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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

MichaelB: thanks for your thoughs, you think along the same lines 
as I do. Could you please show me an example of  "circle menus"? 
I am not sure I get the idea of how it is supposed to work ...
Pieces of cake. I like the idea. Cake pops up with mouse in the middle.
there is a master thesis or something about this I once read, I try 
to find it ... other than that there was one Rebol guy who tried 
to do it, but it was slow
Since i am weak on math: Has someone a formular to find the right 
piece for the mousecursor?
under publications there is the thesis of Stuart Pook "Interaction 
and Context  in Zoomable User Interfaces" ... actually I looked into 
it, I'm not 100% sure this is the one I remember, but I guess so 
... page 54  there is for instance something about these menus and 
before that there is also an investigation of different kinds of 
by the way, did I tell that I like Zooming User Interface ? :-)
and about the example: unfortunately I never used one - just that 
you have a pie which is put into pieces and because one knows where 
is north and south and so on, one can use it without even looking 
at the menu. (of course it can't be too finegrained, because who 
can move the mousepointer within an angle of a view degrees ?)

so Pekr: I don't know whether you use Opera, but I just imagined 
they could use some kind of pie menu in the background for their 
mouse-gestures, you just don't see them. Maybe that's a bit simpliefied 
but I really think that in general it is not such a bad model
Very cool. Does not need to be a pie, we could use text-facesaround 
the mouse?
( the java-demo: http://www.infres.enst.fr/net/zomit/zomit-net/cdi.html
what do you mean ? I don't understand. I almost forgot how I like 
these things. :-) Actually the fastest zooming I have seen - I know 
the piccolo toolkit a little bit, and I don't remember it to be that 
fast with so much text

and I would like to have a Rebol UI done the zooming way, but after 
my little tests I found it to be too slow for larger amount of data, 
especially text - but I thought about something similar but with 
steps, so no smooth zooming, this should be possible with Rebol
Slow with new draw too?
maybe I'm wrong and I didn't try anything fancy, but don't you think 
we might have problems in rendering the same stuff from the page 
you gave the link - I guess these things are accelerated by the graphics 
card and AGG is not, no ?
Ho fast is this on your machine? On mine it is slow, but thats the 
machine.. http://www.rebol.com/view/demos/rzoom.r
pretty smooth - maybe I have to try it one day ... what I did was 
put a lot of text in Carls first test of the transformation matrix 
example, where he wanted to know if the behavior is correct - and 
if you have a lot of text and zoom into it, it gets slow - but there 
are people here who know better (and might prove me wrong) - for 
me it would be too nice if somebody proves me that the same stuff 
as in the link is in sufficient speed possible with Rebol, even if 
there has to be some clever arrangement of the objects to be shown 
- I mean that objects not visible don't get rendered
That Zomit interface works poorly with a touch pad.
Or a mouse in my case. ;) Anyone have any links / screenshots to 
some good [non-HTML] implementations? (Windows or Mac OS X)
Anyone ever played The Sims?  Is this what you mean by circular menu?
I guess so, Second LIfe has also pie menus. 

Graham: this didn't mean that there are other ways to use menus and 
of course depending on the input device there are better ways. If 
you have keyboard shortcuts for everything you can even be faster 
in doing things. If you have a scroll wheel zooming into is pretty 
natural as is paning with a extra button - but didn't anybody feel 
that in this zoomit demo one could surpisingly well use the interface 
and especially with what speed ? (just compared to putting the same 
functions to a traditional context menu)

