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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

There's actually two copies of the dropdown on rebol.org dropdown.r 
and drop-down.r
drop-down.r should work with all versions, which did you download?
i downloaded dropdown.r
That's the problem then.  It is depreciated and replaced with drop-down.r 
and says so in the script header.  Eventually the Library will recognize 
this and automatically redirect you to the correct version of the 
script but for now...
oki it's fixed I just download it
the 0.0.5 version
it's good now I'm starting the adapatation
to rebgui
Interesting... Somehow I have a newer version number on the depreciated 
script...  I'll fix that...
You're "Installer" example script looks a lot like my Wizard.r style. 
 My Wizard style works alot like a tabpanel but includes a simple 
way to validate information before or after a particular pane is 
loaded and it automatically positions the navigation buttons, etc...
Is that something we'd like in RebGUI?
Ashley, on this page: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/display.html
 What does this mean? "Unless otherwise specified, text size reverts 
to 200x9999 if the string contains a newline."
it's hard to port the dropdown
Yes, I've been looking closer at display.r and finding that there 
are actually many things that are going to make it slightly difficult. 
 For example, my popup code use Insert-Event-Func which doesn't work 
with RebGUI...
yep layout
isn't usefull too
Vincent: 'list behavior & features - less is more at this stage, 
once we have something to look at we can refine it.

shadwolf: 'text+ removal. While a useful widget for certain domains 
(like WYSIWYG editors / browsers) it's not a basic building block 
widget. There were also some unresolved implementation issues with 
it at this stage - I'll add it back in at a later date as an optional 
or advanced widget.

shadwolf: multi-column list. An implementation model I liked was 
that adopted by Gui4Cli ( http://users.hol.gr/~dck/g4c/) which allows 
simple "table" representations (including column type and alignment 
definitions). Can't say I've come across that many UI's that use 
anything other than text / numbers in a standard list (thumbnails 
and scrolling check-box options are usually implemented in an app 
specific manner).

Ammon: 'display/popup. If it's sufficiently different from 'display/layout 
then I'm all for it.

Ammon: Wizard style. A wizard widget, if simple enough, would be 
a good addition. Like 'group-box and 'tab-panel it is a meta-widget 
that groups / uses other widgets. I'll make this distinction clearer 
in the next version of the docs. On a side note, my install example 
has convinced me of the need for an 'indent option (and the fact 
that use of 'offset should reset the line-height calculation).

Ammon: "Unless otherwise specified, text size reverts to 200x9999 
if the string contains a newline." I probably need to rephrase this, 
but what I was trying to say was that by default 'text is 9999x20 
which let's you write a string without having to know it's width 
in advance (9999 will auto-size it), *but* if the string contains 
a newline then it is the height that is the more important variable 
so it'll use 200x9999 instead. Of course it'll only do this if you 
don't provide an explicit size yourself (the "unless otherwise specified" 
bit). Hope that makes a bit more sense.
multi-column: It should have an auto-filter option like Excel. This 
is very handy to filter out records that meat common criterias without 
having to write queries.
Display/Popup is significantly different from /Layout.  /Display 
appends the face that is generated to System/View/Screen-face.  This 
makes it so that a popup can extend beyond the window of your application.
The only problem that I have building it is that we are killing the 
global event system which is what I've been using to make the popup 
disappear when you click away from it. ;~>
If the global event system is the best way of handling this, then 
we can always reinstate it (a pity though as nothing else has needed 
it yet).
You need to be able to catch all click events so that if the user 
clicks anywhere off of the popup you can hide it.
RebGUI starts to look nice. As it is still in its beginning, I would 
like to vote for area change. That is pretty uncommon that ctrl + 
del or ctrl + backspace deletes text, unless the text is hilighted 
imo ....
I tried adding the following to tour.r

#include %gui.r
#include %gfx-colors.r
#include %request-file.r
#include %display.r

and encapped,.. but it tried to excute %gui.r
I'm probably doing something wrong here, but I get an error when 
I try do %gui.r:

Script: "RebGUI system" (25-Mar-2005)
** Script Error: Word show is protected, cannot modify
** Where: context

