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[Linux] group for linux REBOL users

[unknown: 10]
I also run the debian-version of Altme currently on my slackware 
machine.. Looks fine..
no, I don't have x-windows powered linux here ... I was just curious, 
as there were some features not supported iirc? but maybe I am confused 
because of os-x version ... well, agg does not use fonts, but dunno 
if true or not ...
[unknown: 10]
yes true... No Fonts under linux from the Draw dialect... a shame 
realy ;-) But its just runs fine...
The library's from debian are pretty straghtforward..and thus many 
linux distributions should be able to run that too..If not they they 
have a problem and not rebol...
Just tried the latest View for Linux(debian build) and it works OK 
under Mepis Linux here.
Rebolinth: the fonts are supported by DRAW dialect but you have to 
specify full absolute path to the font at the moment.(we are investigating 
better solution for this)
simple example:
[unknown: 10]
Well yess this 1.1.29 'new' clean installation is running fine here 
too.. the last installation i did in the old 0.42 altme directory..so 
that was realy messy..
REALY??? tell me...
fnt1: make face/font [
	name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf"
	size: 32
fnt2: make face/font [

 name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf"
	size: 64

view layout [
	origin 0
	box snow 400x100 effect [
		draw [
			pen black
			font fnt1
			text anti-aliased 0x0 "Rebol Rulez!"
			pen blue yellow
			fill-pen red
			line-pattern 10 10
			line-width 2
			font fnt2
			text vectorial 0x30 "Rebol Rulez!"
[unknown: 10]
Shoot me if that is working !!
hold on
NOTE: you migth want to change the font paths accordint to your specific 
Linux distro.
[unknown: 10]
yes yes.. But why isnt that noted down in the docs ;-) Mannnnnnnnnn 
I installed WindowXP for that feature...
This sould work on all releases which needs the libfreetype.so library.
It is an experimental feature as the font name definition surely 
change in future.
[unknown: 10]
oke..im testing it..so far only black screens... Must it be FreeSans?
or just any TTF ?
have a look in your directory, see what's there.
[unknown: 10]
yes yes ;-)

but so far none of the vera or arial or sans ttf fonts did show up...However 
rebol does not give me a warnign so it now upto the right font it 
you need to find a path to your fonts and you can use any ttf font. 
I don't know what YALN(yet another Linux distro) are you running 
ups YALD :)
[unknown: 10]
Well.. I use the Freetype for some time now.. it even works with 
my GTK applications.. somehow it does not show up... Im using slackware..
BTW I was succesful with using Vera.ttf rendering under OpenBSD.
[unknown: 10]
oke.. with 32 and 64 in size ?
It is vectorial font so I guess this shouldn't be a problem but you 
can try other sizes or other fonts??
[unknown: 10]
I think i donit see anything because i dont have any Xfd running..though 
it should be integrated wiith the latest X11 .. mmm.. let me fight 
on this one a little.. Thank for the HINT.. ill let it know if it 
runs (Must get this to work..;-)
OK, let me know how it went. Thanks.
[unknown: 10]
Its strange.. I should not be needing to run a fontserver..My desktop 
is already anti-aliased with fonts and so it the rest..But rebol 
still does not display it... mmm It does load the font though..(also 
when i look with an Strace during the execute rebol does read the 
font..) it simply does not display it ..yet! ;-)

>> probe fnt1

make object! [
    name: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/VeraMono.ttf"
    style: none
    size: 32
    color: 0.0.0
    offset: 2x2
    space: 0x0
    align: 'center
    valign: 'center
    shadow: none
i think i see..l.b.b
Cyphre..are those bitstream fonts you are using? I dont seem to get 
ttf working or ANY other font working in my linux view version beside 
the default fonts...
Well.. all applications on my linux machine use and anti-aliased 
and truetype fonts....so that config is correct.. But what i try 
or what i run on fonts Linux simlpy doesnt display the font.. It 
loads the font.. (checked that)...but thats it.. just a white field.. 
So .. I give up... ;-(
Rebolinth - just curious - what kind of app are you developing?
just tried it with:
fnt1: make face/font [

 name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/VeraMono.ttf"
	size: 32
fnt2: make face/font [

 name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/VeraMoBI.ttf"
	size: 64
you can see the grabbed result here: http://www.rebol.cz/~cyphre/tests/font-test.png
(I guess the VeraMono.ttf you are using is the same as in my case.)
tested on: Rebol/View 16-Mar-2006 Core 2.6.3 (debian build)
Interesting.I'm going to try that tonight.
And I was wondering why there are new Linux builds when the old ones 
work without problems :)
[unknown: 10]
Right... Im testing with 8-Dec-2005.. Lets try the other..the 
 Debian release..
Oo Pekr.. I was just currious If font would work with Draw under 
linux.. since Cyphre pointed out that it worked...
because im building some draing tool ...did it under windows but 
like to build it under linux as it is my main Os...
and i LOVE fonts ;-)
HA !!!!
You dont believe it !!!
It works with the latest Debian release !!!!! GREAAAAAAATTT!!
so the rebview from the SDK262.......
Thanks Cyphre...
i mean nit works not with the rebview from sdk262
Glad to hear that ;)