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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

BTW, I just logged on to paypal.com website, and they have 5 tabs 
at the top.  Clicking on an active tab still refreshes the page. 
 I am sure that there are however just as many websites that do not 
Here's an inconsistency.  If I have a button, and bring up an alert, 
the button remains highlited even after I move the mouse away.  But 
if the button does something else, it dehilites when I move the mouse 
How does one create a widget in a hidden state?  I've got two tab-panels 
one over the other.  I want to hide the one underneath, and expose 
it when I hide the top one?
in Vid you could set the show? facet to false.
perhaps I need to display/layout, and then use hide ?
That should do it...
Hm...  Show and Hide are Natives I wonder what RebGUI is doing to 
stop them from working...
Got it.
Use a 

do [ widget/show?: false ] 

in the layout.
Is there a word similar to 'focus ?
The following *should* work:

	display "Test" [text false]  or  [text #[false]]

But don't for some reason (the layout parser checks for it). I'll 
fix this for the next build.
display "" [ sum: field "10" button "clear" [ sum/text: copy "" show 
sum ]] do-events
after a couple of clears, the text in the field is no longer visible
Luc: dragger size is controlled by ratio, so just do a "sld/ratio: 
a / b show sld" or similar in your code.
Graham: replace the "show sum" with "rebfocus sum"
Ok.  But if I leave the mouse over the button, it takes 2 clicks 
to clear the field
Fixed in latest build.
Is the current build able to be encapped?
Not with a pre-1.3 SDK. %rebgui-widgets.r uses some 1.3 specific 
words such as case, unless, etc. Once it starts making greater use 
of AGG-specific draw commands there will be no going back.
Pity, as a 1.3 SDK timeline has not been announced yet
Can't have more than one password field ?

>> display "" [ password 10 return password 10 ]  do-events
** Script Error: Face object reused (in more than one pane): none
** Where: view
** Near: show scr-face
if new [do-events]
I think the default behaviour for a tab within an edit-list should 
be to leave the list, and not insert a tab.
How does one force rebol to recover memory?

>> stats
== 4202333
>> do %tour.r
Script: "Untitled" (none)
Script: "RebGUI system" (15-Jun-2005)
>> stats
== 14955467
>> recycle
>> stats
== 14922539
If the memory is allocated (in local variables) then you can't. Cos 
it is still in use.
Otherwise, try recycle/torture

But first, try to work out what stats is saying (cos I don't understand 
it) --- look at this:

  longstring: form now/precise loop 20 [append longstring random longstring]

Longstring is some 25meg long and not very compressible , but the 
2nd stats returns (for me) a slighly larger number than the 1st time.

Stats has some refinements now -- try help stats -- they might be 
more useful for tracking memory.

And maybe switch to core group for a general discussion.
>> stats
== 4190349

>>   longstring: form now/precise loop 20 [append longstring random 

== {19-Jun-2005/12:18:31.453+2:001.439u-:-3150/2n20810:1:52+0J120:-:+/-05n5222:-1401358.:J0:191u.5n0J9:23082/u11+343
>>   stats
== 51939328
>> length? longstring
== 30408704
>> 51939328 - 4190349
== 47748979
i guess you had a lot of garbage already? this is from a fresh console.
Graham: If you want to reduce RebGUI's memory footprint just rename 
%dictionary/American.dat ... that alone accounts for more than half 
the memory footprint. ;)

Interestingly enough, adding:

	button "Clear" [clear system/locale/dict]


	button "Clear" [system/locale/dict: none]

to %tour.r have lesser and differing effects (from a stats / recycle 
Gabriele -- no I was working from a fresh console.

