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World: r3wp

[Linux] group for linux REBOL users

What is the character encoding expected by View under Linux?
Well, in Rebol/View, I can paste the multiply sign (copied 
from ascii-math.r) straight into the console and it shows correctly. 
In a field, however, it shows incorrectly, eg. if I try to paste 
it in the field:
	view layout [f: field]
I get two characters,  'Ã' and a dotted box, displayed instead.

The binary information is correct, it's just not rendered correctly, 
for if back in the console I do:
	probe f/text
then I get the multiply symbol displayed correctly again.

So it looks like View face/text rendering is expecting 8-bit ascii 
of some encoding.
Probably ISO/IEC_8859-1
Yes, it will be an 8-bit single character encoding system. I believe 
on Windows, it is the system default CodePage and on Mac it is MacRoman. 

Your message shows the 'square-root' sign in AltME on a Mac and 'Capital 
A with a tilde on top: in Windows.

Perhaps you could describe the first of the two characters displayed.
On more close inspection, what I see here in a Rebol/View 
view face/text looks very much like ISO/IEC_8859-1.

The A with tilde on top is what I see here in Altme in wine on linux. 
(Makes sense.)
The utf-8 sequence for the multiply symbol is #{C397}. So you can 
look up character C3 in various code pages.

On Mac, you might be looking at Mac Roman  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac-Roman
Thanks. Mac is definitely Mac Roman
Oldes, as far as I remember, it was said that X Server had to be 
started and running, not simply having shared libraries available. 
I could be wrong. I tried to see what rebol asks for using strace 
and ltrace, but they don't seem to give information when size-text 
function is evaluated. Maybe the information used by size-text is 
obtained earlier, however...
I donīt think X needs to be running. In any case, this also happens 
on some Linuxes with X running. Itīs one of a few errors that currently 
prevent R2 from running on a number of Linuxes
Oldes, in my experience, installing the X bitmap fonts fixes the 
Does anybody know what must be the size of /usr/sbin/suexec with 
Apache 2.0.52 or where I could find this info ?

Actually, I have :

[[root-:-wpc3104] /]# find -name suexec -ls

7819049   20 -r-x--x---   1 root     root        18684 Mar 26 04:43 

A Web server of my client was hacked yesterday and I'm trying to 
find what could have been changed.
try the package manager, it can usually tell you what has been modified. 
if it can't or that has been hacked as well, you need another machine 
with the exact same distro/version and check the md5s.
(the same version of apache is not necessarily enough, as different 
distros may use different compile time options. i don't expect suexec 
to change much, but it could without meaning that it has been modified 
in your box)
For what is worth (this is apache 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.5):
[giesse-:-batou]:~$ ls -al /usr/lib/apache2/suexec

-rwsr-xr-- 1 root www-data 10276 2009-03-10 19:15 /usr/lib/apache2/suexec
[giesse-:-batou]:~$ md5sum /usr/lib/apache2/suexec
7f22e1861bf16016262be3c7ffc213ac  /usr/lib/apache2/suexec
Thanks. What I notice is the size : yours is smaller, near the half 
I'm an old unix user (student time) so linux is a cousin. I'm not 
totally lost, but don't know exactly where I'm.
So how can I make the package manager checking ?
I have a new Webserver to install.

I have the choice of the OS to install. Don't know wich one to choose. 
Any opinion of wich is best ?
- Debian 4.0 + Plesk 8.2
- Fedora core 7.0 + Plesk 8.2
- Ubuntu 8.04 LTS + Plesk 8.6
In the past, I used Fedora. But it seems to me, that few guys here 
are using Ubuntu server, and it was even considered few month back, 
when it seemed that RT might agree to have official public BBS ....
I give Ubuntu a go. I can reinstall Fedora if I'm not satisfied.
Debian.   Perhaps not as fun as Ubuntu, but far more developer friendly 
in my humble...
Didec: how you check with the package manager depends on the package 
manager :) I need to know what distro that is.
re webserver choice, i'd go with Debian or Ubuntu as well.
Has anyone been successfull displaying a rebol window without dragbar 
or borders using view/options [no-title no-border]

It does not work with gnome kde but perhaps some other window manager?
or is it the window manager or Xwindows itself?
In KDE: 
NO-BORDER seems to have no effect.

NO-TITLE does not remove the titlebar as it does on Windows, but 
instead, blanks the titlebar text and moves it into the window face 
as the usual face/text rendering.
Is that a problem with the manager or Xwindows system?
Not sure. I think it's just that an easy way to implement this functionality 
wasn't found yet.
In the wmii window manager, no-title removes the "REBOL -" title 
string, but the title bar and the border itself are still there
I just compiled window2.c from 

and it opens a window without titlebar, and can open a borderless 
window (with BORDER_WIDTH 0).

I'm not so familiar with X Windows programming, but the above example 
appears to be just making use of the X Windows system, not going 
via the window manager... (not sure).
So on the surface it looks easy to do, actually.
Anyone know how to obtain the X Window pointer for a Rebol window?
I might be able to get the window pointer(s) if I have the process 
id of the Rebol executable.
It appears that I can get the process id using a DLL.
I've got a shell/rebol script (test-get-process-id.r) which starts 
with a shebang line, then the rebol header etc. :

#!/home/anton/dev/rebol/view/rebview2. -cswq --script test-get-process_id.r
rebol [

what's strange is that rebol starts up in trace mode, so it outputs 
a lot of trace information to the bash shell. I'd like to suppress 
the trace mode, and it's strange that it is switched on without me 
asking for it. Anybody have any information on this?
According to USAGE, trace mode is enabled with the -t flag.
I found the problem - I shouldn't have specified the rebol script 
file on the shebang line. That's given automatically.
It should be simply:

#!/home/anton/dev/rebol/view/rebview2. -cswq
rebol [
I now seem to be able to list windows associated with a given process 
id. I've tried the konsole pid, and I get five result windows...
Damn! It doesn't seem to work for rebol.
Time to go to the next level of hackery.
Just noticed an existing tool 'zenity' that might be able to change 
rebol window titles.
I might check that out later.
Anton, you can get info on your own process from /proc/self
Gabriele, thanks, I'm having a look inside. Do you know if associated 
windows can be found?
It looks, probably, like the window id of the shell rebol sits in 
can be found in /proc/self/environ
call "echo $WINDOWID"    <-- prints an integer. Probably still the 
shell window.
I'm still looking for a way to identify the windows opened by a rebol 
process... Lots of info to wade through.
Isn't any such info under Linux also dependant upon using various 
window managers/toolkits?
I don't think so. The window managers sit on top of the X Windows 
system and get it to do the basics - opening windows etc.
- there is for e.g. gdk window lookup func, which says something 
about wrapping some native window handle. Dunno what they are talking 
about, but maybe you will find some pointers. Well, you probably 
investigated many such docs, so maybe useless link ...
Well, there could be something there (I had a quick look), but I 
probably want to target the X Window core system, or, look at all 
resources allocated by a process and then see which ones are opened 