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[Announce] Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat

in case you missed it, OpenBSD and Linux versions of Rebol/Core with 
/seek are also out: http://ww.rebol.net/builds/
This might be a stretch, a leap of faith or something that may fail 
or not. I've made an entry in Wikibooks for REBOL, which basically 
allows anyone to write a book about REBOL. There are books on many 
other languages on the site and I thought that this could give REBOL 
two things: 1. A book and 2. Exposure.

Start your text editors at this address: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programming:REBOL
A new version of The Rebol Directory Project is available. Amongst 
other thing, I integrated Make-Doc-Pro to FastMagic! (see the Description 
section of the Projects tab). This version of Rebol Directory Project 
allowed me to finalize FastMagic! and now handles login, security 
check (no one can modify the profile of other etc...) I am waiting 
for your input and encourage you to register to be listed in the 
To register, go to yje login screen
zlib compressor/decompressor using zlib.dll (version 1.2.3)
and you will need this Ladislavs' script as well:
New editor that support REBOL  colored syntax file. This sofware 
is SCITE 1.66 for linux and windows by default REBOL support is not 
activated. edit /usr/share/scite/ScitEGlobal.properties file ( MenuBar 
Options >  Open Global options File) search the line "#import rebol.porperties" 
and remove "#". Save changes (SCITE must be launched from a root 
terminal.) then edit /usr/src/rebol.properties file. Go to the last 
line of this file and set the proper path to your predered rebol 
VM version in the  command.go.($file.patterns.rebol)=....  Save the 
rebol.properties file ( this file can be located from Menubar Options>Edit 
properties>open rebol.properties). Once you make all those changes 
you are able to see rebol color syntax for your beloved rebol scripts.

the scripts are launched into the rebol VM hitting F5 key in SCITE. 
You will notice that the color syntaxe is very more advanced than 
the Crimson Editor one. And you have the  ability to hide the functions/objects 
inside code to make easier to read the script code.

Well this is the concret sign that REBOL  is being more and more 
considered in computing world. This is a good thing and a good reward 
for RT hard work.
for ppl that want even better syntaxe colorization for SCITE http://shadwolf.free.fr/SciTEGlobal.properties
place those 2 files in the directory /usr/share/scite under linux
I've installed SciTe1.66 + your syntaxes over my older 1.64 version. 
Instead of white background I've got black now, but that's not the 
The problem is, everytime I press'e' key, colorization is turned 
of off and 'e' does not appear on the screen!!!
I can type 'E' (e + shift) but not 'e'. I like 'e', it's on of my 
belowed characters and I was so dumb to not backup my older installation. 
Don't you now, what can be the problem?
I am not sur what your problm is. Why do you nd that ky so much ?
Anton :)
Shadwolf, thanks for your information, which I added to my FreeEditors 

I hope you don't mind me republishing slightly modified. But I gave 
you credit, of course.
It's not only 'e' that does not work, I can't type 'v' too. :/
Nevermind, I made changes to original global.properties and now everything 
Relevance to the Qtask market perhaps: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050920/ap_on_bi_ge/microsoft_reorganization
That is, "relevant"
[unknown: 9]
Yeah, pretty much all big corps are pairing down, Sony is dropping 
from 7 divs down to just 3!  It will be relevant in about 18 months. 
 Then they have to decide who to buy next since they still won't 
be able to make it inside.

Just for the record, there is very BAD news for Qtask, for one simple 
reason, even if some company got it right, and started building what 
we are building, there will always be a lot of companies that refuse 
to work with company X, and we will be company Y-not-us?  I would 
be happy to be the Apple to the Sony.
Oops.  Sorry about the post in the wrong place, I'm in a far off 
lnad right now and response time is a little slow, so I hit send 
to fast.
NO CHAT HERE / use ann-reply group please
I made some changes to my site http://www.rebol.it/~romano/- added 
anamonitor 3 and other things.
We announced the DevCon that as of 2005-Oct-1 the BEER framework 
is now free as in "free beer". You can download it from here http://www.whywire.net/share/beer-sdk.tar.gz
I hope Gabriele can post the vidceo for my presentation soon, so 
that you can see how it works and its capabilities.
New version of beer-sdk posted. It fixes minor problems with the 
examples files and updates the API documentation. http://www.whywire.net/share/beer-sdk.tar.gz
Hello, for french people : the french translation of Core User Guide 
is finished. You could find it on the Rebol Documentation Project 
: http://www.rebdocproj.org/article.php3?id_article=197, in PDF 
Same in french / Le même en français : la traduction française du 
User Guide de REBOL Core est terminée. Elle est disponible sur le 
site du Rebol Documentation Project http://www.rebdocproj.org/article.php3?id_article=197, 
en version PDF. Enjoy !
Compliments REBOL quite well on windows OS. Good for productivity 

A free multi-user electronic medical records system - based upon 
Rebol, RebGUI, BEER, ComLib, LaTeX, Firebird etc .. currenlty in 
beta test.  This is the first release of the server exe.
Very impressive, Graham.
I'm experimenting again with mediawiki .. previously this site wouldn't 
work as the host only had an early version of mysql.  Now, that they 
have updated it, it is live!

