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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

No, but they should.
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-035.zip

Issue log: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Highlights include:

 - generic face-iterator function shared by all lists (text-list, 
 table, edit-list & drop-list)

 - new improved table widget finally supporting row (including multiple) 

 - updated drop-list & edit-list widgets (defocusing support still 
 limited though)
	- area widget now sports a slider by default

 - resizing code (supporting negative sizes) reverted to pre-0.3.4

 - IMPORTANT: resizeable windows that don't have min-size specified 
 are automatically assigned one the same as the original window size
	- Various multi-row text selection issues resolved
	- Various focus issues resolved
	- numerous other minor bug fixes and coding improvements

In the works

	- basic menu widget
	- revamped documentation 
	- stabilize existing code-base for 0.4.0 beta release
note that show-focus replaces rebfocus
Page up, down, and cursor keys do not scroll text within an area.
Great news on the table selection .. must try that out.
I want to scroll the pane within a tab panel.  It's the 7th tab. 
 I can find the tab itself


but what is the path to the panel face ?
Something like this:

display "" [
	t: tab-panel data ["A" [field] "b" [field]]
	button "<" [t/pane/1/offset/x: t/pane/1/offset/x - 10 show t]
	button ">" [t/pane/1/offset/x: t/pane/1/offset/x + 10 show t]
Ahh.. it's the first pane in the main pane.
On reflection, I think I want to actually scroll the contents of 
that pane, and not that pane itself.
I've got about 80 check boxes on one tab panel scattered through 
a number of group checkboxes ... need to clear them in one hit. 
Need some way to run thru all the checkboxes and reset them.
Perhaps the 'clear-text accessor function can generalised to a clear-face 
function ?
display "Test" [

 c: check-group 30x15 data ["Item 1" true "Item 2" false "Item 3" 
	button [foreach item c/pane [item/data: true] show c]
if item/style = 'check [...]
oops, sorry, non-VID..
if widget/type = 'check-group [...]
Graham, I think a clear-widget accessor (with a "/default value" 
refinement) would make a good addition.
What do feel about adding a right mb click to tables ?  Just thinking 
of way to remove items from tables.
Sounds reasonable. What about a double-click action as well? I was 
thinking of expanding the layout parsing rules such that *any* widget 
could be specified as:

 widget [default left-click action] [default right-click action] [default 
 double-click action]

but I'm not sure whether this is overkill or not.
choice is good... already have tristate widgets :)
It also means we have a cleaner screen .. fewer widgets to clutter 
it up to do the things we need to do with tables ie. add, remove, 
Another wish for tables .. a way to set the colour of a row, which 
is controlled programmatically.  So, you might have a table of messages 
in your inbox, some of which you have read ( one colour ), and those 
to be read ( another colour ).
Ashley, good idea. As long as the later two are optional.
display "" [ p: password return button "Login" [ if empty? p/text 
[ show-focus p ]] do [ show-focus p ] ] do

if you tab out of the password field, and then activate the button 
with the spacebar, the password field fills with one character.
tabbing does not seem to work between fields in a modal window.
the docs says that display has a /layout refinement, but it doesn't.
Looks like the layout is not parsed correctly when you specify a 
modal layout with /dialog
Retract that last statement.
Should <CR> act the same way as tab in shifting focus ?
Should tab also fire an action associated with a field ?
display "" [ group-box 60x20 "Test" data [ a: field 40 [ show-focus 
f]] return group-box 60x20 "Test2" data
[ f: field 40 ]] do-events
** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Where: edit-text

** Near: if all [tmp/x < 0 tmp2/x < 0] [face/para/scroll/x: tmp2/x 
- tmp/x]

After typing a few times in the top field, and then hitting enter, 
the error above can occur.
CR: For single line fields OK (in addition to TAB), for multiple 
NO. Standard is to use TAB to shift focus.
In that case, actions should fire on tab and not just on cr as at 
Ashley, how do I set the radio buttons?  I tried this

 display "" [ sexfld: radio-group 30x5 data [1 "M" "F"] button "change" 
 [ sexfld/data: 2 show sexfld ] button
 "show" [print sexfld/data ]] do-events
Simulate a click, as in:

	button "change" [
		sexfld/pane/2/feel/engage sexfld/pane/2 'down none

but long-term this needs to be handled by a generic show-widget function. 
Other points above have been noted. ;)
Yep, that works.  Thanks.  I am trying to provide field level data 
validation so do need actions to fire on tab as well as on enter.
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-036.zip

Issue log: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Highlights include:

	- All widgets now support alt-action & dbl-action blocks

 - Table & Text-list widgets now have a selected function to access 
 selected data directly

 - New clear-widget accessor function to handle setting values within 
 iterated faces
	- Added a clear-text accessor function
	- Documentation updated to reflect above changes
	- Number of minor bug fixes

In the works

	- revamped focus system
	- basic menu widget
	- context menu widget
	- stabilize existing code-base for 0.4.0 beta release
display "" [ group-box 60x20 "Test" data [ a: field 40 [ show-focus 
f]] return group-box 60x20 "Test2" data
[ f: field 40 ]] do-events

type abcd in the top field, hit enter.  Type abc in the bottom field, 
and hit enter.  Then hilite all the chars in the top field, enter 
a single character, and hit enter.  

** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Where: edit-text

** Near: if all [tmp/x < 0 tmp2/x < 0] [face/para/scroll/x: tmp2/x 
- tmp/x]

This is version 3.6
What we need is a key logger to record all the keystrokes so we can 
easily duplicate these errrors.  Took me  a few mins to duplicate 
In tour.r, the simple led example, I see nothing happening when I 
try the three buttons ( true, false, and none ).
In the led-group, the "random 1" button only seems to affect the 
Item 1 in the horizontal group ( only turns it off ).
clear-text doesn't reset the line-list for an area widget.
Can clear-widget also be made to take a block of faces
should clear-text be generalised to also clear the rows of a text-list 
and table ?
Focus question. Given that CR and Tab should fire a field's action; 
should loss of focus due to mouse click do the same (i.e. should 
clicking in field1 then field2 cause field1's action to fire)?
I suppose
Me too. Suppose the clicked face is a "save". That would expect all 
the fields to be entered, means fired.
Yes, same semtantics to the program just an other user action to 
activate it.
I think it should too.
Otherwise field level validation becomes trickier to do.
should have the option for area widgets though as in VID.
Compare these two:

display/dialog "" [ f: field return p: password  ] do-events


display/dialog "" [ f: field return password do [ show-focus f] ] 

Adding the show-focus adds a cursor to the password field as well.