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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

display "" [ area 100x100 options [ info ] on-click [ print "You 
clicked me"]] do-events

- the area does not respond to the on-click action whereas

view layout [ info 40x40 [ print "You clicked me" ]] works fine in 
display "" [ button "Test2" [ display/parent "Test2" [ text "test2" 
button "close" [ unview/only face/parent-face ]]]

button "Test3" [ display/parent "test3" [ text "test3" button "close" 
[ unview/only face/parent-face ]]] button "Halt" [
unview/all ]] do-events
click on "test2" and then click on "test3".  Now close down the test2 
window and the test3 window also closes down.

Now click on the "test3" button ... nothing happens ... I guess it 
thinks that the test3 window is still open.
Did 2.7.6 break tooltips, or did I manage to screw up my program 
without noticing?
did you test tour.r ?
[unknown: 5]
Would be a cool RebGUI project: http://www.colorflip.com/
I've managed to screw up my program somehow :( hehe. Problem is I 
can't remember when the tips worked last time. Adding them dynamically, 
so it's not quite straight forward to debug
Ashley, you can amend your docs now the function keys which now work 
in Linux
Will do.
Is there an easy way to get two buttons in the bottom right corner 
without using "reverse"? Reverse messes up the tab-order :(
Idea: I'm not a big fan of menus, tabs etc. to switch through an 
application. Looking at all these new GUIs from Apple styles (when 
viewing photos where it's like a fan and the middle photo zoomed) 
or the piclens stuff I had the idea how to use this for an app.

How about having a way where I can see a miniatur screen of every 
data-form in a 2D grid moving in 3D space, where I can scroll left 
/ right to the right picture, click it and get the data-form?
I'm not sure if Rebol could handle this. But with this it would be 
very nice to navigate an app. Something like the slide sorter in 
Powerpoint but with more eye-candy.
Certainly possible (creating an image of a display is trivial), but 
how would it be used / specified in practice, and what would we call 
this new widget? Perhaps a grouping widget?

	fan data [
		display "A" [...]
		display "B" [...]
		display "C" [...]

which would create a series of clickable display icons ... click 
the icon and that display comes to the foreground. Is that sort of 
what we are talking about?
There seems to be a problem in 2.7.6 on WIn XP
start  rebvire them go to console
do %rebui.r
editor %some_file_not_yet_existing.r

; now hit Save as : concole returns and both console and editor are 
locked up

; REpeat without load of rebgui.r ; warning so such file and then 
Save As will save as that file no problem
start rebview ; take typing lessuns furst  if nead bea  or vist www.wordie.org 
more often ...  varve,or silt laminae in lake beds varying with ...
start rebview and goto console
do %rebgui.r
You can't use VID and Regbui easily together like that
editor is VID.
Ashley, yes exactly. I think users will be much better in remember 
a screen layout instead of where in a menu hierarchy you find an 
Ashley, what do you feel about adding a default windowless menu for 
on-alt-click for fields for copy/paste ?
something like 

    display "Edit Field" [
        margin 0x0

        at 0x0 button "Copy text" 20x6 green [unview/only face/parent-face 
        write clipboard:// f/text ]  

        at 0x6 button "Paste text" 20x6 green [unview/only face/parent-face 
        set-text f read clipboard:// f/text ] 

        at 0x12 button "Close" 20x5 gold [unview/only face/parent-face ] 
        do [face/options: [no-title no-border]]

but opening the window near where the mouse click occurs
is there an option to set editor to a func which is rebgui compatible? 
 i.e. a rebgui text editor ?
I tried once.  But it was more an exercise in linking RebGUI menu 
Find/Replace to area ... too many hacks to keep caret in synch, so 
instead of tarnish Dobeash with my lousy code ... I just didn't. 
  But a quick RebGUI display of an area isn't too hard to pull off, 
but you need to rely on the built in key handlers.  Sadly Find/Replace 
is not in the list, but you do get a spell checker 'for free'.  ;) 
  In Ashley's defence, it is not the design intent of RebGUI to be 
an editor.

