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[Linux] group for linux REBOL users

Looks like there's no way to install lilo if you skip it in setup. 
Unclear and misleading comments in the setup notes.

I have reinstalled successfully from scratch. It seems to me I made 
two errors the first time around: I had skipped installing both the 
linux kernel and lilo bootmanager.
Woohoo ! Slackware box is up and browsing to rebol.net ! :-) That 
was pretty easy.
ok...i am a total newbie here.  i am trying to get rebol .r scripts 
to run on a Mandrake linux box, but i just cannot get them to run. 
 they basically only work as text documents.  am i missing something? 
 i installed rebol view, which as i understand it installs core also. 
 i want to be able to doulble-click the .r file and have it run. 
 it works in windows.  thanks in advance.
the wonderful world of linux... what I had to do was to make scripts 
as shellscripts with the shebang line at the top with the path to 
the rebol executable. there is a mention of this in the Rebol/Core 
manual here: http://rebol.com/docs/core23/rebolcore-2.html

This should work across the various desktops.
looks like rebol/view ubuntu version runs fine on ubuntu dapper
it's definitely more stable than some of the gnome apps... :-)
Unfortunately, the shebang is the wrong way around in the REBOL manual. 
The best form to use is
#! /usr/bin/env rebol
This should be the most system independent
ok...so now i am in the midst of another issue
i tried to install rebol last night and it did not appear to work. 
 i left for the day and was going to deal with it today
now the HD is full
it was not full yesterday, but it is now
we are trying to figure out where all the space went to now
we recently had to re-install mandrake and it appears that this is 
the same thign that happened the last time i installed rebol
i had installed it then left on vacation
my co-workers apparently had an issue lst time and had to reformat 
and install
there could be a number of things wrong... a likely issue is a logfile 
that has gone way too big.
wher eis the logfile?
usually /var/log, but that depends on what is logged, which distribution 
you use and what program is logging :-)
If REBOL/View doesn't run after installation, you probably have to 
install version 6 of the Athena Widgets library
I wouldn't know of anything in /View that would fill up your disk, 
though. Could indeed be some system logging
you can use du  -s   to track down where the space is being used
[[tomc-:-aught] ~]$ sudo du -s /*
5752    /bin
69262   /boot
8       /cs
436     /dev
20404   /etc
14077532        /home
4       /initrd
333364  /lib
389064  /local
16      /lost+found
Slackware - connected ethernet cable to internet after fully booting 
and starting window system. How can I start the network ?
Don't worry. That's easy to figure out.
I love all those distro an RPM madness to just get an update to one 
package on RH... mabe someone can help. I'm running a rather old 
RH 7.2 (but it works good) and now need to update the Perl package. 
I downloaded the RRM of it and of course it has zillions of dependencies.
And it needs a new glibc version. But there is a circular dependency. 
I can't update glibc, as it conflicts with glibc-common of a lower 
version. Updating glibc-common doesn't work because it's required 
by the current glibc.
How can I do this update? And I need several GLIBCs, as it's a central 
component, that need to be installed in parallel, right? How to do 
I once asked this in Feb, but I can't upgrade my system at the moment. 
So, I somehow need to get this installed.
Debian is so easy about this: apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and 
you are done.
robert, when you have circular dependencies the only way is to install 
both pkgs with the same command (i.e. rpm -i pgk1.rpm pkg2.rpm)
in your case though... updating the glibc is a bit risky, i remember 
completely trashing a version of RH (or was it Mandrake?) by just 
a glibc update. it was a long time ago though.
Yep, I ran RH around 6.1 - 7.2. It has no automatic updating and 
updating core components like GLiBC is extremely dangerous. From 
the sound of it, you're almost guaranteed to destroy your system. 
There's no supported way to install multiple versions of a package
Can a new redhat be installed chrooted?
Dunno. Wouldn't like to try
Robert, do you have development packages installed: GCC and such? 
It's way easier to compile from source in your situation
I would actually use my Builder build system for Syllable to compile 
this PERL on Linux. However, you would have to install Ruby. Don't 
know if that's easily available for RH 7.2
by searching for "ruby redhat 7.2" http://dir.filewatcher.com/d/RedHat/7.2/i386/Development/Languages.0.0.htm
I got following under my Fedora Core 1 Linux, when trying to run 
cgi, with rebpro (when run only in -c mode, I got only REBOL - Security 
violation). Am  I able to call librarie under CGI?

[[root-:-linux] jablunkovsko.cz]# ./index.cgi
REBOL - Security Violation
./index.cgi jablunkovsko.cz]#
** User Error: SQLite near "100": syntax error
** Near: make error! reform ["SQLite" error]
ah, I got syntax error in my sql statement, sorry. Now CGI runs in 
linux console by pressing enter in midnight commander, but not from 
the browser :-)
The browser can only run CGI scripts through a web server, not directly.
you can't call it CGI if you run it from the console can you?
Yeah, I was a little surprised that such a script could run at all 
from the console.
I can, if it has 755 permission ...
well, I run it from Midnight Commander, maybe it is why I can run 
it .... I just press enter on script. In fact, that is how I verify, 
if the script works at all in CGI mode ...
I suspect that the environment variables and input are not filled 
when you run it directly.
ah, yes, of course, I just use it for basic check that permissions 
are ok, that my path to interpreter is ok, simply that cgi mode works 
now I looked at Apache log - premature end of script headers .... 
hmm, now if I would remember what it means :-) I already met with 
such an error (permission or hidden chars caused by Win-Lin script 
traversal ...)