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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

But I think the idea is a good one.
... but if at any point an update is known to break compatibility 
with a previous version...

   <-- this is difficult to know, to track accurately etc... it becomes 
   a new problem to be solved. I'm searching for a solution...
Maybe this is what  is wanted:
do http://www.lexicon.net/antonr/rebol/doc/distro-system-idea.r
And following is a caching idea I've been mulling over for a while. 
It could be used for applications in general.
(to understand the diagram, read the source alongside it.):
do http://www.lexicon.net/antonr/rebol/doc/freezing-public-cache-files.r
Is there already a concept for encapped images? tour uses currently 
filenames everywhere.
Here is a rebgui in a single file. Hope that works. Not fully sure 
because %tour.r needs the rebgui around it for images, so maybe touches 
source too. http://polly.rebol.it/test/test/mixlib/libs/rebgui/rebgui38-full.r
I have issues with rebGUI demo 38 password field - go to Grouping 
tab, enlarge the screen, go to Password field, and try type something 
- at some point, this field stops working as a password field, it 
simply shows your letters you type ...
who came up with 'Show-color, 'show-data etc names? That just sounds 
imo terrible, guys. At least here for non-englishman - kind of - 
show me a color, what color is my button of? Why not set/get?
where in ctx-rebgui can I find and set main window's effect facet? 
I want to have e.g. gradient background ... ctx-rebgui/colors/window 
is not sufficient for me ...
and - can I set certain window size using 'display? I can use /min-size 
/maximize .... what about adding /size /max-size? Or at least /size?
what about /offset for the window?
live from the net distro have been yet intented in projects like 
libskins written  Etienne Alaurent  the base concept was to  call 
the  distro url website install.r files if the  distro wasn't yet 
present on the harddrive .... this produce a probleme with  1.2.8+ 
rebol/view version as a public directory was created localy to the 
running script directory so u get as many distro of libskins installed 
 in ur harddrive that  u get scripts using lib skins....
i don't know if that's clear 1.2.8+ rebol/vie version create a public 
directory in the local directory where the script is launched and 
not using anymore the  global rebol/public directory.  libskin installaer 
was design to install all file in the global rebol/public directory. 
As this  system have been broken in  early betas  this produce to 
get as many install of libskins in local public directory that u 
have scripts running it. I fear an online distro system for rengui 
willl produce the same issue... and forcing us to install a rebgui 
version not once for all in rebol/public directory global but in 
local script directory ...
You have luck, you are wrong :) (afaik). Releases use a global directory. 
only betas do not, you would not want to mix release-code and alphas, 
for example loading rebcode in the release-cache.
I think you just need to check and set the value of VIEW-ROOT. Betas 
probably need to have this manually set to a sensible shared location.
Ashley, any progress on fixing the bugs in the editor ?  I'm having 
to wait till this is fixed before moving onto the current enhancements 
It's high on my list, hope to have a reworked solution by Xmas or 
new years day.
Has my patch problems? would be a few lines..
Your patch fixes the cursor jumping, but there's still problems with 
the slider.
in order to centralize and keep going on the RebGUI project it would 
be cool to get the plugin system fr rebol/view witch carl have yet 
talked about some years later (it as for  binary library extension 
to rebol) to make easier the  over the net deploiement of rebgui 
(what was the topic of our discution on live deployement) Some thing 
like this from the rebol coder point of view would be pertty cool:
SAmple rebol code to check and get for script official plugins:

 "a project that use rebGUI"


check-plugin rebgui ; do a test if the rebgui package is installed 
on the rebol/view local install -> if not download it and install 
i know that the purpose of rebGui is in fact to be a replacement 
system for vid ( but keeping based on VID..) so maybe it would be 
easier to replace vid faces by rebGUI faces once RebGUI ill be as 
good as we expect ( it's pretty good this is not a critic ..)
VID editing system is all not not natural ... the caret system is 
the most awfull thing i saw this far on rebol and that 's a pitty 
because it limitate so mutch inventivity (well in fact ... yes and 
not ...  i played a lot with caret sytem when i as working on MDP-GUI 
Some  hard things are relatively easy to make like flags insertion 
to born a sleected piece of text and some easy things are hard to 
do like keeping the selection on the selected text and not on the 
begin inserted flag ...)
VID editing system is all not not natural ... the caret system is 
the most awfull thing i saw this far on rebol and that 's a pitty 
because it limitate so mutch inventivity (well in fact ... yes and 
not ...  i played a lot with caret sytem when i as working on MDP-GUI 
Some  hard things are relatively easy to make like flags insertion 
to  enclose a sleected piece of text and some easy things are hard 
to do like keeping the selection on the selected text and not on 
the begin inserted flag ...)
1) Internet updating: I have a crude solution in mind that will remove 
the need for Zip downloading in 0.4.x.

