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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

wonderfull work !!!! 0.1.4 version is beautyfull ;)
yes, I can confirm that closing window does not return back to console, 
but quits rebol ...
0.1.4 demo is cool! Reminds me of those tiny drawed embedded environments 
Ashley I have a good idea to submit you conserning widget positionning 
instead of using offset to set the position of a widget we use north 
south east west container ;)
I don't like cardinals point in UI. I prefer top/bottom/right/left
names doesn't matters ... that the system witch is interresting ;)
Interesting, and I'm certainly open to new ways of doing things ... 
but two marks against it for me are:

	1) It's overly complex [for RebGUI]
	2) I tend to design like I write - left to right, top to bottom

Nice concept though.
offset is still needed for precise effect but using this kind of 
organisation that is more powerfull than below accross  we ca  make 
quite and easy beatifull graphic interface
you can start be texting the contribution code I submit you then 
try to find a relevent way to adapt it to rebgui  ;)
in a 'tab-panel, auto-resizing don't work
it's managed at window level, so faces in a face/pane aren't affected 
by resizing. it will be a problem with all container widgets. the 
resizing should be modified to recurse into pane faces and blocks.
Latest release available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-015.zip

Highlights include:

	- New LED widget
	- Tweaked check, splitter and tab-panel widgets
	- Basic edit feel added to area and field widgets
	- Resizing is now fully recursive
	- Added a light-weight request-file function for Win32/SDK use
	- Numerous minor improvements and fixes
	- Documentation update (the Display User's Guide in particular)
A little correction to 'slider - 'slider position was set  with an 
edge in mind, so I subtracted edge/size to it. Without edge, the 
correct formulas are:

for y-slider, delta: 5 + to integer! face/size/y - 10 * min 1 max 
0 face/data

for x-slider, delta: 5 + to integer! face/size/x - 10 * min 1 max 
0 face/data
it will remove the visible gaps in Sliders demo
I'm jealous of all the rebGUI group support   ;-)
good work Ashley, providing decent support is essential...
Ashley does an impressive communication work, both with this group 
and his website.
I find hover effects quite distracting, and not really useful - as 
if users didn't know that the boxed thing labelled "push me" was 
a button. But since it becomed the rule on some OS, here a simple 
one for 'check :
over: func [face act pos] [
    face/effect/draw/pen: either act [active-color][edge-color]
    show face
there's a compatibilty problem with 'check and 'led : #[none] #[true] 
#[false] don't works in /View 1.2.1 . it can be fixed by using reduce 
[true [...] false [...] none [...]]. (I think backward compatibility 
should be mandatory only for core functions/widgets, for additional 
optional elements like 'request-file function and /min-size option, 
a short note in documentation is enough)
tested 'request-file - spotted a bug:

when one uses a filename without a path in it, it causes an error.

ie: %my-file.r, split-path gives [%./ %my-file.r], the path isn't 
cleaned, local-request-file don't like "./" -> error
an easy fix is to uses 'clean-path before 'split-path: 
if file [
    set [path file] split-path clean-path path

that said, 'request-file works well (tested all /options,) and is 
a lot cleaner and smaller that the VID version :-)
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, it truly helps. All issues 
noted and corrected in next build. Display User's Guide updated to 
note various limitations under 1.2.1 / 1.2.10 / 1.2.48. If I missed 
any let me know. ;)
Actually I'm doing research work on ricth tex editor with redered 
input ... It"s quite unachieved but I think that's a good work way. 
Instead of having input separated with preview I hope can find a 
good system to have both in same window
to download and test it http://rebol.dev.fr/view.php?sid=161
I'm collecting ideas on this topic once it will do the job conveniently 
I will adapt it to rebgui standard ;)
Sunanda says me  to me that the file rte-dev-work.r wasn't downadable 
I fix it ..
It works now  =)
i downloaded it
another research way on Rich text inpout/renderer could be using 
draw dialect. But text cursor implementation could be mutch difficult 
to set
using sub face compositing it's very memory eater, draw seems to 
be better in this aspect but it can be hard to simulate the fluident 
text rendering ...
The "problem" with either approach (sub-face / draw) is that RT have 
two technologies (TMD / AGG) that could dramatically impact any implementation 
... but we have no idea when these will be available. :(
Asley I know that it. But that's not beacause RT is working on it 
too that we can't work on it right now with yet existent technologies 
and try to figure out how to do it with the limited capabilities 
(bacause we don't have aaccess to entire VM source code) we have. 
In futur once we yet trully have a working solution and VM will have 
officiallly the new technology AGG we could help Carl on TDM  by 
apporting our RTE/IR (ritch text editor input renderer) code to him. 
it's a base of search for us but it means to be one implicitly for 
Carl If we want to save his time and focus it on the important things 
we have maybe to take in charge some od research work  ;)
Latest release available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-016.zip

Highlights include:

	- New bar, group-box and toolbar widgets
	- Removed icon and text+ widgets
	- Added accessor functions
	- Added pad keyword
	- text and size attribute handling improved
	- Numerous minor improvements and fixes
	- Documentation update
	- Added a simple install example
Less than a dozen widgets to go!

	droplist	edit box / text display + drop-down list
	list		single column
	listview	multi-column

 updown	scrollbar minus the bar (used with a field to increment / 
 decrement numbers, etc)
	popup-menu	context menu
	status		status bar with one or more “segments”

If you're working on any of these, drop a message here so we don't 
double up on efforts. ;)
The styles that I have up on REBOL.org are built with on a similar 
concept to RebGUI if and you want, we can just minimize the facets 
and plug them into RebGUI...
The dopdown in particular should be easy to adapt...
I'll take the Droplist, Menu, Context-Menu, etc...
On radio - started some work on it.

I would like more info on needed 'list, behaviour and features wise.

I have a working text-list widget, with full mouse control (shift/ctrl 
selection), but it's too big imho (100+ lines.)
Yes, the lists will be the most work of all the widgets. And, will 
all widgets be able to be listed (iterated) ?
I found that for group box the frame color makes it too discreet 
... maybe having it in black color by default could be better
Ashley why do you supress text+ ?
list (single or multi column): I once have hired Cyphre to create 
a style for me. Very useful and powerful. If someone is interested 
I can provide the code as a starting point (or at least as idea pool). 
You can find some documentation for it on my homepage under project 
data-form dialect.
I think list must be  multi colum is good, so multi colum must have 
a title (enable/disable), row design (enable/disable), sorted capability 
when clicking . Row is capable to display text, images, progressbar, 
checkbox, button all kind of widgets. Maybe as base we must have 
a dialect to format heavyly the content
Ammon: Impressive! Little time to dive into the code, are there docs? 
And what SDK/View version is required?
I tried to keep sufficient comments in my code so that the code is 
the doc...
I built the styles kind of as examples of how to do things.
If you have a question feel free to ask.  I get feature requests 
but most of the features that get requested are already there.  Take 
a peek at the code, if it isn't self explanatory, I'm glad to explain.
Actually, I was hoping you could point me to RebGUIs docs :-)
Oh, RebGUI...  http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/
I thought you adapted some styles already, but now I see you were 
offering to convert your own.
Ashley's website.