World: r3wp
[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID
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GiuseppeC 14-Dec-2007 [7048] | I will be rich tanks to Rebol, I am sure ! |
Ashley 14-Dec-2007 [7049x2] | Uploaded build#105 with new vid widget which supports in-line VID styles: USAGE: vid 20x20 data [btn] vid data [btn 20x20] options [size] DESCRIPTION: A container for a VID style. OPTIONS: 'size use VID style size. |
So, to use list-view as an example, you can now write: do %list-view.r display "" [ area 60x40 vid 60x40 data [list-view with [data: [a b c]]] ] Magic, huh? | |
Steeve 14-Dec-2007 [7051x2] | why did u not use the layout keyword ? |
just a question | |
Ashley 14-Dec-2007 [7053] | vid is shorter, also layout is a verb and could cause confusion. The other word I was thinking of using was 'style ... which has the side benefit of suggesting "insert a single VID style here" (i.e. 'vid and 'layout encorage you to think in terms of a block of styles). Still open to opinion/suggestions on this one |
Henrik 15-Dec-2007 [7054] | LIST-VIEW uses the LAYOUT keyword to generate row faces at least for edit fields, possibly other places (don't have the source right here). Try adding: vid 60x40 data [list-view with [data: [a b c] editable?: true]] and double click to edit |
amacleod 15-Dec-2007 [7055] | Where do you find the latest version. I tried the website and rebol desktop demo but both are older versions |
Graham 15-Dec-2007 [7056x2] | use an svn client |
details are on Ashley's website on how to use an svn client to download the latest sources | |
Ashley 16-Dec-2007 [7058] | |
Kai 17-Dec-2007 [7059] | Ashley ~ contratry to what you state in the User Guide, multiple returns do not seem to work at all - can you confirm tthis? Anything I am missing? |
Ashley 17-Dec-2007 [7060] | Good spot, the documentation is incorrect. |
Robert 18-Dec-2007 [7061] | Or the code? |
Kai 18-Dec-2007 [7062] | Ashley - what is the method of choice to temporarily disable/re-enable input widgets (fields, drop-lists, checks) in code ? Disable as in: do not allow focus or content manipulation. |
Ashley 18-Dec-2007 [7063] | There isn't. These things are set when the widget is created. In the rare cases I've had to do this I just unview and redisplay ... not elegant but it works. |
Graham 18-Dec-2007 [7064x3] | I just put widgets I need to disable into a sep panel and just hide the whole panel |
or, just hide a set of widgets as needed | |
ghosting is not possible ... is it better? who knows | |
btiffin 18-Dec-2007 [7067] | Umm, re disable; Doesn't on-focus [false] do what Kaj wants here - kinda - mostly? The widget is still on screen but you can't click on or tab to it. |
Graham 18-Dec-2007 [7068] | I think it's preferable to have some type of visual clue that the behaviour has changed. |
btiffin 18-Dec-2007 [7069] | The code that determines true/false focus could also change the color perhaps. But on-focus does not write-protect the contents from code re the "content manipulation' part, so you'd need to write a modifier layer (and promise yourself to not use direct access ... ever) that also honoured the focus flag. Being me, I probably didn't think up and down the affect chain, but I use the on-focus for user entered key fields. Once set and verified ok you can't enter the field anymore (with the background color change). I played with on-unfocus locking but found the behaviour of getting stuck in a field as too irritating so that logic had to move to become an extra step in another func. Umm, not a dis or anything Ashley; on-unfocus is just one of those features I'd need a strong reason to include in a user interface - nice that it is there and all. :) |
Kai 19-Dec-2007 [7070x3] | Brian ~ do you have a snippet for me demonstrating how you do things? |
How can I determine the type of a widget (i.e. field vs button) in code? I don't see a 'kind or 'type attribute... | |
Oops - disregard that last one -just found it | |
