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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

yes ... currently there is in RebGui, but there is not with Geomol's 
styles. Or do I miss anything?
Text does not reformat when an area field is resized.
today jipé of rebol french scene have proposed this  progress bar 
rebol []
lg: 0
pos: 50x40
fen: layout/size [
at pos

b1: box white 150x20 "0%"  font [size: 11 color: black shadow: none] 
frame black 1
at pos + 1x1

b2: box 1x18 yellow effect [merge colorize 255.255.0 invert] rate 
25 feel [
engage: func [face action event][
if (b2/size/x < 148) [
   lg: lg + 1
   b2/size: b2/size + 1x0
   b1/text: join to-integer lg / 147 * 100 "%"
   show [b1 b2]
] 250x100
view/title center-face fen "Smart progress bar"
would be fun in rebGUI ^^
looks like old Windows one :-)
yes that's the trick ^^ but it's fun  old fashion
effective and short code
I didn't know "frame" was a shortcut for "edge [...]". How long has 
that been in VID? Nice code BTW, I think I'll add it.
i didn't know it neither  ^^ jipé is full of suprise i love those 
 little and  full of trickies codes ^^
'frame was in the very early versions of VID but I thought it was 
replaced by 'box.  Perhaps it was resurrected for another use ?
an amelioration!
rebol []
lg: 0
pos: 50x30
fen: layout/size [
at pos

b1: box white 150x20 "0%"  font [size: 11 color: black shadow: none] 
frame black 1
at pos + 1x1

b2: box 1x18 yellow effect [merge colorize 255.255.0 invert] with 
rate: 0
feel: make face/feel [
engage: func [face action event][
if action = 'time [
if (b2/size/x < 148) [
   lg: lg + 1
   b2/size: b2/size + 1x0
   b1/text: join to-integer lg / 147 * 100 "%"
   show [b1 b2]
t: text 100  form b2/rate
bt: btn "Stop" [
b2/rate: pick [0 none] 'none = b2/rate
bt/text: pick ["Stop" "Start"] "Start" = bt/text
t/text: form b2/rate
show [b2 bt t]
] 250x140
view/title center-face fen "Smart progress bar"
thank to jipé for his  implication
It's nice, but it's not really a style.
Is there an easy way to change the image in a title-group, *and* 
have the pane holding the text change accordingly ?
I can set the pane offset and the para origin manually .. perhaps 
needs an accessor function?
shad - here's another take on that progress bar :)
rebol []
stylize/master [
	agg-progress: box white "0%" with [
		pstart: pend: pfunc: none
		progress: 50
		oldprogress: 0
		update: does [
			if (self/progress <> self/oldprogress) [
				self/oldprogress: self/progress

    self/effect: compose/deep [draw [pen none fill-pen linear 0x0 0 (self/size/x) 
    25 1 1 red yellow cyan blue box 0x0 (as-pair self/size/x * (self/progress 
    / 100) self/size/y)]]
				self/text: join to-integer self/progress "%"
				show self
		append self/init [self/update]
	rate 25
	feel [
		engage: func [face action event][
			if action = 'time [
				if (face/progress <= 100) and (face/progress >= 0) [

     face/progress: to-decimal ((face/pfunc - face/pstart) * 100 / to-decimal 
     (face/pend - face/pstart))
view/title center-face layout/tight [

 agg-progress 250x11 font [size: 11 color: none shadow: none] with 
 [pstart: now/time/precise pend: pstart + 30 pfunc: does [return now/time/precise]]

 agg-progress 250x11 font [size: 11 color: none shadow: none] with 
 [pend: now/time/precise pstart: pend + 30 pfunc: does [return now/time/precise]]

 agg-progress 250x11 font [size: 11 color: none shadow: none] with 
 [pstart: 0 pend: 100 pfunc: does [random/seed now/precise return 
 random 100]]

 agg-progress 250x11 font [size: 11 color: none shadow: none] with 
 [rate: none progress: 50]
] "AGG progress bar"
stylize/master [
	agg-progress-pie: box white "0%" with [
		pstart: pend: pfunc: none
		progress: 50
		oldprogress: 0
		update: does [
			if (self/progress <> self/oldprogress) [
				self/oldprogress: self/progress

    self/effect: compose/deep [draw [pen none fill-pen conic (self/size 
    / 2) 0 (self/size/x / 2) 90 0.5 0.5 red yellow cyan blue arc (self/size 
    / 2) (self/size / 2) 0 (self/progress * 360 / 100) closed]]
				self/text: join to-integer self/progress "%"
				show self
		append self/init [self/update]
	rate 25
	feel [
		engage: func [face action event][
			if action = 'time [
				if (face/progress <= 100) and (face/progress >= 0) [

     face/progress: to-decimal ((face/pfunc - face/pstart) * 100 / to-decimal 
     (face/pend - face/pstart))
view/title center-face layout/tight [

 agg-progress-pie 100x100 font [size: 11 color: none shadow: none] 
 with [pstart: now/time/precise pend: pstart + 30 pfunc: does [return 