2) caret: agreed, but note that the system is part of View itself 
not VID ... so very hard to change / improve (try to get it working 
with centered text for example)

3) How close to a working SVG renderer are we? ;) I'd really like 
to incorporate scaleable Icons, especially since the Tango links 
I posted previously have all their icons in dual PNG / SVG formats.
I'm looking for a chat client widget .. like a multi-line 3 column 
table.  Anyone planning anything like this?
Resizable as well.
Isn't that just a table then ?
tables only have one line I think.
Sorry, I wasn't referring to the actual RebGUI widget set, but implying 
that a general table widget should be able to handle any number of 
columns and rows. Such a widget would be used to do all the display 
work inside your chat client widget.
that may be outside the scope of what Ashley had in mind.
Ashley, what is your internet update idea ?
It is my thought that a widget named "table" does not implicitly 
communicate how many columns or rows it can support. Therefore it 
should handle any number of columns and rows. A table widget that 
has restrictions on these natural variables (which is perfectly ok 
for optimizing or keeping the implementation simple etc.) should 
be named accordingly, eg:
the rebgui table widget is not limited in this way.
You're right, I was just checking that !
1) Internet update: include a get-latest.r script that checks which 
individual scripts have been modified (based on timestamps) and downloads 
newer versions, and also handles script additions and deletions. 
Not very automatic, but I don't want it going to the internet everytime 
rebgui.r is run! ;)

2) A chat client widget is a superset of the table widget requiring 
(among other things):

	- control of individual cell font and background color
	- Support for multiple lines within a cell
	- Top, center, bottom alignment support

 - Cell call-back triggers (so if I click on this cell I can fire 
 that function, etc)
	- Probably a whole bunch of other stuff too

Mind you, reading this list makes me think that a chat widget is 
closer to the [yet to be done] grid widget than a table.
1) Please use checksums to check not timestamps. The later will fail 
to often.
you can look at Detective libraries .... there is whole system to 
do automatic incremental updating, signed  code, etc. - nice ....
3) How close to a working SVG renderer are we? ;) I'd really like 
to incorporate scaleable Icons, especially since the Tango links 
I posted previously have all their icons in dual PNG / SVG formats

So as SVG  master (yet again drunk ???? hum yes but that's last year 
night and first new year one so it's allowed to be hum lets say a 
little joyfull ) The answer is  easy SVG renderer is yet fully working 
as the matrix problem was internal to the VM and not to my code I 
simply need to disable the commented matrix line of code in my rendering 
engine and make the testing with the wonderfull, marvelous, extraordinary, 
free of bug version of REBOL/View 1.3.2 (?) The last issue is the 
gradient formating ...  and then we get a full 1 to 1  WYSIWYG svg 
rendering engine. This needs some testing too and some optimisation. 
You know me I seek first of all the full fonctionnality then i see 
if optimisations can be done to enhance the project (and in lucky 
rare cases my brain pop out a yet optimised solution but inspired 
by previous works like for listview widget wich was designed in an 
optimised way beacause of many inspiration projets were yet available 
 for this topic... )

For caret  system yes .... hum this remark was undirectly adressed 
to Carl we yet talked a lot on this topic on View Group last year 
 but it's good some time to recall previous unsolved discution and 
try to see if we can help Carl to change the design at least apporting 
to him some fresh ideas or only poping out why we found it really 
annoying based on our experiences and intents (like my mini ritch 
text editing widget using AGG to render the typed text  for example 
( see AGG group for code it's not long it's not fully working and 
it perfectly show as hard the handle of the caret position is!) .
For ppl interrested in  SVG rendering engine. My  tonight work  and 
 test on the engine   is resumed in the AGG topic. To resume before 
matrix bug as causing bad scale and bad position.  Now we have good 
position but still bad scale  i post screen cap samples and we can 
see that the evolution is good  betwin View 1.3.1 and 1.3.2
Robert, checksum is not as good as size and date because the file 
has to be downloaded to be sure of the checksum, *or* Ashley has 
to upload an index file containing all the checksums for all the 
distro files every time one of them changes.

I make that statement based on the assumption that it is a regular 
webserver and it doesn't have a way of returning only the checksum 
of a file.
However, it can be a good double check after the decision to download 
has already been made and the file downloaded.
I retract that last statement - it implies you know the checksum 
of the remote file.
Yes, but date/time is a no go. It assumes computer systems are in 
sync, and that time-zones are handled correctly. You know, red-icon 
anton, what is the problem with checksum? It depends on syncing strategy, 
but you have those files on both side (client, server) anyway. afaik, 
the problem with checksum could be its speed. But since we have open/seek, 
we could do checksumming defined,e.g. 3 parts of files, first xy 
bytes, last xy bytes and defined skip somewhere to the middle of 
the file ... dunno if it would work though :-)
date stamp is completly unreliable, especially with rebol. Red-icons 
problem was in detail described, it is in rambo, I tried several 
times to push for someone to at least look into it, but nothing happened 
some kind of checksum plus versioning should do the stuff. But maybe 
we should open Syncing channel for such talks ...
Decided to go with a simple manifest / checksum approach. Long term 
we really need something like Anton outlined previously (multi-level 
caching with the option to control it on an app by app basis). Anyway, 
have a try of this:

	do http://www.dobeash.com/files/rebgui/get-rebgui.r

but be aware that it writes its files to the *current* directory 
(as determined by 'what-dir) and replaces any "base" files with a 
differing checksum (so make a copy of any local changes you have 
made and want to keep).

I've also updated the issues log at: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html