Played with sdk. another way to start scripts from browser: http://polly.rebol.it/test/test/windows/index.html
Volker - that is nice, but it needs way too much actions by user 
Not here. In the browser i trust me, so i disable the save-question. 
On my side, i could start script immediate, instead of showing first. 
But for a debug-demo i prefer feedback :)
I don't mean action as looking into source, etc., that is a good 
part .... but simply prerequisite is to have installed View anyway, 
then download your .exe, put it somewhere, link to it etc.
(going to ann-reply)
REBOL demo contest, anyone?
(Reply on ann-reply, or create a Contest group.)
Better have a jump-start on this. ;-)
A tiny news reader http://www.ddmind.com/modules.php?name=gdp_rforum

You can select the group adding the parameter ng:  http://www.ddmind.com/modules.php?name=gdp_rforum&ng=comp.lang.functional

Rebol pluging is used to connect and retrieve message, javascript 
is used to display posts, and as in ajax apps no need to refresh 
the page to get new messages.
PS Should be nice to have a comp.lang.rebol usenet group :-)
dacide thereare usnet rebol newsgroups but they are avoided like 
the plague
Version 1.0.0 of %printf.r posted to rebol.org
[unknown: 9]
The Gripe:

Go here www.Rebol.org, then go here: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/, 
then here: http://java.sun.com/, hell even go here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/, 
now go back to www.Rebol.com

Even if you don't know what the language is or does, do you want 
to go to Rebol.org?  The main page looks like the last page in the 
basement of a website.  Almost like an "error page"

O There is no single location for all Rebol information.

O Rebol.net, Rebol.com, and Rebol.org are spread out and run by RT. 
O There is no pizzas!
O I don't "feel" community when I visit these sites.

I know I'm not talking to my audience when I say; "think of this 
like a night club" but this is what this is all about.  People want 
to "be where the fun is happening."  Even programmers.

My Suggestion:

O We need a site controlled by the developers.

O We need a forum where people can bitch and meet each other, and 
feel welcome.

O The site needs to have a consistent dynamic attractive template.

O The site needs to be a clearing house for all other sites.  Teach 
and directing people to all the resources.

O The site needs to paint a picture as opposed to describe everything 
with a thousand words.

What is entailed:

O Start a new site, I would propose "RebolCentral.com"  I'm willing 
to pay for it, but I don't want to be in charge of it, I suggest 
we make it a committee.

O The main page should cover every topic and reason anyone would 
come to the site.  This means we support every country and other 
site.  The idea here is a clearing house of centralized information. 

O News: The site needs to gather news worthy information and post 
that at the top.  The site is not alive unless people have a way 
to post their information.  This means that there needs to be at 
least one editor, if not several that share the task.  Every time 
a product is updated, the new features are mentioned.  When Carl 
updates his blog, it gets a single sentence directing people there, 
unless it is news of a release of something.  Etc.

O Product Reviews:   This is key.  Products need to be rated, reviewed, 
categorized, voted on.

O Video Archive: All the videos of all the talks ever given   

O Tutorials:  there are a lot of tutorials out there, but which are 
best?  We need to review the tutorials, rate them by Beginner, Intermediate, 

O Forum: Start with major topics, and then break it down.  The forum 
needs to direct people to other countries, or support the other countries 
right in the forum.  Great simple forum: http://discussion.treocentral.com/index.php?styleid=1

O Respect the real estate.  The #1 mistake people make is treating 
their websites like just pages.  This is just like real estate, location 
location location.  We need to place the content based on where people 
are going.  So you build the basic site, watch it for a couple of 
weeks, then shift things around based on where people are actually 

O More art, more photos, more community.   It needs to feel inviting: 

Stone soup:

I will pay for, host, and supply a fast linux system (w/archive). 

I will help design the templates, and provide (and buy if needed) 
great art for the site.

I will not run the site, nor control the content, but I expect there 
to be in place all the items outlined above, set up in a manner that 
it a) runs itself, b) puts the power in the hands of the developers.
New MySQL driver version 1.0.0 supporting servers v4.1.1+ : http://softinnov.org/tmp/mysql-protocol.r
. This is a beta release, please report in MySQL channel any bugs. 
This release has not been tested with servers v3.x (but should work).
RebDB v2.0.2 released: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebdb/

This release fixes a critical bug with multi-column DISTINCT statements 
that can cause incorrect query results to be returned. The bug was 
eventually tracked down to the behaviour of unique/skip in REBOL, 
so developers making use of unique/skip should be aware of this [somewhat 
unexpected] behaviour:

	>> unique/skip [1 "A" 1 "B"] 2
	== [1 "A"]
	>> unique/skip ["A" 1 "B" 1] 2
	== ["A" 1 "B" 1]

If someone could cross-post this to the ML that would be much appreciated.