includes libX11.so.6. Those 
numbers don't usually have that relationship
What libraries does ldd say are missing?
linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xffffe000)
        libX11.so.6 => not found
        libXext.so.6 => not found
        libXt.so.6 => not found
        libXaw.so.7 => not found
        libXmu.so.6 => not found
        libstdc++.so.5 => not found
        libfreetype.so.6 => not found
        libm.so.6 => /lib32/libm.so.6 (0xf7f3c000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib32/libdl.so.2 (0xf7f37000)
        libgcc_s.so.1 => not found
        libc.so.6 => /lib32/libc.so.6 (0xf7e0c000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf7f69000)
there is quite a lot of them:)
It can't even find the GCC, C++ and FreeType libraries
They must not be installed somehow. It looks like a bare server system 
without even C++
it is just a server