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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

looks modern enough, so it is rather new :-)
heh, Bobik is demotivated to use Rebgui because 1) text-list scroll 
under the horizont 2) area does not auto-scroll, when you hilite 
text by mouse. It is interensting, how various ppl feel about various 
is tooltip availalbe only to toolbar, or is it system-wide?
hmm, Cyphre reported that menu system demo is not working with 2.7.4 
... I tried that and got even different message "query has no value" 
that's the DO/LOAD bug

workaround is do read <url>
hmm, now I have the same error as Cyphre - "Cannot use path on none! 
value Near: demo: copy/part from system/script/header/version 5"
we can move the discussion to RAMBO group, if the bug is possible 
incompatibility or so problem with new version ...
tooltip: system wide
Run tour.r and let your mouse hover over the logo, a tooltip should 
appear. ;)
When you click in an area field, everything gets highlighted.  How 
about just putting the caret only?
I just noticed that in earlier builds you could use integers as values 
in a radio group.  Now you can't.  They have to be strings.
re: area hilight. Refer rebgui-edit.r

	;added AREA too according to Robert's request -Cyphre
	hilight-on-focus: [area edit-list field spinner]

 caret-on-focus: [area drop-list edit-list field grid password spinner]
	action-on-enter: [drop-list edit-list field password spinner]

All of these can be modified at runtime by reference to ctx-rebgui/edit/<block>/<word> 
... the bigger question is what constitutes a reasonable set of default 

re: radio-group. Robert's changes forced labels to be strings. I'm 
pretty comfortable with this change as label expects a string argument 
and a radio-group is a collection of labels. On the other hand, the 
reason I changed drop-list (to form all values) is that it is not 
reasonable to expect an arbitrary list of values to all be strings 
(e.g. a list of postcodes), and/or to expect the developer to maintain 
their string state. I'm open to counter arguments on this one though.
It would be really neat if you could turn your tour.r configuration 
window into a runtime reusable config screen.
I had someone else email me with that exact same thought today! They 
wanted the ability to load and save RebGUI preference settings. Something 
I need to think about if we want to support a basic level of "skinning".
I would just create a rebol object which can be loaded back in again.
Hopefully the format would be resistent to version changes.
How does one use the 'inside 'outside for the drop-list ?
Previously the drop-list dropped down, but now they are all opening 
upwards .. how does one control the direction?
Try this ... in tour.r click on one of the modal requesters.  The 
click on the main tabs.  The modal requester usually closes down 
for me.  That should not happen.  Then the modal requesters fail 
to open.
Confirmed with a new checkout from #49
Ashley, would it be difficult to support the use of 'with in the 
Not overly. What's the usage case you have in mind?
well, for instance, to set the mode for drop lists
otherwise, I have to set the mode inside a do block.
Just not as clean.
That's what the options block is for. drop-list and a few other widgets 
need to be enhanced to fully implement this.
Robert, you wrote: 

a: sql/flat "select * from"
insert clear table/data a

I still can't get this to work. Would you please put it into Ashley's 
example program in the right places so I can see how to use it?
I've been thinking about Jean-Francois' comment. A simple but complete 
working example of a RebGUI + SQLite database would really help us 
those of us that are not professionals. If I start a new group for 
this, and reduce my program to just a few fields to make it as simple 
as possible, would you guys help me get it working? and we will just 
leave it in the public domain.
My preferred approach, which I'm working on, is to write an "official" 
document on interfacing RebGUI with SQLite (or any other database 
that returns its results as a flat block of values (i.e. does not 
store rows in sub-blocks)). I've had quite a few people email me 
with such questions recently.
Added a RebGUI cookbook with sections on SQLite integration and SDK 
app creation: http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/cookbook.html
Graham: Do you take a look at the Trac documentation? There it's 
written how to use 'outside.
	my-drop-list/popup-mode: 'outside

The other feature is missing in the docs:

drop-list/droplist-mode - can be 'auto (default) 'upward, 'downward 
or 'middle to force way how the list is popped up
radio-group: The DATA block format has changed in our version. You 
now use:
	data [1 "text-1" 1 "text-2" 2 "text-3" 3]

The first INTEGER specifies the default value. All labels get IDs. 
This has the advantage, that you can resort the labels but the ID 
is still valid. And this feature you need if you store the selection 
of a radio-group in a database.
doesn't rg/selected give you the value of the label?
Yes, and you can use /picked as well.
It's  been time  since my last post here  i'm getting lot  of  work 
actually and  i'm  quite  busy ...
on frech  scene we are actually discussing  on the  best  way to 
do a  RTM (Ritch Text Mark) widget.
2 philosophy are  fighting
Me with the DRAW/AGG philosophy ( run faster allow to handle large 
kind  of documents  but  i really don't  know how to really handle 
the text cursor)  And  Coccinelle who represents the View phylosiphy
so as i'm  actually  stuck with the  text cursor full handling concept 
 Coccinelle use this  time to build a widget  based to view algorithm 
 and exploiting VID  cursor concept (T___T CRAPPY  cursor selection 
way  if that could be changed in rebol 3.0  i would be the happier 
man in the world ...)
anyway  here is the marco brand  new redering widget
of course unlike our  previous rendering projects  (MD-Viewer, MDP-GUI, 
MDP-BRowser) this little challenge and brain storming intent to treat 
input as well as output rendering.
Coccinelle's TDM Style http://www.ladyreb.org/wiki/doku.php?id=tmdstyle
Sahdwof' RTE -> http://shadwolf.free.fr/rte-evolution03.r
of  course  our  final goal is to offert to RebGUI  community the 
first true  heavy fashonned Richt text editing widget
Feel  free to retake  our code and  enhance  it  code  enhancement 
 can  be sent in the Rich Text  topic here
Choose  your technology  and make it  win   ^^
Just a precision, TDM Style use FACE capability to calculate the 
offset and the size of each items and also to for the caret <> offset 
mapping, but it use DRAW/AGG to display the result. Vectorial text 
is not supported. For this, we realy need the cursor managed by DRAW/AGG.
Impressive effort guys, and while it can enable things like WYSIWYG 
editors and HTML renderers it's not a priority for RebGUI inclusion 
at present. I'm comfortable waiting for an "official" solution in 
R3, but if folks need rich text *now* then they have at least two 
alternatives! ;)
Is there a way to visually select a row in the table widget *without* 
triggering the associated action?
Yes, table/select-row/no-action