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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

Anyway, I might advise to replace FIRST with PICK.
eg.  it becomes:    if face = pick system/view/screen-face/pane 1
congratulation ashley very funnew  things ^^
- still - pop-up system non system friendly (not Rebgui issue, but 
rebol one's)

- I have some difficulcy with leds - If you would not provide me 
with text help, I would very hardly know, what those state means 
- I am not sure such style has place in standard pack ... or just 
- let it transparent for 'not-selected selection, green for 'on selection, 
red for 'off selection ...

- table - still you are able to scroll hilited row "under" the table 
style border - it should know it is at last displayed element and 
start scrolling, scrollers should reflect that. If there is no internal 
track of hilited row/cell, then it is not true grid system (I hope 

- bug with text-list multi selection - there seem to be bug in math 
... press shift, hold it, hilite e.g. 6 rows. Still hold it, press 
some two rows below, it let's hilited only first two rows ...
Ashley, there's still a problem with area fields.  If you start typing 
in the area field in tour.r at the top of the field, when you reach 
the end of the line, and the word wraps, the cursor drops to the 
end of the area field taking you away from the line you are typing.
Once try to fix that: http://polly.rebol.it/test/test/rebgui/.
and demo for field validation does not work at all ...
ie. Issue 48 is still open.
what do you mean "at all" ?
too many bugs at first try to bother to test it further ...
type exit to leave the field

 - you type exit, Exit, try enter, tab, nothing happens ... then you 
 try to delete what you wrote and somehow you can no longer see, what 
 you type ...
but that is something you should note playing with the demo for 10 
secs ;-)
exit allows you to defocus from that field
otherwise u can't leave that field
too many bugs at first try to bother to test it further

1) I have clearly indicated this is prototype functionality - constructive 
feedback on the design direction is most welcome

2) The only bug you have indicated is in the on-unfocus action of 
the last field - presumably you have verified that app-level on-focus 
and on-unfocus works (the 3 fields in the group-box) and that on-focus 
(the random number field) also works

LED's - these were originally coloured Red, Green and empty but a 
few people pointed out that these colors are not color-blind friendly. 
One option is to revert to the original color scheme but have the 
LEDs also change shape (red octogon, green circle, etc).

Area - functionality has been improved, not fixed. I'll reopen 48 
(not tested adequately) ... but the whole edit / feel thing needs 
a minor overhaul prior to 0.4.0 (some of the problems relate to View 
itself and these need to be isolated and RAMBO'ed).
complete version 0.38 can be grabed here http://shafwolf.free.fr/RebGUI-038-shad.zip
i put listview v 0.52 external in it and requestdir form DideC ^^
Ashley the problem with stoboscopic effect (blinking) when colors 
are both ligth one is the eye retina persistence ususlly  ppl use 
same color  in dark/light  like dark green  = off  light green = 
 on  ( and this is more friendly with  our over used eyes !!
can be medium grey = off and  what ever colo = on
ashley  my ten seconds solution for edge  problem with listview integration 
to rebgui rebgui-wigets.r file
keep the same code and simply  copy paste is after the context  ... 
( SORRY THAT DOESNT WORK ... i just try it  ...)
edge is said as invlaid path .... so thise  means  a  /edge is not 
good  and looking to rebgui widget code we found that  /edge is related 
to color/egde so i think the problem come from a prebuilded widget 
 onloading  this one have a problem or color/edge reference maybe 
try to dig this out please ashley...
hum i think  i found a track ...  in my code i over ride   colors 
internally to listview
i'm the best lol
that was the problem ashley  ^^
damn i  love late night debugging  your brain is so lazy that you 
 can keep a track of an idea
rebol says it from begining  edge is not a good path  why  ?  /edge 
doesn"t exist ? where does it supose to exist ?  -> colors ...  yea 
colors/edge that match with what  rebol says  !!!  do i have colors 
 set  as a block of value in my  code  ?  yes  to able ppl to choose 
modify  the background colors ...
of the table text content  ...
renaming colors internal to   listview  to colrs ^^
i merged it to  rebGUI 038 ^ ___ ^ -----> grab  it from http://shafwolf.free.fr/RebGUI-038-shad.zip
See DEmo listView  ^^
Is that all of the files, old with the new merged?
And it gives me a cannot-find-server anyway   >.<

REBGUI 0.38 Shadwolf version !!!

- FULL  retail files no need to merge them back  with previous REBUI 
- Didec-requestdir mini app 
- Listview as base object  
- Demo-listview.r shows how to use the listview widget.
lol nice... I plan on trying RebGUI for my next little project, but 
never downloaded it before...
yea rebgui is very very neat  it's growing in size but it's still 
pretty  cool  widget library . I recommand it to you as simple as 
Vid but mutch more sophisticated  ^^
field on-focus [system/view/caret: face/text true] on-unfocus [face/text 
= "Exit"]
fixes the exit-field-bug in action-demo
Somehow i dont like the names 'on-focus, 'on-unfocus. They feel loong 
somehow. how about

 field enter [system/view/caret: face/text true] exit [face/text = 
Not sure how on-focus works, ut returns a flag? Could it return the 
value for caret?
 field on-focus [face/text] on-unfocus [face/text = "Exit"]
What is the diference between on-unfocus and the usual action? can 
they be joined? WHat do i overlook?
The idea with the on-* naming is to clearly indicate an event. I 
toyed with using just focus / unfocus but these verbs could be confused 
with the functions of the same name. Likewise, 'enter could be confused 
with the 'return keyword and 'exit has the same issue with regards 
to both 'exit and 'quit. 'on-enter and 'on-exit are possibilities 

on-focus and on-unfocus return true or false so as you can handle 
failure. This scenario is more likely with on-unfocus where you would 
want to trap and handle a field validation failure for example.

The difference between on-unfocus and the usual action (both may 
be triggered by pressing enter for instance) is that on-unfocus enables 
you to interrupt the normal work-flow by aborting the unfocus and 
subsequent focus operation - something you could not [easily] do 
normally. Also, for many widgets the usual action and on-* actions 
may be different (e.g. pressing enter to initiate the default action 
may be quite different to pressing tab and leaving the field).

For those familiar with Oracle*Forms, and similar products, these 
new actions are like the pre-field and post-field triggers (with 
the app-level ones mapping to pre-form and post-form).

Good questions all, keep them coming.
Anton very nice script i have a firend that need this feature for 
one of his school project ^____^
firend = friend
Anton i like to see franch strings in your code ^___^
on-something is good, ashledy, go ahead with it ....
yes it's yet seen by most of w32 QT wXwindows GTK TCL/TK  coders 