I've not tried, but Anton has been pumping out a new editor ... may 
conflict less than  editor  dunno, but I kinda doubt it will work 
without the same types of problems.

Alternative is to use CALL and launch an external editor.
I think you might be able to use the editor within rebgui .. just 
not at the console like you did.
re: on-alt-click ... good idea, added to next build (using the choose 
function so the code is tight).
Ashley I can get the menu to popup by setting the action/on-alt-action 
in the field widget definition but how would one know where to pop 
the menu up?
Hmm.  Did something wrong .. my menu also appears on buttons with 
a RMB click.   So, I can change the text on buttons on the fly!  
Useful I guess
I started writing a simple file browser widget today. It's almost 
usable, but maybe someone else has already made such thing so I'm 
wasting my time?
there is a grid widget, where you can put any style inside. It was 
not updated to latest RebGUI API though ...
I'm using a table which seems to be working quite good. Just thought 
that someone might have done a better one :)
Graham, FYI the init patch to field for the on-alt-click functionality 

	init:	make function! [] [
		either find options 'info [
			feel: none
			all [color = colors/page color: colors/outline-light]
			unless get in action 'on-alt-click [
				action/on-alt-click: make function! [face] [

     switch choose face sizes/line * 4 face/offset ["Copy text" "Paste 
     text" "Close"] [
						"Copy text"		[write clipboard:// face/text]
						"Paste text"	[set-text face read clipboard://]

  para: make para [] ; avoid shared para object for scrollable input 

  all [negative? size/x size/x: 10000 size/x: 4 + first size-text self]
Not sure if 'choose works well with Rebgui.  What I am seeing is 
that if I release the RMB, the menu disappears, and if the field 
is close to the bottom of the container eg. group-box, then the menu 
appears inside the field.
with scroll bar and arrows.
Ashley, can we have a method that sets the slider and contents back 
to 0 for area and table ?
the problem is that if the slider is set to the bottom, and you refresh 
the text in an area widget, you won't necessarily see it until you 
drag the slider back to the top.  Same applies for table.
OTOH, it's often useful to redraw a table and keep the slider at 
the current position.
Currently the function key handler has to decide whether the shift/control 
keys are pressed and does appropriate actions.

How about instead make it a block, and the handler picks the first 
function if there are no other keys pressed, the second for shift, 
and the third for control, and the fourth for whatever?
I'm not 100% sure what Graham requests about the sliders, but it 
might be the same as a feature I wanted. I wrote alot of text to 
an area with a scroller, and I want to be able to remove text at 
the top and insert at the bottom - while keeping the horizontal scroller 
at the bottom (unless the user wants to scroll up ofcourse, in case 
the scroller should stay exactly where it is). In other words similar 
to a DOS prompt with some scrollback buffer.

Can't remeber exactly what problems I had with it, but it didn't 
work as intended :) Now I'm using a chat widget instead and it works 
pretty good. Not a bad feature to have though.
Johan, if you have a large amount of text, and the slider is set 
to the bottom, and then you set-text with a small amount of text, 
it doesn't show up until you physically scroll the slider up to the 
Any suggestions on how to "lock" an application while it is running? 
 Unview all the windows and bring up a requester?  Then restore all 
the active windows?
You need a requestor with the no-title option so they can't OS close 
the dialog .... that or a /close refinement to trap and ignore it. 
Have a look at the source for both request-progress and request-password.
Is it possible to display a modal window, without using dialog? My 
program gets screwed up if display calls do-events and disables tooltips, 
but I don't want users mucking about with the main window while another 
window is open.

And speaking of which.. Is disabled tooltips in dialogs a new feature? 
I suspect it's the reason my tooltips stopped working a while ago 
A modal window might interfere with the async events happening in 
the background.
Yes, a modal requestor halts all timer events that are occuring.
Hmm, but is there an easy way to disable/enable all interactive widgets 
in a particular window?
I'm also trying to find a way to hide/show a single window. Would 
work in my app too, but I haven't found out how yet though :)
More specifically it's the main window I'm trying to hide...
what I am doing is to unview the main window, and then when the user 
enters the correct password, just view/new main-window