Ashley 19-Dec-2007 [7073] | This code shows how to implement dynamic 'info for 'field and 'area: display "" [ a: field b: field button [ alter b/options 'info b/color: either find b/options 'info [ b/action: make b/action [ on-focus: make function! [face] [false] ] ctx-rebgui/colors/widget ][ b/action: make b/action [ on-focus: make function! [face] [true] ] ctx-rebgui/colors/edit ] show b ] ] |
Pekr 19-Dec-2007 [7074] | Ashley - any news on Robert's RebGUI enhancements integration? |
Kai 19-Dec-2007 [7075x2] | Is there a spot where I can store values I want to restore later - like user-data in VID? |
per widget that is... | |
Ashley 19-Dec-2007 [7077x2] | widget/init ... which is set to none! after the widget is displayed and is not referenced again. |
grid integration ... perhaps over Xmas; all depends how easy it is. | |
Kai 19-Dec-2007 [7079] | Ashley - thanks for the snippet. What would I use for buttons? Setting on-focus and on-click does not give usable results... |
Ashley 19-Dec-2007 [7080] | display "" [ a: button [print "a"] b: button [print "b"] button [ alter b/options 'info either find b/options 'info [ show b ][ b/feel/over b false 0x0 ] ] ] |
Kai 19-Dec-2007 [7081] | Thanks! |
Ashley 19-Dec-2007 [7082x3] | Uploaded build#106 with new set-state function: USAGE: SET-STATE face /info /edit DESCRIPTION: Toggle and show widget state. SET-STATE is a function value. ARGUMENTS: face -- (Type: object) REFINEMENTS: /info -- Exit if already info. /edit -- Exit if already edit. |
Used like this: display "" [ field f: field button [set-state f] ] | |
Only works with: area field edit-list button widgets at this time. | |
Kai 19-Dec-2007 [7085] | awesome - any ideas when drop-lists & checks will be supported? |
Ashley 20-Dec-2007 [7086] | Not soon. This is a hack to support common editable widgets, whereas a proper solution should support every widget that is editable *and* selectable (e.g. tab-panel, table, drop-list, check, radio-group, etc). It means adding 'info support to a lot of widgets that currently do not have it. |
Pekr 20-Dec-2007 [7087] | is there also tree-view part of Robert's submissions? I could need one in few weeks :-) |
Graham 20-Dec-2007 [7088] | There is already a working tree |
Kai 20-Dec-2007 [7089x2] | probe btn/color probe btn/size probe btn/text |
how come size & text return what i expect but color always returns none? | |
Ashley 20-Dec-2007 [7091] | btn/effect/draw |
Kai 20-Dec-2007 [7092] | Asley ~ where do I read up on what is what in that block? |
Ashley 21-Dec-2007 [7093x2] | |
Uploaded build#107 with new tree widget: USAGE: tree data ["Pets" ["Cat" "Dog"] "Numbers" [1 2 3]] DESCRIPTION: Values arranged in a collapsible hierarchy. OPTIONS: 'expand starts with all nodes expanded It's very basic, can only handle a couple hundred entries, and still has some UI quirks ... but it works and is only 3Kb. | |
Graham 21-Dec-2007 [7095] | Go Ashley ! :) |
Ashley 22-Dec-2007 [7096] | Uploaded build#108. 1) Fixed UI quirks with tree widget 2) Renamed vid widget to style 3) Added a new scroll-panel widget USAGE: scroll-panel data [calendar] scroll-panel data [field field] DESCRIPTION: A panel used to group widgets within a scrollable container. 4) Added a new sheet widget USAGE: sheet sheet options [size 3x3 width 2] sheet data [A1 1 A2 2 A3 "=A1 + A2"] DESCRIPTION: Simple spreadsheet, based on rebocalc.r, with formulas calculated left to right, top to bottom. A cell is either a scalar value, string, or a formula starting with "=". Scalar values are automatically right-justified, series values left-justified. Remember to put spaces between each item in a formula and use () where needed. OPTIONS: 'size specifies number of columns and rows 'width specifies cell width in relation to cell height 5) Updated %tour.r to incorporate examples of tree (List), scroll-panel (Grouping) and sheet (List) usage. Enjoy! |
Pekr 22-Dec-2007 [7097] | hehe, so cool. Will imediatelly find usage for tree-view. Now the grid and we have cool data manipulation capabilities .... :-) |
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