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[Web] Everything web development related

Youzer...re-installing Opera 9.63 fixed the problem.  Now it works 
perfectly.  My guess is that the sitecheck2.opera.com was revalidated 
by the new install process, so the site allowed a connection.  Dunno, 
just a guess.  A couple days of trying to fix my code went into that 
unsure lesson.
Please post the Table bug bug to Feedback, thanks.
not escaping html tags is quite serious bug.
Anyone have experience using Oliverier Auverlot's Magic! I have tried 
several times to get it up and running but never got there...
Also, Is there any advantage to it over RSP?
you can ask on french BBS (even in english) http://www.digicamsoft.com/cgi-bin/rebelBB.cgi
Several users use Magic
Thanks, I've tried about 4 times over the last few years and keep 
giving up. The config files keep screwing me. tried under XP, 98, 
using WAMP and under Ubuntu...
Did you manage to make rebol cgi works?
I mean, is the webserver able to run .cgi script with rebol?

Rebol/core need to be installed on the server, chmoded and you must 
have put the right sheeband at the beginning of the .cgi script.

A simple .cgi script like this one is a good test :
#!/usr/bin/rebol -cs
rebol []

print "Content-type: text/html^/"
print {
<HEAD><TITLE>Rebol CGI test page</TITLE></HEAD>

print ["Server date time is:" now]

print {</BODY></HTML>}
Then, when this script runs well, put the same sheeband at the beginning 
of the magic.cgi file.
Then I have a file test.rhtml (handler for .rhtml must be configured 
in the webserver) with this content to test magic :
<html><head>Test Magic</head>
Magic fonctionne t'il ?<P/>
	print [

  "<b>Oui il fonctionne !</b><BR>Date et heure du serveur : <i>" now 
  </i> <P/>
		"Configuration actuelle :<BR>"
		"m-library-path : " m-library-path <BR>
		"m-session-path : " m-sessions-path <BR>
		"curdir : " curdir <BR>
		"home : " system/options/home <BR>
I'll try those suggestions. It's a bit more methodical than what 
I was doing...
Thanks, Dide.
Did you consider QuarterMaster instead? I used to want to go with 
Magic!, but QM is a much more modern design
I've looked at QM but I did not get it. I did not understand what 
it did. Magic seems to provide some basic gui elements that seemed 
like a quick way to build a website. I'll have another look at QM 

QM runs on Cheyenne?
Chris will correct me if Iīm wrong, but I think thatīs basically 
the point. :-) QM is a generic framework implementing a Model/View/Controller 
architecture that leaves you free to plug in parts for each, whereas 
Magic! offers a basic set of rigid REBOL web widgets
With QM you can basically build any website, without having to reinvent 
the wheel on the lower level web server technology, while with Magic 
you would quickly run into the walls of the provided functionality
Magic! could theoretically be an easier way to start, learning even 
less HTML, but if you canīt get through its configuration, you might 
as well start with QM
I have to say, that I don't get that MVC concept at all. It seems 
to me, like some academic head came with that model some time back, 
while reality might be elsewhere. Do you really desing your apps, 
that its fits MVC model? E.g. that famous Ruby and other DB "automatic" 
schemas which are supposed be so cool have to be rudiculous to someone 
who actually knows SQL. Soon after you start reading docs you find 
out, that when you get to more complicated DB schema, they only provide 
you with excuses that you can't have everything. Sometimes frameworks 
work against you :-) Not that I would not understand their advantages 
otoh, hence I am asking, if QM is really so usefull? The thing is, 
that I tried to give it a try several times, and I did not know what 
to do actually, but maybe I am extremely stupid for such stuff, and 
am only able to work with plain cgi/fcgi ...
If there is some full example implementation of some site for e.g., 
I could give it a try ... last time I tried was some year ago or 
so ...
Youīre mixing up MVC and Active Record, and I vaguely remember discussing 
this before
Not mixing - those relate. Does not have QM as a framework an Active 
record like data organisation?
I do agree it takes time to figure out MVC, and I think the terms 
are too much inspired by a technological point of view. Itīs really 
about separating the concerns of the usual stakeholders working on 
websites, or applications in general: the programmer/database designer, 
the consultant designing the business logic, the graphics/UI designer 
and the secretary maintaining the content
Yes, but Active Record is just an implementation of the Model and 
can be swapped out for something else
Basically always when someone thinks this separation is too complicated, 
he is thinking from his own perspective assuming he would have to 
maintain the whole site and hop between tasks
Once you start thinking from the perspectives of very different people 
having to maintain very different aspects of systems, it makes perfect 
sense; and coincidentally also explains many of the problems with 
existing systems through lack of separation of concerns
Would you write 20.000 similar web pages for a web store, or would 
you write one template and store the properties of the goods in a 
database, for example?
I am always thinking from such perspective! My simple tagging system 
completly separates presentation from scripts. In such regards, concept 
like rebol server pages is something I can't absolutly agree with. 
So if QM uses RSP, then where is the separation?
I work with driving comments sections, which tell what kind of handler 
should parse/maintain sections, but without being destructive to 
existing design.
It is not about me not thinking about those issues, it is about finding 
"the ideal one". So far I like Gabriele's Temple for e.g.
.... but - I do rather primitive things. So maybe later with more 
advanced stuff, I might finally "get it"
QMīs Controllers read and write data from Models and plug it into 
View templates, so there you have it
Best MVC example: OSX. The thing is not the separation all speak 
about (Model = Date, View = GUI, Control = App logic) but how to 
get it to work together. And this is (normally) done by passing messages 
between these three.

Like you click a button and a "loadrecord" message is sent to the 
Data part. IIRC the nice thing is, that more than one "function, 
object, ..." can react on such a message.
I would like to see more examples of how this works. I kind of get 
why its nice to seperate tasks on a large scale site but is there 
still an advantage for a small self built/maintained site.
You can with QM, should you wish, only use the Controller.  My (evolving) 
advice would be to learn QM by only using the Controller.
I usually test new features starting there.  That's where the flow 
is and you can do everything within the Controller context.
Even if you chuck the View and Model parts, my Controller whips plain 
CGI : )
am: I'd encourage exploration of QM's source.  Most of the code covers 
mezzanines that address typical WebApp problems.  The philosophy 
is to 'Think REBOL'.
I've gone to lengths to make the source as transparent as possible 
(even if my commenting sucks).
Chris, you could set your color settings to white on white...
{color: lemon-juice;}
Perhaps that is a secret code.  what's the tuple for lemon-juice? 
RGBA = 255.255.00 ?
...meant RGBA =

From your posting on the Rebol-France BB, it looks as though the 
formattng of your AddHandler declarations in your httpd.conf file 
are not correct.

I use these:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .r

#Following entry added to enable Magic!
AddHandler magic .rhtml
Action magic /magic/cgi-bin/magic.cgi
The Script Alias I use for Magic! is

 ScriptAlias /magic/cgi-bin/ "/Users/peter/Sites/magic/cgi-bin/"
Thanks Peter, I'll give those suggestions a try..
Dunno if this group is appropriate, but we don't have marketing related 
one. Does anyone use some advanced web access analytics to improve 
We have basic Google tools, but we were suggested ClickTracks (now 
LyrisHQ). Other product might be NetMonitor ... any experience here?