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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

Got it. Thanks.
Couldn't behavior of list be changed a bit? Maybe we are near? Menu/list 
should not definitely automatically hide, when you move mouse away, 
but it should hid, once you click outside. That is default and imo 
cross-platform. I wonder if we can achieve that?
text-list - it would be probably good if selected item would stay 
table - move second column to right, then back to left - all columns 
on the right side don't move back :-)
leds - very cool
password field - just a cosmetic issue, but those "asterisks" don't 
look nice here - way too-much pressed one to each other ...
spinner - arrows probably way too small, dunno, just my feeling ...
otherwise - excelent work
If you drop down the edit list, and then edit the field,  the list 
won't collapse again.
1) menu / list behaviour - will change once I iron out a few popup/away 
compatibility issues; it will then work as expected and the quirks 
it has now (as Graham discovered) should finally be fixed.
2) text-list highlight - noted

3) table - needs further work, but getting row selection working 
is a priority

4) leds - thanks to Pascal Lefevre for the original concept and Christian 
Ensel for the latest change
5) password - agreed

6) spinner - agreed. Before I spend any time on this one, how relevant 
 are spinners to today's UIs? I can't recall *ever* seeing one used 
in any project I've been in. Any strong objections if it's ditched?
Are spinners used to set dates?
though I prefer the keyboard way to setting dates as used by quicken.
viz: 01/02/ => 01/02/2005
T => today's date
M => last date of the month
We have request-date for that. Spinners are usually used to increment 
/ decrement integers and percentages, with support for min, max and 
step values.
I'm looking at my EMR, and I use spinners on all the numeric entry 
fields, and dates .. but the truth is, although the gadgets are there, 
I have never used them.
basicly >> 11/07/2007 + 1
== 12-Jul-2007
works so I don't see  a problem to initialise the spiner using now/date
this would be a quick complement for scheduler based application
is the spinner supposed to have a reset back shortcut as well?
request-date give you a hudge over see spinner date give you a close 
contrôle for short time periode since now/date
for example Image I'm a commercial I need to set for tomorow a schedule 
with some client what would be grphically better for me ? click add 
button and then select the date user request date or Click Add button 
then use spinner to select the proper date and time and enter an 
entry to the topic field :)
I think in this case the second approche involving spinner is good
I guess the question is how easily can the spinner be implemented 
without side effects
Now I'm still a commercial but this time I plan a tour to East America 
in several town with several client and this trip is planned for 
2 - 3 month since now. What would be perefable use a spinner based 
interface or use a resquest date based interface
this time again the second approch is the good one ;)
all numerical type must be supported  %, monney! interger! date! 
the only one who could be problematical IMOO is pair ;)
decimal must be handled too
and the programmer must be able to set the starting data (used too 
to set the data type) set the increm/decrem value and set a max limit 
max limit can be used to automatically calculate the size of the 
data showing part of the spinner
data type can be used too in some case for that (like date) this 
way we free the programmer to have to take in charge the spinner 
Ashley, I am not sure I like name of rebface. I think it would be 
better just as face (ctx-rebgui/face). I don't see the need to distinguish 
so much from standard View face. Indeed, I think it will make porting 
code a little slower.
That's just an initial impression. I will see if I get used to it 
nicely or badly :)
I have a working SLIDER with proportional dragger and page clicking.
do http://www.lexicon.net/antonr/rebol/rebgui/demo-slider.r
(you will need to modify demo-slider.r to point to your rebgui installation 
I am thinking of integrating arrows as options in the slider. This 
means a scroller would just be a slider with the arrows option. But 
this violates the rebgui principle of each widget being self-contained. 
However, the case for code reuse here is very strong, and so I want 
to do it. Any comments on that ?
If you do decide to integrate arrows in the slider, I hope you have 
a "smart'" arrow option like the one the one that Mac OS has provided 
since OS 8.6.
It's a big improvement on the standard up arrow at the top, down 
arrow at the bottom.
Anton, rebface word only comes into play during widget creation; 
all other references to face (e.g. feel, focus, etc) have not changed. 
In fact, that was one of my motivations for introducing it ... I've 
seen far too many people tripped up by code like the following:

	engage: func [face action pos] [
		insert tail blk make face [

where the "make face" should have been "make system/standard/face". 
When a RebGUI widget refers to rebface it is now unambiguous that 
we are not referring to a face argument nor the global face.

Looking at your demo slider now. If slider / scroller can be combined 
without a net increase in code size then I'm all for it as they are 
functionally and stylistically similar (vsplitter and hsplitter were 
combined into splitter for much the same reasons quite a while back).
list-view has been updated to comply rebgui 0.30 can be found here 
(click on list-view in the table)
** Script Error: Invalid path value: rebfaceeither
** Where: wake-event

** Near: show-data ctx-rebgui/rebfaceeither none? face/data [true]
typo I guess
Can the list-view be resized as well when the window is resized?
** User Error: RebGUI requires View 1.2.124 or lat
er to work.
** Near: to error! :value
which is much lower than 1.2.124
see here for latest builds
you can pass link ?