Also one should just try to use mouse-gestures in Opera - after using 
them you always want to use them - even though I often out of habit 
do the same in IE or somewhere else and it doesn't work - the most 
important thing to note for me is that it's worth having an interface 
one can form habits in using it - only then usage will be very fast. 
If one puts the one or other stumbling block into it, it will never 
flow, you always have to concentrate on what you're actually doing. 
Just imagine driving a car and having always to think about how to 
steer or shift (for many of the european people :).
Take a look at: http://www.think-cell.com/and watch the Flash, there 
you see the best circular menues I have every used so far.
Yes, that's actually quite intuitive. Bit hard to get all the design 
elements from the small flash demo, so what would the practical minimum 
/ maximum number of "items" be? 3 - 8? Should the "menu" appear centered 
on the cursor? Are the circles solid or partially transparent? Are 
they textual or iconic?
in the flashdemo they looked iconic - what I wouldn't like too much 
- see "rant" above :-)
but still I think the power comes from the possibility to use them 
blind if done nicely like in the java applet above ... only to have 
it circular doesn't have to help too much, exept that it uses the 
space around the cursor better
I am not against being innovative, but .... not sure that actually 
replace classical menu by circular one, removes reasons we try to 
abandon menu for :-)
If you want take a look at the manual, more screen shots.
Ashley, I'm going to send you a screenshot from my installation.
Robert - so you find Circular menus kind of help-full?
- I thought the discussion was more or less about traditional menus 
at the top of the window or screen. I think context menus are very 
helpful as they support nicely the object-verb pattern and as long 
as they are designed the way that they don't change unexpectedly, 
they are good and the user can form habits (Jef Raskins book "The 
Humane Interface" is a lot about this stuff)

- and they should support this kind of blind usage - then they're 
a big leap I think
I've never been a big fan of traditional context menus as they tend 
to get overloaded (you know things have gone too far when they are 
scrollable and have sub-menu's!) and the "target area" for selection 
is just too small (selecting the 3rd item quickly requires good mouse 
targeting). The first problem is an [application] design issue, but 
the second is solved nicely by this style of menu. 

Having said all that, I'll probably add two widgets: context-menu 
and bubble-menu which will be functionally and declaratively identical 
but with different look & feels.  Besides, I'm intrigued by the design 
challenge of this particular widget - I'm thinking multiple faces 
(one for each menu option) with a draw effect for the bubble and 
text ... hmm, but how to only register mouse clicks within a circular 
area ... and how to have pixels outside this area be transparent 
...and ...
One one trick could be a big sensor over the whole window.
And Chirs had a similar problem for non-rectangular faces. The idea 
was use a shadow-bitmap where colors represents choices.
Ashley, have you reconsidered allowing images to be inline rather 
than a file! type only ?
Already supported. Try the following:

	display "" compose [image (help.gif)]
oh ..?? when was this introduced?
I must have missed the ann.
No announcement. ;) I think it was introduced around 0.3.2 when the 
layout function was split off into a separate script.
And to think I had to write my paint module in VID as I thought this 
had yet to be done :(
Lot of changes scheduled for 0.3.8 - aim is to get it out within 
a week.
You can't have "event-transparent" faces without changes to the View 
(I can say that for sure.)
About gui-look: How about mimicing amiga?
How about using the new Canvas GUI images ?
How about adding a slider to the title-group widget to allow scrolling 
of the text in the title-group ?
Just cross-posting Geomol's styles: http://home.tiscali.dk/john.niclasen/canvas/newstyles.r
Might be a nice base for RebGUI.
Nice clean look. The "button-group" widget (buttons numbered 1 - 
4) would make a good addition. Good idea that.
hmm, my last message got lost probably. I sent it, and then I got 
AltME blue-screen instead of message list for this group, and nothing 
appeared. Kind of short disconnection? :-)
What I just wanted to point out is - those styles do look nice. However, 
they don't seem to reflect mouse-over effect. My question is, if 
we give-up on that. IIRC Chris pointed out, that you have to count 
with such things prior to starting your design. Also - what about 
reflecting in-focus styles? As we know, OS does count with it and 
reflects it visually, what about our Rebol UIs?
Not sure what you mean by "in-focus styles" - please elaborate. ;)
Ashley - simply put - keyboard navigation (tabbing). In Windows, 
e.g. if button is tabbed=in-focus (my english term :-), you can visually 
distinguish it ...
You mean there's a hover visual notification?