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World: r3wp

[Linux] group for linux REBOL users

I'd say sourcing should have done the trick
me again with linux problems :(

I made binding to Haru PDF library ... it works on windows but now 
I am trying to make it work on lunux from where it will be serverd 
via cheyenne... the problem is that I have 64bit linux and so this 
libhpdf.so compiles as 64bit shared library
I looked on net and saw gcc can compile as 32bit with -m32 option 
if you have something called multibit "gcc -print-multi-lib" .. which 
I seem to have .. I changed ./configure to add this flag but then 
I get some c compilation errors ( I could sucsessfully compile it 
without this option) ...
Any ideas how to do this? I am trying to compile it now on my other 
VPS which is 32bit and copy file to the 64bit vps but I have no idea 
if this will work
I keep getting "internet busy.." on altme with the other computer
and my messages get "eaten".. aha here it works
I said over there "yipeee!!! .so compiled on 32bit debian and copied 
to 64bit one works!!
I get the same thing here. Reconnecting helps temporarily.
Any idea how to start a rebol script via ssh (I have a VPS) .. and 
detach it from my console so when I close it it won't stop running?

cheyene executable file does this automagically (I have no idea how) 
.. if I run cheyenne through .r script it exits with me .. but my 
problem now is not with cheyenne but I have a custom script that 
should run in the background. After googling yesterday I found out 
about >> nohup script-to-run & which seemed to still work if I closed 
ssh and started another one but now I see for the second time that 
after a while it exited as it isn't running any more ...
( I also tried to install daemontools before finding out about >nohup 
&< thing but it somehow didn't want to start working yet.. I intend 
to make this work but I need some easyer solution sooner, as I am 
sure there is something obvious I don't know )
custom script = custom rebol script
btw ... I have a wiki where I write down these things so I don't 
forget ..  http://www.manage-websites.com/doku.php?id=tutorial-linux-shell
 .. if you are linux-stupid like me maybe you can find something 
helpfull.. or you can add something :)
I haven't used it myself, but people use the screen program for such 
hm.. screen? I will look it up, haven't heard of this one ..
wow .. screen alows me tu have multiple sessions in one ssh window.. 
like in local linux .. I needed that badly !! ..
but I am not sure it's intended for what I described above .. basically 
running apps in background -- so they run (for days and weeks) after 
I close the ssh
You can use screen to detach a session and reconnect with it later, 
possibly from an entirely different machine
Another way is to have the program detach itself, possibly switching 
to running onder a different user account
Kaj , thanks .. it seems screen is very beneficial tool for working 
on ssh , I will start learning and using it
The link in Graham's article is good
yes, I am just reading it , it shows all these options .. Graham 
Yes, Janko, use screen.  That is what I did for my Tretbase DBMS 
awhile back.
I am using drach now and works very nice ... but screen is awesome 
tool to and I will use it in general sshing now (thanks Graham! I 
added dtrace sample to that wiki)
the command "nohup"  may still exist and be usefull
yes, nohup is very usefull too , with &  .. for example nohup some-longer-tast 
&  .. but for my concrete example I wasn't able to figure out why 
rebol script terminated after a while, not on every exit but at some 
point I just saw it wasn't running any more .. and by the look of 
nohup.out file there was no error .. but "rebol terminated"
tast = task
Janko, it's just that everytime I learn something that I know I will 
forget .. I write it in a wiki somewhere :)
the freely hosted mindtouch wiki that I use is convenient for things 
like that. ...
So, instead of storing the information in my head, I just store the 
pointer to it instead :))
funny  use altme for that  :-)  posting stuff to myself.
I use Carl's Rebodex.r  program with some minor modifications.
what I am missing is a synch with a server so I can always have the 
same info everywhere... which AltME works nice for as would the wiki.
Janko, basically the thing is, if you want to see the program's output, 
you need to use screen. This allows you to have output and detach 
it. Otherwise, you can just redirect the output to a file (or to 
/dev/null), then you can exit your ssh session without problems.
eg. rebol myscript.r </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 redirects everything.
i'm not sure if it's installed by default anymore, but there also 
used to be a "nohup" program which would redirect your program's 
io and detach it (run it in the background).
(which is basically equivalent to   rebol myscript.r </dev/null >somefile.log 
2>&1 &)
Graham: .. and it can also help others like in this case .. as I 
said above I have the wiki for exactly this thing linux commands 
because I use them just enough so I keep forgetting the more tricky 
ones http://www.manage-websites.com/doku.php?id=tutorial-linux-shell
<-- here they are
Gabriele: I was using nohup like this >> nohup /.../rebol script.r 
&  << but at 2 times rebol script got terminated for some reason 
after a while.. it did stay alive after I closed and reopened ssh 
but when I came later it wasn't running any more and by looking at 
output file nohup.out last thing was "rebol terminated" so it didn't 
 exit on error but got terminated in the same way if I press Ctrl+C 
(maybe I just need to read more about nohup)
now it works with dtach and it works ok so far
Janko, it's hard to say what could have sent a sigint or similar 
to the rebol process. you could though catch those signals from REBOL 
if you wanted, via the system port.
What distro works best with sdk-2706042.tar.gz "out of the box" (with 
regards to rebview and fonts)? I just need something I can quickly 
install under VirtualBox and do some basic cross-platform REBOL GUI 
development/testing ... without having to hack it to make it work.
Ashley, Ubuntu works fine .. you just have to specify the full path 
to any fonts you use if using AGG fonts.
I think I had to also change the default font used for RebGUI.
OK, so I've downloaded Ubuntu 9.04 (64bit) and got it running under 
VirtualBox, then I download and untar/zip the REBOL SDK and open 
a console session. cd to the REBOL dir and do a chmod +x and type 
./rebview ... which comes back with a "file or dir not found message" 
... anything else I need to do to get REBOL working? Oh, and what 
font looked best with RebGUI in your opinion?
If I remember correctly you have to install some 32-bit libraries 
to run Rebol on 64-bit Linux distros.
Uh, or use the Ubuntu 32bit distro instead?
This ML thread may help
Thanks, after reading that I think using the 32bit distro is the 
easiest solution.