Suggests the new GC is a bit odd, or platform dependant in some ways.
The above is on WinXP.
Ashley, please note the bug with two or more password fields.
graham the bug with many password fields is undertable that's because 
it's designed in a field + password field window (like login requestor 
As long as it can be fixed.  I have a screen I want the user to enter 
the password twice :)
hehe sure you are rght cONFIRMA TION password  for config panel  
!!! I think Ashley doesn't think on this case ;)
Graham: noted and corrected. ;)
I have actually got three password fields .. one for registered users 
to login, and two for new users to register :)
Ashley, you might want to change this page http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/
and remove the reference to it working with the sdk ( until RT releases 
a 1.3 compatible SDK ).
Page updated with, "...  You can even use it from the REBOL/SDK (when 
the View 1.3 SDK is released) ...".
Once it's done, perhaps RT can bundle it in with the sdk.
I'm currently developing a load-svg-icon function that will take 
an SVG file name and size, and return a scaled draw block. Some questions 
need addressing first though (feel free to post the GPL answers to 
the licensing group):

1) Can I distribute a set of GPL SVG icons with the RebGUI zip bundle? 
If so, under what terms / conditions?

2) If someone creates a RebGUI binary application (with the to be 
released SDK) can they include GPLed SVG files, and if so, under 
what terms / conditions?

3) Can GPLed SVG files be distributed under a different file name(s)? 
(e.g. rename gnome-gtk-folder-icon3.svg to open.svg)

4) What if I want to take a set of GPLed SVG files and distribute 
them as pre-converted draw-blocks (so RebGUI apps don't need to convert 
icons from SVG to Draw)?

Now some design questions:

1) Should the result of the proposed load-svg-icon be a draw block 
or an image?

2) Should RebGUI have a stock image cache or a stock draw-cmds cache? 
(i.e. is it better to cache draw cmds or images)
I hope so could be topo a starter point for a more sophisticate and 
polished library of widget to reploace default VID one
AShley terrific  !!!
Hum GPL things must comes with GPL  other things warning authors 
is a good idea too (but some times they are so many that contacting 
eatch of them is hard ;))
no you have to keep original file names (content can be changes if 
you warn the user that you do so in the readme.txt file for example 
) and you have to keep the main authors name
for 2) it dependes mainly of the licence type of the binary ... GPL 
 is free to use/distribute modify until you stay in the GPL licence 
area ... And you keep original file names and original author name 
and you warn author that you retake there work and include it into 
an other work they can see to a gived location (it's most a way for 
main author to ensure that there rights and licence term is not derrived 
to an auther licence enclosement)
thre is nothing worst than spending time on a software put it to 
free offer and see an big company commercialise it under a changed 
name and claiming the author and the enteriority of there work ... 
We have to keep in mind that when Richard Mary Stallman makes the 
GPL  he was yet previsionning the fact that the informatic industry 
will lead later or sooner to the concentric monopol and to the software 
patent. So for him the only way to save the will, rights and work 
of a free sofware author is to impose a strict licence to enclose 
the area...
Imagine tomorrow REBOL  becomes open source (GPL  doesn't means that 
RT will abandon their author rights far of that ...) the Sun retakes 
the code of rebol  (Hum they are not in this mood I know I say Sun 
to not have to say microsoft or APPLE) change the names and the copyrights 
/auythor reference to their own and publish a RAVA (clone of rebol) 
and most of all they patent it forbiding to RT to exploit any more 
their beloved REBOL ... RT to claim his rights and make iprohibitate 
the RAVA will have to make a trail and that 's exactly the weak point 
where the big company thinks they are propotent ... But as far as 
you can prouve the anteriority of your creation and the code retake 
you are ensured to win the trail ... But then it depends how many 
justice action they will intent If the bg company thinks the  technologie 
is prior for his futur incoms they can go very far ...
So to resume GPL is an enclosement for the free software domain creation 
and prevent people to claim the paternity of a freee software that 
not belongs to them ;)
th only person that can split the licence for a project is teh author 
it self and one import thing is to publish the work ... that way 
your GPL  work will gain public notority the date of publication 
into a tiers site like sourceforge or rebol.org can be recieved by 
the court as proof of the anteriority of your work upon the derivation 