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[Linux] group for linux REBOL users

I remember something about that... I think it was a "rebolism".
Does the same command return non zero in the linux console only ?
CALL has a bug in Linux (and other Unix), it just returns a random 
I never knew that.
It returns 0 if used from the rebol console .. but other numbers 
if used from an encapped app.
Gabriele .. are these bugs ( and the lack of scalable font support 
in draw ) being addressed in 2.7.6 ?
That's a serious bug
Anyone know what I need to do to get view running on Ubuntu 7.10 
?  libstdc++.so.5 is missing.  And sym linking to ibstdc++.so.6.0.9 
doesn't work.
View worked for me out of the box on a freshly installed 
Ubuntu 7.10
Encapped app complained.  Anyway, this is an answer I found http://www.debugmode.com/userforums/viewtopic.php?t=6125
That answer look overly complicated to me. Why not just : sudo apt-get 
install libstdc++5 ?
Dunno.  Will that work?  :)
True type fonts appear to be working for me in Ubuntu 7.04 ...
Hmmm, I have libstdc++5 installed.
Yes, it will download and correctly install libstdc++5.
Good to know.  I messaged my user to let him know of this easier 
Carl knows about the call linux bug since quite some time... and 
I have provided him with what I think could fix it (but I have no 
way to test the fix). Qtask needs this bug fixed too, so one can 
say it's reasonably high priority. :)
2.7.6 then
AGG fonts only working under Debian distros still?
If one wishes to run a View encapped application on a server distro 
of ubuntu, is this all one has to do http://softinnov.org/cheyenne/blog.cgi?view=0014
I guess
Graham, any other required libs can be determined with ldd.
It looks like this ecvt bug is biting me again.  I got ODBC working 
under Wine, but when I insert a decimal value into a decimal field 
under ODBC, the value gets converted to what looks like a scientifc 
value without the exponent.
So, .01 gets stored as 1.000 as does 1000 !
hmm, that won't be easy to workaround i guess :(
maybe try sending as string instead? will the driver accept it?
[unknown: 5]
I just sstarted downloading this ubuntu linux OS.  I don't know much 
about it.  My last venture into Linux was REDHAT 5.2 which was sometime 
ago.  Can someone tell me how ubuntu compares to other linux flavors 
and if it is pretty standard.  If I'm going to learn linux I would 
rather learn what is the most useful set of commands that enables 
me to use the most distributions of linux.
imho;  Ubuntu is the current up and comer.  Ubuntu ships with a defaut 
set of packages more tuned for running Gnome as the desktop.  Kubuntu 
ships with a default KDE setup.  The Ubuntu family is spin off of 
Debian ... Debian is my personal favourite.  The RHEL branches don't 
seem to do it for me quite as much.  Ubuntu is well supported with 
a growing community and a fairly well off benefactor.   Canonical 
is funded.  I'm pretty sure they still support the WeShipIt program 
where you can order CD's for free - shipping paid by Canonical.  
Pretty sweet.  But imho Debian is a little more solid; years between 
releases.  Canonical likes to stick to a 6 month updgrade schedule. 
 So you get new shiny every 6 months, but ... running a business 
on it, I prefer the soak time Debian affords.

GNU/Linux commands are fairly standard across the board.  It's the 
config, and helper apps that diverge the most.  (That alone causes 
a mess in GNU/Linux land but POSIX is POSIX).  Things don't really 
diverge low-level till you enter the other free unix clones like 
FreeBSD.  One thing to watch on the horizon is OpenSolaris.  If it 
rolls out as it should, it could well be the player to take in Linus. 
 And Ian Murdoch (the man beside Debra in Debian) works at Sun now, 
so ...

In short, Ubuntu good.   :)   But, I prefer it's parent, Debian. 
 If you check the IRC channels on Freenode, #debian is ruthless, 
brooks no guff, with awesome technical support.  #ubuntu seems a 
little more people friendly and perhaps more likely to effectively 
help new users.  Umm, don't go asking Ubuntu questions on #debian. 
 They seem to have a little bit of jealousy toward the younger upstart 
with all the flash cash.  :)

distrowatch.com will tell you pretty much anything you want to know.
[unknown: 5]
Thanks Brian.  Good info.
Oh, and if do have a spare hour or two, don't forget to test Syllable. 
 There is a group here for it.  Some of the principals of Syllable 
development are rebols at heart.  :)  The Desktop can be tested from 
a Live Boot.
[unknown: 5]
Cool.  I just had to restart Unbuntu as it locked up during the installation 
Crappy.   I had Kubuntu 6 Live do that on a lot of the machines I 
tried, but that was X and the mouse duking it out.  Never had a Debian 
install fail, but I have had to boot single user to tweak X11 config, 
but that all went away with the transition to Xorg.  ... knocks on 
wooden brain ... so far.
Gabriele, it's odd because I can retrieve decimal values but can't 
store them correctly.  I don't think the database will recast for 
me automatically but will have to try it.  More likely I'll get an 
odbc error.
If worse comes to worse, I'll have to store as int instead and recast 
using a trigger.
I did some more testing .. and using rebcmd 2.7.5, I can save decimals 
correctly.  I wonder if the problem is because I'm using the very 
old but latest encmdface which is 2.6.2 from Nov 2005 ?
Dec 2005
I may have found another solution.  I changed my column from decimal 
to float, and now it appears to be preserving the power.  Whereas 
with decimal it was changing the power to 0 each time.
Spoke too soon ... :((
[unknown: 5]
Man this unbuntu is awesome!  Why they heck does anyone pay for M$? 
 I guess it is because people like me didn't know this stuff had 
progressed to this point.  My last dip into linux was Redhat 5.1 
and it didn't touch M$ from an end user perspective but I think with 
Unbuntu it has arrived.
Paul;  yep, leave the Money Suck corporation behind ... send money 
to RT instead.  :)   And umm, it's ubuntu ... something about peace, 
live, share, "be human" in Zulu.   It's nice but it's not Debian. 
  Love the non-obvious pronunciation names.  REBOL, Debra and Ian 
for Deb-ian  and ooboontoo  or some such.  :)  And here I am stuck 
on a Win98 box and Carl just fixed CALL on the Linux side  :(
[unknown: 5]
BTW thanks for telling me how to pronounce this ubuntu.  That was 
bugging me for a couple days.
I justed installed Kubuntu on this machine BUT the installed leaves 
a lot of room for improvement.If I had never installed a Linux distro 
before,Kubuntu for the normal Windows user would have them saying 
"f*** Linux. The install gui does not have a progress bar and when 
it is done installing, it does not let the user know the install 
is done and what to do next :( Mandriva on the other hand has an 
excellent install gui. If the major distros could work on a unified 
install gui it would be worth its weight in salt. I did see an effort 
to that end by 2 different ppl but they can not work together because 
of design/programming ideas :( Linux on the desktop works well once 
installed/configed but still it not made for joe six pack
yeah; one of the last frontiers; ease of use.  But it is progressing. 
 It's a little bit too sad that the y2k thing gutted IT money (not 
that the whole .com thing didn't need a good slap to the face) but 
there were some corporate players taking all their funny money and 
setting up OSS departments.  That died an untimely death imho, while 
corporate got mad about spending billions to protect against fudiciary 
responsibility around legacy code and then got nothing in return. 
 No more funny money for the IT department ... since?  So now we 
rely on one of "us" to get the itch and dig in.   Some do.  But it 
is time consuming and somewhat boring clicking through the same installer 
screen 1000 times to cover (some fraction of) all  the bases.  :)
Any shell users here?
I want to create a backup script that calls a backup utility, but 
I want to create the target file with today's date and time.
look to touch