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[!Uniserve] Creating Uniserve processes

Exactly. You can also use the documentation from http://softinnov.org/rebol/uniserve.shtml
And for new features, have a look in Cheyenne's changelog.
Thanks a lot. I might have some questions while coding. I'm writting 
a SMS Send/Receive/Forward server & client.
Feel free to ask.
HTTPd service in UniServe is getting integrated with Cheyenne. There 
are some words & paths about Cheyenne which is not present when I 
use HTTPd without Cheyenne.
Same for task-master service. There is "uniserve/shared/server-ports" 
in "on-started" event. server-ports block is defined if we use Cheyenne. 

I made just a few extra control then able to run task-master service 
without Cheyenne. But couldn't run HTTPd
By the way, old HTTPd service (in 0.9.9 zip) runs well for HTML pages.
But gives following error when I request show.cgi file:
17/12-2:59:31.9210-[HTTPd] Method: GET - resource: /show.cgi
17/12-2:59:36.0930-[uniserve] New client: - 9799
17/12-2:59:36.0930-[uniserve] Calling >on-new-client<

17/12-2:59:36.0930-[uniserve] << Port: 1723, low-level writing: 896
17/12-2:59:36.1090-[uniserve] Calling >on-write-done<

17/12-2:59:36.1250-[uniserve] >> Port: 1723, low-level reading: 13

17/12-2:59:36.1250-[uniserve] Calling >on-received< with {^@^@^@^-}

17/12-2:59:36.1400-[uniserve] Calling >on-received< with "[ok none]"

17/12-2:59:36.1400-## Error in [uniserve] : On-received call failed 
with error: make object! [
    code: 303
    type: 'script
    id: 'expect-arg
    arg1: 'copy
    arg2: 'value
    arg3: [series! port! bitset!]
    near: [either "HTTP" = copy/part data]
    where: 'on-task-done
] !
17/12-2:59:36.1710-[uniserve] Port closed :
17/12-2:59:31.9210-[HTTPd] Method: GET - resource: /show.cgi
17/12-2:59:36.0930-[uniserve] New client: - 9799
17/12-2:59:36.0930-[uniserve] Calling >on-new-client<

17/12-2:59:36.0930-[uniserve] << Port: 1723, low-level writing: 896
17/12-2:59:36.1090-[uniserve] Calling >on-write-done<

17/12-2:59:36.1250-[uniserve] >> Port: 1723, low-level reading: 13

17/12-2:59:36.1250-[uniserve] Calling >on-received< with {^@^@^@^-}

17/12-2:59:36.1400-[uniserve] Calling >on-received< with "[ok none]"

17/12-2:59:36.1400-## Error in [uniserve] : On-received call failed 
with error: make object! [
    code: 303
    type: 'script
    id: 'expect-arg
    arg1: 'copy
    arg2: 'value
    arg3: [series! port! bitset!]
    near: [either "HTTP" = copy/part data]
    where: 'on-task-done
] !
17/12-2:59:36.1710-[uniserve] Port closed :
 is somehow none.
The error happens in on-task-done event function:

 on-task-done: func [data /local valid out value ctype body headers 
 s e][
		either "HTTP" = copy/part data 4 [  ;<<<<<<<<<<
			;--- Non Parsed Header output ---
			write-client data
			;--- Parsed Header output ---
			out: ctype: line: none
Problem solved. Thanks Doc.