 agg-progress-pie 100x100 font [size: 11 color: none shadow: none] 
 with [pend: now/time/precise pstart: pend + 30 pfunc: does [return 
] "AGG progress pie"
oops.. didnt realise I still had the fill-pen scales set to 0.5 .. 
was testing effects.. :)
Is there a way to do menus in RebGUI?
There is no menu widget, and none planned AFAIK.
Just playing around with tab-panel. The tab highlighting isn't working 
correct. The text keeps underlined (orange) even if I select an other 
panel. When moving the mouse over other panels, the highlighting 
stays. Note: I use several nested tab-panels.
It only happens in the most nested tab-panel group. So if you nest 
three tab-panels with 4-5 entries you will see the effect.
min-size: This feature is only applied after the first try to resize 
the window. Than it's used, at startup time, the window has a "default" 
size. Whereever this size comes from.
table: if a column has the width of the sort arrow, it's no longer 
possible to change sorting order after clicking once.
tab-panel: will investigate
min-size: from the display users guide:

2.1.2 Min-Size

Specify a minimum OS window resize size.

display/min-size "Example" [
    text 80 blue "Some text" #W
    box 80x40 #WH
] 400x400


The min-size limit will only be enforced upon a window resize, and 
the size is inclusive of an OS specific number of border / title 
pixels. Also note that if any widgets are resizeable (#H and #W) 
and min-size has not been specified then RebGUI will assign a default 
value equal to the initial window size.

table: Already noted by Graham (arrow does not share label feel) 
- will add to list
min-size: Ok, RTFM. I did but not the whole paragraph ;-) But, is 
this the best way to handle it? IMO the startup size should be min-size.
table: Ok, thanks.
Graham - what RebGUI is your app based upon? It shows UI defects, 
which are way too much easily to get into - resizing destroys some 
parts of UI, table keyboard scrolling does not work - it moves hilight 
off of the screen, pop-up system is not fixed either, which is pretty 
annoying ...
Graham - btw - VID - Video Interface Dialect - shouldn't it be Visual 
instead of Video? :-)
Most of those issues are with RebGUI / View itself not Graham's application. 
Next release of RebGUI, which corrects a large number of outstanding 
issues, is waiting on the imminent release of View 1.3.2 (which among 
other things fixes the 'parent option).
Pekr, yes, I need to fix that.  Visual is correct.
As for the GUI issues, I am confident that Ashley and contributors 
will fix those issues and so I have released it as is.  I don't resize 
I am primarily interested in functionality at present.
Ashley - I know, that is why I posted reply in this group, to actually 
see the reaction of when next RebGUI release is planned, and what 
it will address :-)
Ashley, View 1.3.2? We are already at 1.3.61 or am I missing something?
Seems I have lost track of all the version numbering... just wondering.
erg  .... treeview – data structure should be simple & consistent 
with other widgets ... sub-blocks are the obvious way to go but I'll 
leave the implementation choices to you ;)
we discussed this point  at the treview begining  ...  we have  [[ 
widgets desc ] [  datas to apply to widgets ]] this struct allows 
dynamic datas changes and sortings with low cpu use. treeeview is 
over  code is tiny and all is there to add more dynamic widgets  
but as  we  want to make a grid widget i don't see the meaning of 
adding to treeview the capability to get edit fields  -> note: actual 
fields can be turned as editable on a certain  key + mouse shortcut 
instead of have a special editable widget. Last source are on  http://www.rebolfrance.info/articles/regui-cooking-widgs
Ashley my ask to see those widgets implemented in REbGUI retail as 
it is not to bother you on the contrary the return i get on those 
widget was pretty low... So i think adding them to  retail RebGUI 
 will allow all REGUI fans to see the code to learn some tricks and 
to propose some new things  or bug correcting  ^^ So my ask is more 
 to dynamise and  relaunch the RebGUI process than to be bad with 
you ^^
actually i'm fulltime dedicated to get a job so i'm not a lot around 
there anymore  but i stay tunned time to times and if you get major 
problems you can yeld me by mail etc...
shadwolf, it's easier for us to see them integrated into the rebgui 
distro to try them out.
Perhaps Ashley could include them and mark those not fully complete 
as such?
shadwolf, I'm having a bit of trouble integrating listview52. Copying 
the code and removing all "ctx-rebgui/widgets/" paths gives the following 

** Script Error: Invalid path value: edge
** Where: view
** Near: show face/pane/1/pane

which is odd as your code never explicitly refers to edge. As you 
are more familiar with the code, could you have a quick look at merging 
it into your copy of %rebgui-widgets.r (v 0.3.7) and upload the working 
How do I use the offset for a widget? Where to put it? I want to 
do the following:
wid1 50x50
wid2 50x50
wid3 50x50

and now I want to place the next widget right to wid1 and inline 
with wid1.
And wid4 has the heigth from wid1 to wid3.
tab-panel: Is it possible to specify a color for the tab text?