** Near: set 'show func [face [object! block!]] [show* face recycle]
Sounds like you have protect-system on (usually a good idea)
and rebgui wants to reuse a system word (usually a bad idea).

unprotect 'show
to give rebgui permission to overwrite
Pekr: the edit feel is pretty basic at the moment (doesn't support 
highlighting or cut / paste). The Ctrl+BackSpace and Ctrl+Del are 
"delete to end" and "delete to beginning" respectively, which almost 
all editors support without the need for highlighting ... now the 
key mappings are another issue. ;)

Graham: You need to add the following to %tour.r:

	#include %gfx-colors.r
	#include %request-file.r
	#include %gui.r
	#include %widgets.r
	#include %display.r

and comment out the "do %gui.r" in %tour.r and the "do %widgets.r" 
and "do %display.r" lines in %gui.r. I'll make this less painful 
in the next release.

Brian: See Sunanda's response or just comment out the redefine of 
'show in %gui.r
Ashley - and that is the trouble - I know NO text editor, which acts 
like that - deleting something to the end simply by pressing ctrl 
+ del?
I can imagine my text deleted very easily that way ;-) .... but never 
mind ... we still have the time to change it ....
I used the key bindings from OpenOffice where Ctrl+BackSpace and 
Ctrl+Del are delete word left and right respectively. EmEditor uses 
Ctrl-D to delete to end of line ... don't know if there is a "standard" 
for these types of operations; but as you surmised it's pretty easy 
to change at this stage.
Do we want any undo support.
What's wrong here ?

display "Configuration" [
		group-box [ 
			data [

    text [ size 90 "Server (IP) " ] svr: field [ size 100x20 ]return
				text [ size 90 "Userid: " ] uid: field [ size 80x20 ] return

    text [ size 90 "Password: " ] pwd: field hide [ size 80x20 ] return

    text [ size 90 "Period (secs): " ] pd: field [ size 40x20 ] return

    text [ size 90  "Start Date: " ] dp: field [ size 80x20 ] return 
ahhhh.. doesn't like the "hide" for the field ...
No support for tab or cr to move from field to field yet?
I think I used to use Ctrl-Y to delete to end of line ( for something 
.. )
Thanks for the suggestion. RebGUI is really nice!
I 'm starting an intent to port to rebGUI an improved version of 
ctx-menu from cyphre :)
Ashley for table I have Clui 4GUI installed on my os so If I arrive 
rapidly to an efficient solution with ctx-menu I will start some 
work on the table ...
but first thing the adaptation of the Ctx-menu as all your actual 
widgets in it arre trully piece of art work I intent to do the same 
way with cyphre"s ctx-menu port to REBGUI :)
Thanks, looking forward to it! ;)
Oh wow, Graham, it can't be ctrl-Y. I am used to that being redo 
!! :) Let the editor key bindings begin. ... :-O
maybe really starting "skinning" of keybindings, and users can choose 
"windows-style" etc?
ctrl-y does, in MEMACS: paste, in ConTEXT: delete current line, etc.

we should only keep basic ones, like copy-paste (ctrl-x,ctrl-c,ctrl-v), 
selection (ctrl-a, (ctrl)-shift-left/right), and undo/redo (ctrl-z,ctrl-Z?).

it's better that having users deleting all text with a bad keypress.
A policy of "least harm" applies with regard to key combos of different 
editors which contradict each other in a destructive way.
RebGUI 0.1.6 (b) version that includes cyphre's ctx-menu is done 
;) Well it was added as it and as I'm less an artist than Ashley 
I let it functionnal as it was mainly designed by cyphre. I add a 
little trick and some code to it to make it more resemblant to a 
common menu and add the possibility to draw text starting from left... 
I hope Ashley or others could take some amount of their precious 
time to see it and enhance this very first implementation to make 
it even more in the mood of RebGUI
you can grab it from here http://shadwolf.free.fr/RebGUI-016-cyphremenu.zip
[unknown: 5]
that looks pretty sweet - like that installer example.
in this archive tour.r file countain the menu-bar new widget use 
description and the widgets.r file contains the declaration code 
for menu-bar
[unknown: 5]
I like the grouping.
yes it's a very cool widget library ;)