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[!Readmail] a Rebol mail client

what? Mozilla mailer, for ages, just by pressing save saves your 
email as an concept, to your HD of course. I can't believe any product 
would not do so. Maybe you just got corrupt indexes? I would delete 
them, and let Eudora to rebuild it (of course I know nothing about 
Eudora, so maybe it does not use indexes at all)
Pekr, I'll try deleting the indexes.
Eudora saves emails in files ... so it is unlikely that you have 
lost anything.
I'm going to log off and backup before I go any further with this. 
I'll report back.
Ok, my email is there. BUT I'm using a version of Eudora that won't 
let me reindex my files. I have to pay to be able to do that, I think. 
I'm downloading the latest version of Eudora now. Hopefully, it won't 
make me pay.
The next version of Eudora is going to be free and open source....but 
it isn't there yet.
Thanks, Pekr and Graham for encouraging me to reindex.
I would simply try to move indexes out of their directory and start 
Eudora - it should start reindexing automatically, or so I think 
I tried that, but it didn't work...I think because Eudora had added 
a paid feature called fast-search.
I've been using a beta version and it is really buggy and incomplete.
uf, what is Eudora good for? Do you work on windows? I never wanted 
to work with anything else than Netscape and leter mozilla mail. 
You can try Thunderbird, you might be surprised by its functionality 
- and what is more - your folder is plain text file, readable
Yes, I have a WinXP machine.
Could Thunderbird import my Eudora email? The corrupted Eudora indexes 
wouldn't matter in that case would it?
I think it could ...
Louis, yes it can import Eudora mail/folders/prefs
It is working now importing years (many thousands of messages) of 
email. It is taking a long time. We will see how well it does.
Thunderbird did not import my unsent email.
Eudora update still would not let me reindex.
I really just want to switch over to Phil's readmail.r
There would be a lot of advantanges having everything in rebol.
I just looked at the Eudora web site and this is a big problem with 
Eudora.  They tell how to delete the index files to let the program 
rebuild them. But if that doesn't work they say:

If the mailbox does not display your old mail or if Eudora crashes, 
the mailbox is irreparably damaged or corrupted.

You can make a final ditch effort to try to recover the text of the 
email. With Eudora completely closed, go to the backup of the .MBX 
that you saved in Step #4 above. Open that .MBX with a Text Editor, 
like Notepad or Wordpad. If there's any recoverable data, a Text 
Editor may be able to read it.
Let all users of Eudora be aware!
It is caused by bad design of their file system.
Eudora saves files as flat files .. standard unix style I believe.
if you turn off the computer while writing to disk and corrupting 
the indices .. well, nothing to do with Eudora.
According to their web site, the only way to avoid losing data in 
such a case is to compact the files daily. No one is going to do 
You may be right, but it seems to me that no more than one email 
(the one you were saving to the hard drive) should ever be lost. 
Anyway, I have been testing readmail.r and it seems to discard the 
email I send. Is there any way to make it save it?
Whose responsibility is it to not lose data in case of power failure 
? It's the filesystem's responsibility. You should rather say: "Let 
all user's of [insert your filesystem here] beware !"  There are 
filesystems around that are highly resistent to data-loss through 
powerfailure. Unfortunately, most people around the world aren't 
using them.
How do rebol's files system do in case of power failure?
Graham, you have proded me to make one last effort to recover my 
work. I notice that I have 3 out files: out.mbx, out.mbx.001, and 
out.mbx.002. The indexes for the last two are not being rebuilt, 
and out.mbx.002 is where my unsent email exists. Any ideas?
I also notice that out.mbx.oo2 contains many copies of the last email 
which were saved automatically as I was writing it.
Hummm. I'll write another email and see what happens.
It just got appended to the bottom of out.mbx.
I can't see how Eudora knows which files have been sent and which 
not yet.
A little success. I used a text editors to copy the contents of out.mbx.001 
and out.mbx.002 to the end of out.mbx. Then deleted the out.toc index 
file. Started Eudora, and now I can see the emails. Hopefully I'm 
now be able to send them.
Thanks for proding me on Graham.
Rebol uses the host OS's filesystem. If you are on WindowsXP it's 
most likely NTFS, from Microsoft.
If you're working in an area where power is unreliable .. use a laptop.
Graham, I know. I bought one just before I left the States, but it 
was defective and I had to return it. Anyway, yesterday I bought 
a German made Augen UPS-1500DL. It uses two external car batteries 
to run for up to 8 hours without electricity from the power company. 
Really nice. Also, works with our generator, while our APC UPS would 
I have a few minor updates to readmail.r, they will be put up this 
As I am moving ISP's readmail.r will no longer be available at http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/
from the end of decemver onwards.

So where would the best place to put readmail.r on a permenant basis?

Any suggestions?  Not many people use it so I dont think its worth 
trying to register a domain name. 

I do have some web space, but if I move ISP's again I will run into 
the same problem.
Have you thought about rebol.org?
Hi Sunada ..... Is there a size limit on scripts?
Not at all -- there is no limit on size
The largest _single_ script so far is Space game -- at 0.25 meg.


If readmail.r is not a single script (ie it is a collection of scripts 
and files), then we can handle it as a package. Again, no limits 
on size:

Though many scripts in the Library are just one script file plus 
one documentation file. That doesn't need to be a package:

The documentation can be in Makedoc or Makedoc2 format (plus some 
other formats too, like Nicomdoc)
I package readmail.r up as a single file (decompressed at runtime), 
it is 143Kb so I woulnt have a problem adding it to the library.
readmail 4.14.9 & associated helptext has been released (19/11/2006) 

For detailed changes http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.ver

readmail.r can be found at .... http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/view-script.r?script=readmail.r
or at http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.r

readmail is also the following formats 

rip format at  .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.rip

zip format at  .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.zip

the archive contains readmail.r & readmail.html 
(rip = compressed self extracting rebol archive)
Any problems let me know
ISP down ? file not found