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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

hum I don't know if we can be so drammatical and have a so drastic 
point of vue ....
It's a hard job to handle SVG structure and make our decoder able 
to decode all needed  information that's all ;)
and in AGG we have differencies in the liearGradient definition that 
what we have in SVG
ah, so the main problem here is imo still the same - XML parser. 
Building kind of "DOM". Rebol's XML parser is rather simplified after 
all. I do remember using Gavain Mckenzie's xml parser, which was 
much more usefull - it allowed for hooks during parsing and created 
rebol object too ...
for lineargradient SVG gives us a transform information (can be matrix, 
rotation,scale , skew, etc...) then we have an offset  x1 X2 y1 y2 
then we have  color informations spread method
fill-pen informations is different
a bit off topic: iTunes has a widget for rating of songs with stars 
one to five. Basically it's a widget that has 5 different states, 
depending on where you click on it. Would that be on the todo list 
for RebGUI? I'm planning to have such a thing in my next rewrite 
of my listview, I showed you some time ago.
I don't think it's planned ...
but nothing prohibes you to make a sutch widget for rebgui ;)
actually my main problem i how to build path to reach information 
into the SVG rebolien converted object tree
This topic has been quiet for a while now .. anything happening??
yess I'm hardly developping SVG renderer widget as flexible and complete 
support of the SVG file format
for the momment I have some problem to sum local and global matrix 
and to translate gradient effect
as cyphre connect once per week it's not easy for me to advance
Is there a tool to enumerate all the path to the text fields in a 
RebGui application.   Rebol is great to draw interfaces, but boy 
is it owerwhelming to find the path of those fields.  I did not find 
the way (if there is one) with Anamonitor003.   To have an idea of 
what I talk see my never finished pet at www.biblex.org.
lay: layout[text "1" text "2"]
probe lay/pane/1/text
Normand I'm glad to see that some of the UI ideas form MDP-GUI have 
been retaked into BibleX ;à
normand normally soon we will see Menu bar and popupMenu in REBGUI 
This will allow you to improve and simplifie the UI of BiBlex ;)
So many things on the fire actually ... We need to achieve some widgets 
insertion and discuss why some widgets are not inserted to rebgui 
I'm trying to make SVG rendering widget but as you can see in sVG 
RENDERER group I have many problems in translation and until now 
I'm stuck so maybe it's the appropriate time for me to seek for the 
accomplishement of yet on cooking widgets...
Graham: End of fin year and Q2 GST.

Normand: Try the following;

display "Test" [
	a: text "Name"
	b: field
	do [c: face]
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-032.zip

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3. ***

Highlights include:

	- New keycode handler (to assign keystrokes to actions)

 - Tab focus expanded to include button handling (see %focus-demo.r 
 for details)
	- Buttons are now image based
	- Number of password widget fixes

 - Added basic SVG support (proof of concept at this stage - shadwolf 
 is working on *real* SVG support)
	- Added icon and svg-toolbar widgets to support above
	- Large number of bug fixes

 - Bit of code refactoring (split layout logic out of display function)
ashley: dragging the cursor (mouse left/right while left button down) 
on top of a password field with hidden text, makes the cursor position 
not correspond accurately to the position of the mouse. very very 
small thing, I know, but if you want it perfect. :-)
I notice that there is no cursor in a text field now when the field 
is empty.
Good work on the focus changes.
I like the field undo option. Very nice.
There's no %images/logo.png for the tour.r script to load in the 
archive. I just grabbed one myself, but thought you might want to 
know for others.
ah, I see that is addressed if I go to the download page, rather 
than just clicking links in AltME :-)
rich text, damne! :-) How should we know, what shortcut keys belong 
to what buttons ;-)
Inconsistency between button and arrows ... buttons are hovered, 
when you move mouse over, arrows are not. What is more - they are 
flat, they don't move up and down, like button does, only background 
color changes. Shouldn't it be unified? That is imo why UI rules 
should exist first - we should decide what and how should behave 
and work towards that imo ...
I am not on WinXP right now, but small comment towards tabbing of 
button. It works. Once you move your mouse over another button, the 
original one looses its tabbing, while I think it should not .... 
well, it seems to me the action still works, but hover color is lost 
Any chance to get the multi-column list to work in the next release? 
So that it's possible to select, add, delete entries. How about in-cell 
mine is working the dynamic data are not affected ...
that's the only remaining point to solve and add the text edition 
Yes, the list works to show stuff, but I can't select an entry and 
get a feedback into my code. Or is it possible?
Possible with text-list (see %tour.r) but not table [yet].
It works with mine too
you have a built in var in it to retrieve information
picked var is used to store in my multi column list widget the selected 
line content
so the programmer that use the listview widget have only to make 
a test on listview/picked content if none -> no line is picked (so 
for example prompt an alert to the user either make processing of 
the listview/picked content
Is there something new in the pipeline? Or has the project slowed 
one of my friends would imediatelly switch to RebGUI, but not without 
more solid table/grid element ...
... simply ability to display data is essential for most apps :-) 
He tried Cyphre's grid, and although it is the most complete style 
we saw yet, it does not allow things as keyboard navigation, display 
of only selected columns without rebuilding data-block ....
I hope mine will be able to do that when I get something more meaningful 
done. selected columns for viewing is already now something you don't 
need to worry about in my list, but I still have much work to do...
Robert, I'm waiting for a few things in the REBOL world to stabilize 
a bit before proceeding. Specifically:

1) The new REBOL/View system documentation
2) The new OS X version of REBOL/View
3) New SDK builds
4) Couple of AGG fixes

The two big design issues I'm grappling with at the moment are:

1) Look & feel, especially in light of the availability of View on 

2) Whether to revert to View 1.2 compatibility (and not use AGG) 
given the lack of a 1.3 SDK
and although it is the most complete style we saw yet 

 when I see comments like this I doesn't  want to make efforts ... 
 Have you tryed my listview widget ?
see http://www.rebolfrance.info/articles/regui-cooking-widgs
2) IMO RT can provide them quite fast. So we just need to bug Carl 
about it. Shouldn't be a show-stopper.
buing Carl should work better, as he then can bui other people. Throwing 
more bugs at him would slow things down?! But to do that, someone 
would have to buy us, so we can buy, hmmm...
simply said - and as most are probably scared to say it loudly, so 
here is "Bad" pekr once again :-) Current marketing model of RT still 
does not seem to work. Although community involvement was big help, 
it still does not seem to solve overal situation - publicly visible 
roadmap, schedules, case studies on website, etc.