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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

display "" [ button "Print" ]

shows a button with text "Imprimer" , and one with "Save" shows "Enregistrer" 
Isn't localization wonderful? ;)  [just edit / delete %locale.dat 
to "fix"]
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-034.zip

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Highlights include:

	- request-dir requestor updated
	- alert and question requestors added

 - Tab focus expanded to include edit-list handling (see %focus-demo.r 
 for details)
	- Button image now resizes correctly

 - text-list widget totally rewritten to use [newly documented] View 
 1.3.1 iterated faces
	- text-list now supports Ctrl+click, Shift+click, Ctrl+A

 - text-list scrollbar now reacts to current display state (eg. disappears 
 if not required, alters dragger ratio as rows are added, etc) 
	- check and radio widget aesthetics improved

 - added options support to layout function and text-list and check 

 - changed base-size from 4x5pixels to 5x4 pixels (better granularity)
	- reworked all widget sizes to account for above
	- fixed scaling problems with many widgets
	- updated focus-demo.r

 - greatly enhanced and expanded %tour.r to demonstrate more variations 
 and usage cases
	- added "live" unit-size and font-size drop-lists to %tour.r
	- numerous other minor bug fixes and coding improvements

In the works

 - table widget being rewritten along the same lines as the new improved 
 text-list widget
	- aiming for a 0.4.0 beta release prior to DevCon2005
Great work, Ashley!
I like it, nice work.
The shared para object problem still exists, and I notice it now 
screws up the text in the tab panels - so that they disappear.
Unlike 1.3 VID alerts, you can't use the space bar to close the alert.
** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Where: edit-text

** Near: if all [tmp/x < 0 tmp2/x < 0] [face/para/scroll/x: tmp2/x 
- tmp/x]
** Press enter to quit...

on tabbing out of an edit box.
With the text in an edit list highlited, click on the drop down arrow, 
click on a new item, then tab .. and the above occurs.
Thanks, these will be fixed in the next build. I'm assuming that 
all other issues are resolved as of this build, so if anyone has 
others (even if previously raised) that have not been addressed then 
now is the time to raise (or re-raise) them. Please exclude issues 
relating to the following unfinished widgets:

	- table
	- grid
	- svg-toolbar
	- icon (SVG-based)
	- auto-fill
	- spinner
	- menu
How about swapping the parameters for splash so that face is first? 
 That makes it consistent with all the other functions.
Also, how about an accessor function like

show-focus: func [ face [object!]][
	rebfocus face
	show face
with 3.4 when i run the tour.r i get: Access Error: Cannot open /C/Temp/Rebol 
** Near: image: load %images/logo.png
size: image/size
did you download the whole archive first?
The recent downloads just contain updates and not the images.
It would be nice if  those images are included on every release as 
newbies don't have them.
Still a beta release .. not a general release.
Mchean all you have to do is put a comment  ";" at the line and it 
should work =)
Other images referred to won't be found either though.
unfortunatelly you will have to do that on every release until you 
download those images
yes i think there are 3 images that need to be " ; "
but i think if you download the first beta release it has those images
Sorry Mchean by newbies i was referring to me =)
I guess this is more of a Rebol problem, but alerts don't stay infront 
of the parent window.
LEDs don't seem to be working properly in the tour.r
And also, you can't tab yet within any of the state widgets
Image accepts a file for the image, but not an image type.
No action block for fields?
Try this:

 field [show-text face now/time/precise]	; press enter in the field
Hmm.  Wonder why mine don't work.
If you type enough text to start text scrolling, this is what happens

>> display "" [ myfield: field 20 [show-text face now/time/precise 
print face/text] ] do-events
** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Where: edit-text

** Near: if all [tmp/x < 0 tmp2/x < 0] [face/para/scroll/x: tmp2/x 
- tmp/x]
When a window containing a text-list is maximised, the scrollers 
from the text-list.
I thought I'd have a go at building an application with RebGUI, and 
I'm starting with an open source electronic medical record.
I'm just building the gui first off 


Help appreciated :)
I'll intend to use Rugby + mysql/postgres unless RT brings out LNS 
in time.
Good first cut. I''d standardize label / field widths with composed 
words; eg.

window-size: NxN
tab-size: window-size - NxN
label-width: N
field-width: N

display "Test" compose [
	label (label-width) ...
	field (field-width) ...

This way you can globally experiment with different sizing layouts 
without too much effort.

If you come across anything that would make writing an app even easier 
(be it a RebGUI usage hint or enhancement request) then be sure to 
mention it here. Thanks. ;)
Hi, just few notes .... 

1) why new versions are not released as complete ones? The download 
is small already. I tried to point out my friend to it, and he missed 
0.3 version or so, which is required ...

2) box definitely does not resize properly. Still, so far, Romano's 
system was the most complete and the least errorless version I saw. 
Try to move resizing window here or there and you will get even cases 
as three lines of color boxes, no spacing, mixed together ...

3) lists - are we ready to overcome rebol limitation here? It works 
better, but still not flawlessly and not in system friendly manner: 
a) when moving "too fast" with mouse, it stays open b) in above and 
and other cases, ESC shoudl close it c) I understand we have use 
some "excuses" and workaraound for now, but that is not the way to 
go in future d) when moving away, it should stay open, last hilited 
item should stay hilited, close on esc, close on click-away, should 
be foxusable, ability to be driven by keyboard  - that is the only 
system friendly way

4) text-list multi mode - ctrl works, shift too, ctrl A too, but 
not in a system friendly way once again. Maybe I should check first, 
but IIRC, it should work following way - ctrl selects particular 
items. BUT - it should also deselect them - try ctrl A and then, 
holding Ctrl, press some item - it does not deselects them - that 
is imo wrong. Also - shift should mark all items between point of 
last press and active mouse position, deselecting all the rest, even 
if previsously selected ...
scaling - cool! But resizing works a bit strange sometimes, especially 
if you lower window size under some acceptable limit .... dunno if 
that one could be automatically calculated or not, but sometimes 
you get destructed (non-functional) gui
... e.g. with text-list, resizing up and down few times, and you 
get buttons over text-list, the same way bar over text-list, text-list 
not fully visible even if maximising window ....
I have to consider resizing as being too buggy ... maybe it uses 
some kind of simple mechanism, without features as anchoring etc., 
dunno, but imo Romano could help here - his system, although large, 
was pretty much consistent ...
Luisc: its ok im a newbie too
Ashley: got it working thanks
Ashley, I've also come across the need to use width keywords.  I'm 
still not sure what the best method may be, but I'm leaning toward 
devising a generic UI grid.  At its simplest, it'd be like a 2-cell 
(four guideline) html table with labels on the left, controls on 
the right.  But this could also broken and repeated across the width 
of a form, with keywords/parameters used to position elements across 
the guidelines.  This is a thought in progress, unfleshed.
Somewhat in the mold of a Wordprocessor, but with form elements instead 
of paragraphs...
How to clear a field ?  This doesn't work without screwing up the 
text cursor...

 display "" [ f: field 30 [ show-text f copy "" ]] do-events
don't mind me...I'm going to ask all the newbie questions so no one 
else has to!
does clear-face <face> work?
don't mind me... I'm going to post the wrong things in the wrong 
groups so no one else has to! (sorry)

	display "" [field [show-text face "" rebfocus face]]

but wrapping this in a 'clear-face func is the way to go. Thanks, 
added to the list.
Ahh. so I needed the rebfocus face to set the text cursor correctly.
Shouldn't that be part of show-text ?  If you're going to preset 
a number of fields eg. to reset some defaults, you don't really want 
to rebfocus face on each one as well as do a show-text ?