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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

tabbed panels
use them all the time
As long as there is a glossary that let's you translate from familiar 
terms, I think you're OK using REBOL's native terms, though they 
were foreign to me when I started.

Window or dialog?

 Or Screen or Form or Layout. A Dialog is usually something other 
 than the main screen in an app. You sometimes need to use all those 
 terms if you're speaking in the domain of an application, so use 
 wha'ts appropriate in each context. 

Face or graphical object?

 Or Control or Widget. Tough call on this one. I was used to Control 
 from VB, and Face confused me as it could be a layout as well. I 
 like distringuishing between layouts and controls. Hmmm Maybe a hierarchical 

Facet, attribute, property or descriptor?

 I like either Attribute or Property. I can live with Facet in REBOL, 
 it's shorter, and it makes sennse if you think in terms like "let's 
 discuss this facet of the business". 

Style, widget or template?
	Style, definitely.
Styles (and Stylize) are also a user-friendly way to get massive 
code-reuse, as well as being the widgets... maybe widget-styles (I 
have seen people say VID-styles before) or something like that could 
describe subsets of styles in use...VID is a package of styles...(just 
some outloud thoughts)
bug: the last widget in a rebgui layout determine the width of the 
face - if the last widget is narrow, the window is narrow.

fix: in %display.r, you have to keep track of the maximum x value:

- near "xy: origin-size" you can initialize a 'max-width: "max-width: 

- in parse loop, just after xy update "xy/x: xy/x + last-face/size/x", 
you can update the 'max-width: "max-width: max max-width xy/x"

- after (outside) the parse, near where the y size is last updated 
"xy/y: xy/y + last-face/size/y", you can set the x size to be the 
'max-width: "xy/x: max-width"
(it fixes the "crash if 'return is the last word in specification" 
bug too)
for widgets, I would add a basic 'anim - it's just too easy to implement 
to miss it (ie. a looping anim widget) :
anim: make face [
	    image:  none
	    rate:   1
		edge:	none
		font:	none
		feel:	make feel [
			engage: func [face act event] [
			    if event/type = 'time [
			        face/image: first face/data

           face/data: either tail? next face/data [head face/data][next face/data]
				    show face
editlsit = droplist with a read-only mode in the field IMO
for droplist the edit field must have an auto completion according 
to entries in the dropped list
example you have paris, boston, new-york in the list you type "ne" 
it"s completed automatically by "new-york"
There is auto-fill on R-forces Rebsite.
a 'check with 'text in one face :
check: make face [
    edge: none
    data: false
    para: make para [origin: 14x0]
    effect: copy [draw [
        pen 96.96.96 fill-pen 255.255.255 box 0x0 12x12
        pen none line 0x7 5x12 11x0 line 0x6 6x12 12x0
    feel: make feel [
        redraw: func [face act pos][
            if act = 'show [

                face/effect/draw/9: either do face/data [255.0.0][none]
        engage: func [face act event][
            if event/type = 'down [
                face/data: not do face/data
                show face
check [
    text "a label"
    size 100x15
    data true
another bug (or more likely unfinished part): the last widget in 
a row determines the height of the row
sorry, didn't fully read the specification - it's the intended behaviour
Latest release, incorporating all the above changes, available at: 

Documentation also significantly expanded to include:

	- Latest REBOL/View facet observations
	- Glossary of terms
	- Licencing section
	- RebGUI Display User's Guide
	- RebGUI Widget Designer's Guide

Get it here: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/

My intention with RebGUI is to foster a community project that can 
deliver a credible alternative to VID, with my role being one of 
project leader / sponsor. The licence stuff is just to clarify my 
legal position and the rights of contributors and users. I'm looking 
at how to enable co-operative development (using IOS) but this can 
wait until the base design has stabilized. It's just too easy to 
fork efforts at this stage. All of this is still Alpha so if there 
is anything you disagree with (technical, documentation or legal) 
then please raise it here and I'll do my best to accommodate your 

I want this whole process to be as open as possible, but without 
the pitfalls of "design by committee" where nothing gets done! ;)

May be you can add to the 'effect definition that any effect can 
be used. Not only 'bezel, 'bevel and so on
AShley thantk you verry mutch for you effort ;)
I have monitored  the memory consumtion of test.r script and I have 
seen that every second betwin 4 to 8 ko are allocated maybe there 
is something to do to avoid this
I think it's related with event analyse
Hum after some tests that eratic memory consumtion apears to be related 
with the anim widget ... I put  it in  comment  then I have a stable 
mémory allocation.
othe widget that consums memory is the progresse widget
progress: make face [

  effect: copy [draw [pen blue fill-pen blue box 0x0 0x0]] ; is copy 
		data:	0
		font:	none
		para:	none
		feel:   make feel [
			redraw: func [face act pos] [
				if act = 'show [
					face/effect/draw/box: to pair! reduce [

      to integer! face/size/x * face/data: min 1 max 0 face/data face/size/y
this provoque the memory usage stabilisation it will block to the 
after the draw we '"clear" the memory using recycle
same for anim adding to the feel a recycle call after the show face 
will stabilize the memory usage
COPY is not needed, though it does not hurt.
Shadwolf, the memory used increases always more and more ?
agree, COPY not needed - just an habit when I modify blocks, but 
here I did it two times wrong:
- the 'draw sub-block is modified, so it should be copy/deep 
- no 'copy needed with 'make, who does copy/deep
Anton without recycle yes but with it it's stable
mmh, after disabling nearly all widgets, it seems that the events 
who eats memory:

even without 'progress, memory is consumed by 4-8ko steps. (just 
going over 'button eats memory)
for 'anim its more visible ('time events),

recycle in 'progress mean recycle at each 'show, so a recycle at 
window level could do the same.
it could be just 'show causing the 4/8ko memory usage.
in fact I think is allacation every time an allocation is done the 
yet existing data is not cleared we yet discus this point on french 
forum we we was working on free-mem fonction
for example: face/effect/draw/box: to pair! reduce [

      to integer! face/size/x * face/data: min 1 max 0 face/data face/size/y
but for anim, it's a simple assign
no allocation is done in 'anim
the yet existing data is still in memory at it's image you yet have 
the previous one some where in the memory stack  manage by REBOL 
anim: make face [
		edge:	none
		font:	none
		para:	none
		feel:	make feel [
			engage: func [face act event] [
				if event/type = 'time [
					face/image: first face/data

     face/data: either tail? next face/data [head face/data] [next face/data]
					show face
		rate:	1
face/image is just a pointer to an image in face/data
if you use this you will see the no more memory alloc
just comment the recyle and then the memory consumtion is back ...
so there is a direct like I think
with recycle in the anim feel I get 6776ko allocated
and it's stable without it there very mutch allocation before GC 
to be called
after some play on forwar/backward icon-button I get 7600 ko of allocated 
memory without  any recycle call ...
i think 'show use some memory, and don't recycle it
it would be bigger else, something like  n * image size
I tried with bigger images (400x400 instead of 40x40)
and only 16k more is allocated at each time
Vincent in anim: face/data: either tail? next face/data [head face/data] 
[next face/data]
this is strong data manypulation