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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

does [ hide [ abutton ]]

 also works for me. What REBOL version are you running? I'm on 
re: chevron. You'll also be glad to know that chevron will re-emerge 
as an option of arrow. The previous implementation didn't take advantage 
of AGG's new line-width command,and duplicated much of the code found 
in arrow anyway. I'm putting RebGUI on a diet and trying to remove 
some of the "fat" that has managed to creep in. ;)
I hope this step won't kill some of our extensions ;-)
Works now for me too! Bizarre.
Haven't figured out why tabbing is screwed though in my app. so going 
to use action blocks to direct tabbing as a work round.
I think it would be good to allow a spinner to activate the action 
Reproduced the earlier error .. some type of interaction with the 
Rebol editor.

>> change-dir %/e/rebgui4
== %/e/rebgui4/
>> editor %debug-rg.r
>> do %debug-rg.r
Script: "Untitled" (none)
Script: "Untitled" (none)

** Script Error: find expected series argument of type: series port 
** Where: switch

** Near: if all [view*/focal-face find view*/focal-face/options 'input-grid-item 
get in view*/focal-face/parent-face '

in the above I brought up the editor and then closed it again without 
doing any editing.
And to reproduce the error, I just clicked in the first field here 

do %rebgui.r

display "" [

 label "field has a focus action" a: field [ show-focus b ] return
	label "also has action" b: field [ print face/text ] return
	label "no action" c: field return
	spinner options [ 9:00 24:00 0:30] [ print face/text ] return
	button "Quit" [ unview/all halt ]

I've reproduced the tabbing issue .. but that appears to be from 
some of my own changes as it is not present in a latest checkout, 
but is present in the checkout I did manually.
Ok, found it.  If action-on-tab: [ field ], and the field action 
is show-focus as in the example above, then it tabs from a => c
Don't know why all my code that has {show [widget]} now fails with 
#55... but I can work round it by  ... wrapping a condition around 

if object? widget [ show [ widget ] ]
View version? Does "show widget" (without the block) work OK?
same as yours ...
has the evaluation changed somewhere ?
Didn't you make some changes to tab-panels regarding actions
different topic .. is it better to hide a button, or, to gray it 
out ?
if the latter, should a button have a grayed out effect where the 
actions are disabled ?
eg. disable button and enable button
Try button [info]
for what?
display "test" [
	button options [info]

to display a disabled button. Can't set that dynamically though.

Couldn't reproduce the editor error above, but the tabbing "error" 
is a sequence issue (it executes the show-focus then the tab).
If something as basic as "show widget" doen't work for you, then 
how does %tour.r work??? (It uses show all over the place)
what I saying is that before #55, all my code worked.  With #55, 
if I have code that does a show on a widget, it may fail
where the word assigned to that button is no longer recognized.
This is all encapped code.
make object! [
    code: 303
    type: 'script
    id: 'expect-arg
    arg1: 'show
    arg2: 'face
    arg3: [object! block!]
    near: [show copybtn]
    where: 'action
tp17: tab-panel 180x130 data [
            action [
                if lastpane = "txtareaSfld" [
                    show-text txtareafld copy txtareaSfld/text
                lastpane: copy "txtareafld"
                 ; if object? copybtn [ show copybtn ]
                 show copybtn
I just changed it now to demonstrate the error.
Is copybtn a hidden button that your action tries to make visible?
the button's visibility depends on which tab is showing.
Let me check to see what the initial state is ...
No, initial state is visible.
I presume the problem is with 'layout
some change in the latest build
the button is defined after the action, so 'display can't find it...
Can you reduce the problem to a small sample and post here? Layout 
hasn't been changed but the way in which tab-panel initializes has.
I'll try ..
been trying all morning !
what to do about the tabbing?
I'm going crazy .. what's wrong with this ?

display "" [ button "new window" 40 [ display "" [ text "helllo"]]] 
the button doesn't do anything
On another topic, I often find I need symbols such as those in a 
music player (stop, forward, fast-forward, etc) and in lieu of a 
cross platform "symbol" font I'm thinking that a symbol widget using 
AGG might be the go. Would work something like:

	display "test" [
		symbol data 'square
		symbol data 'arrow-right
		symbol data 'double-arrow-right
		symbol data 'circle
		symbol data 'circle options [no-fill]

so the two questions are; would this be useful, and if so what would 
constitute a good set of symbols and names?
what's wrong with this?
 display expects a unique title string. ;)
aww.. crap
Try this one ...

rebol []

do %rebgui.r

show-bug: does [
	display "test window" compose/deep [
	tab-panel 80x20 data [
		action [ hide e ]
		"1" [
		action [ show e ]
		"2" [
	e: button "Invisible"

display "Test"  [

 label "field has a focus action" a: field [ print face/text ] return
	label "also has action" b: field [ print face/text ] return
	label "no action" c: field return
	spinner options [ 9:00 24:00 0:30] [ print face/text ] return
	button "Display tab-panel" 40 [ show-bug ]
	button "Quit" [ unview/all halt ]

>> do %debug-rg.r
Script: "Untitled" (none)
Script: "Untitled" (none)
** Script Error: e has no value
** Where: action
** Near: hide e
Ah, the "problem" here is that the action associated with tab 1 is 
now firing when tab-panel is initialized, which occurs prior to e: 
button being created. I can add an option to tab-panel to prevent 
it from firing the tab 1 action (i.e. revert it's behaviour to previous). 
Or should the default behaviour be what it originally was with an 
option of firing the first action?
latter I think.
keep it safe.