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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

I think I solve the bug I test with lot of VM and it work
Nice work I see you have included a coloured line when resizing - 
seems to only work inside the column currently being resized.
Also, when you reduce the sizes of the columns and can see the right 
edge of column 5, you can't resize column5 - no resize bar.
- How about using a TINT effect for images in the selected line?

- Changing the state of the select box in column 2 isn't reflected 
in listview/picked output

- after starting regui-list I see gray column seperator lines. When 
I move the mouse over the line, it's highlighted in orange and than 
becomes black when moving the mouse away. Why not gray again?

- when making a column smaler I can see the virtual new edge (in 
orange) but when making the column wider this virtual new edge isn't 
shown. Looks to me like an order issue. The virtual line needs to 
be drawn last.

- If a line is selected and I sort by one column the selection isn't 
keept on the same entry. The selection is keept on the same entry 
number counted from the top. That's a strange behaviour. It should 
keep the selected line.
- How about scroll-wheel support?
BTW: It's a very nice widget so far :-)) Can I change the displayed 
data on the fly? For example, if I want to move lines up and down. 
How is this done?
Robert it's a splitter bug  :)
no I don't set the starting color
the splittet desapear because it"s on the same level as the column 
so it pas back the right columns when it's  dragged
what is a tint effect  ?
okay I understand
yes It can be done
I try to insert  a tint effect in the image widget but it does works 
I setup a allways shown system for the splitter it slow down the 
Robert:  for the moment there is no possibility to reorganise the 
data content ...
robert the problem you see with selected line and sort is because 
to speed the sorting process I change the widget field (text, data, 
image) content and so they conserv there index. What I need to do 
to not loose perf is to change the actual color seek the picked content 
and pass to the select-line function the new index ;)
Can't see the above bugs anymore, but I can't resize the last column
there's no gadget on the right of the last column.
no splitter gadget..
I solve the line selection issue
but the update-table process time was multiplicate by 2.5 ... passing 
from 0.31 to 0.125 seconds  ...
reference are set to text typed fields ...
graham I will fixe this right now :)
Graham Its corrected ;)
sorry ...
benchmark building table:0:00:00.14

** Script Error: find expected series argument of type: series port 
** Where: switch
** Near: find picked (buffer/:mark)
231 lines but I coded this very bladly ... well that's not so big 
if we see all the features it have in it ;)
solve this problem too ;)
i just uploaded the corrected version ;)
I thought I had yet corrected this problem :)
so now how do you found it ?
mutch better ?
there's an extra column that now appears
I must have clicked on that
it's normal line in windows ;)
le lastest column have no event handler ;)
nor its title button ;)
benchmark building table:0:00:00.14

** Script Error: find expected series argument of type: series port 
** Where: switch
** Near: find picked (buffer/:mark)
this bug was due to the none selected line when you claim an ordering 
without z selected line in it but It's corrected now
new version with better very  last column motion ;)
I rewoked the update-table when a line is picked algorythm no better 
performance ...
without a a line picked I get 0.047 seconds with a line selected 
I get 0.157 seconds ...
because of the use of find and select-line fonction :)
now the code search for the whole picked content  into trigerred 
 data/2 and not only for one thing ...
Before adding new function to the list widget I'm actually tryaing 
to improve de yet existing things in order to not have to work on 
it any more later. So I work on order symbolisation (thank you ashley 
for the inspiration) and on column resizing algorithm and visuability 